View Full Version : Ok i have been play testing with 3 other freinds a mode with the misson cards

05-27-2014, 11:28 AM
Here are the rules 4 friends each player rolls a D6 each the 2 people who roll's the highest out the 4 are team 1 and the 2 lowest are team 2

Using standard deployment on page 149

The game has 3 objectives 1 in the center of each player team 1 and 1 in the center of each player team 2 and 1 in the middle of the map

Each Team takes 3 cards and place's them face down each player on that team takes 1 of those cards but can't give any indication to what they are to the other player on his team these are personal missions to say there command do not trust the army they are working with and using them to complete that mission this card can only be completed by the person who holds this card and will award that player vp stated on the card to his personal VP pool.

The last card can be viewed by the hole team this is a group objective and will award both players on that team the vp as informed on the card

At the end the there are two victory's one called MVP victory and team victory

Game Length

5 turns but roll a d6 and on a +5 continues and the following turn a +6 after that the game ends

Secondary Objective

First blood goes to the player personal VP pool
Slay the warlord goes to the players personal VP pool

This mode is still under play testing but that's how it looks so far so balance is still a issue but most importantly this teaches players your to work with what you got aka the random generated team player also to show that you can be the MVP on your team and improve your skills of team work.