View Full Version : Crucible of malediction and brotherhood of psykers.

Isaac Gutierrez
05-26-2014, 11:54 PM
How would this two interact?

The crucible is a dark eldar arcane item. It says that instead of shooting the homenuculus can chose to open it and every psiker within range (3d6") rolls a leadership test, if failed is removed from the game with no saves of any kind allowed. Is a one use item.

How would this work with brotherhood of psikers/sorcerers? Would every model make a ld test? Would it be one test for the unit? Does the whole unit needs to be in range or just one model? Do you remove one model or the whole unit if failed? Or just the models in range? Etc, etc.

I think this item rises a lot of questions, and being the psychic phase so controvertial now, I believe it should be adressed soon by the community.

05-27-2014, 12:01 AM
You remove one model. Was adressed in the FAQ.
Could change in this edition but I dont think it will as BoP always just removes one model.

05-27-2014, 12:16 AM
BoP very explicitly states it's just one model, so even if they tweak the way the Crucible works (they probably won't, there's no reason to as it still functions appropriately) it will hit one model.

Isaac Gutierrez
05-27-2014, 10:48 AM
Thanks a lot, I didn't know there was an explanation already.