View Full Version : Adepticon 2015 goes BIG!

05-27-2014, 04:02 PM
AdeptiCon 2015 Dates & New Venue! (http://www.adepticon.org/)


The winds of change are upon us, bringing AdeptiCon back in a BIG way for 2015. AdeptiCon will be held March 19th through the 22nd and will be moving to an all-new venue: the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center! With over 160,000 square feet of combined ballroom and convention space available for our event, the Renaissance looks to be AdeptiCon’s home for the foreseeable future! The AdeptiCon 2015 block is open and you can book your hotel room now!

AdeptiCon has grown consistently over the past twelve years, from the humble 110 person event in 2002, to the amazing 2,200 attendees AdeptiCon hosted in 2014. Over these twelve years, AdeptiCon has been held at four different venues. We have expanded from a handful of events to well over 180 tournaments, event games, and hobby seminars covering all aspects of the miniature war gaming hobby. Despite the continued growth and necessary expansion, we have made every effort to keep consistent focus on one major priority: to present to our attendees the highest quality war gaming event possible. This will remain our priority for 2015 and beyond.

So what can you expect for 2015? First, a lot more space! The kind of space that will allow AdeptiCon to expand its programming – the same kind of events, seminars, and tournaments that have made AdeptiCon one of the world’s preeminent war gaming events.

Looking to game for only a few hours at a time? Tourney events not really your thing? AdeptiCon 2015 is happy to announce that we are expanding our Event Game offerings and dedicating space to these stand-alone events all weekend long. The Event Game Area will be host to dozens of convention-style games that are sure to sport some amazing miniatures and terrain.

While it has, in the past, been difficult to find an open table for pick-up games or the invariable grudge-match, have no fear, for AdeptiCon 2015 will have a dedicated Open Gaming Area. These tables will be available all weekend long.

Hoping to find some space to sit down and do some painting with other like-minded hobbyists? Maybe you need to put those inevitable finishing touches on that last model before the tournament? AdeptiCon 2015 has you covered. A dedicated Hobby Area will be available all weekend for any painting or modelling you might be inclined to do.

AdeptiCon is expanding our extremely popular Sunday evening Board Game night… to run all weekend long! With dedicated space for board game play, a board games library to check out games from, and a wide slate of board game events, run by some of the most popular board game companies in the world, the Board Game Area will be a great addition to AdeptiCon 2015.

Bloggers, vbloggers, ‘casters, and podders get ready, because AdeptiCon 2015 is proud to offer you dedicated private recording space for all your social media needs.

Finally, we are looking at completely revamping our registration process to provide you with a better experience from start to finish. Look for event registration to open in early November.

AdeptiCon 2015 promises to be one of the best gaming and hobby events in the world. Building on a solid twelve-year history of success, AdeptiCon is ready to expand in 2015, providing attendees with even more options and possibilities. Stay tuned for continued updates and more information.

05-27-2014, 08:56 PM
I booked my room as soon as I saw the announcement lol

06-17-2014, 02:17 PM
I booked my room as soon as I saw the announcement lol

I see they allow cancellation without penalty? Did you receive any charges on your card when reserving or have any issues?
