View Full Version : 2000pt Raven Guard, Single Force Org, Battleforged

05-26-2014, 10:56 PM
Hey all! First time poster here!

I've been working on an idea for a Raven Guard Successors Chapter based army and could really use some opinions on it!

Chapter Master
-Bike, Storm Shield, ThunderHammer: 195

Ironclad Dreadnought
-Double Heavy Flamers, Drop Pod: 180

10 Tac Marines
-Melta Gun, Combi-Melta, Multi-Melta
-Rhino with Dozer Blade: 215

10 Tac Marines
-Melta Gun, Combi-Melta, Multi-Melta
-Rhino with Dozer Blade: 215

10 Tac Marines
-Grav Gun, Combi-Grav, Plasma Cannon
-Rhino with Dozer Blade: 225

10 Tac Marines
-Grav Gun, Combi-Grav, Plasma Cannon
-Rhino with Dozer Blade: 225

5 Bikes
- 2 Grav Guns, Melta Bombs
-1 Attack bike with Multi-Melta: 174

10 Assault Marines
-2 Flamers, Melta Bombs: 185

10 Assault Marines
-2 Flamers, Melta Bombs: 185

1 Thunderfire Cannon: 100

1 Thunderfire Cannon: 100

16 to 20 Units
11 to 13 Objective Secured Units
74 Models

Chapter Master goes with the bikes.
Plasma Cannon groups combat squad; the rest of the troops and assault marines split or stay together depending on the match up.
4 Rhinos scout forward with chapter tactics.

So 2 Plasma Cannons and 2 Thunderfury Cannons stay in the back to hold objectives and provide support; as well as taking advantage of scout moves after deploying.
The Rhinos use the chapter tactics to get right on top of the opponent early on; either using smoke or terrain+ first turn stealth to be annoying. Turn 2, all the marines are in shooting range.
The Dreadnought drops right into the enemy lines to support the Tac Squads.
The Bikes and Assault Marines move in close behind the Rhinos.
Outflanking is also an option for most units; depending on the match up.

Definitely going for an in-your-face play style here.

Think it could be competitive? Any advice on how to improve it?

05-31-2014, 07:03 PM
After taking some advice, I have made the following changes:

1 Chapter Master
-Power Fist, Jump Pack, Artificer, Stormshield

7 Vangaurd Veterans
-Melta Bombs, Sergeant with Power Axe and Storm Shield

1 Stormtalon Gunship

1 Stormtalon Gunship

1 Thunderfire Cannon

1 Thunderfire Cannon

1 Whirlwind

10 Tactical Marines
-Melta, Multimelta, Sergeant with combi melta, rhino with dozer blade

10 Tactical Marines
-Melta, Multimelta, Sergeant with combi melta, rhino with dozer blade

10 Tactical Marines
-Melta, Multimelta, Sergeant with combi melta, rhino with dozer blade

10 Tactical Marines
-Grav gun, Plasma Cannon, Sergeant with combi grav, rhino with dozer blade

10 Tactical Marines
-Grav gun, Plasma Cannon, Sergeant with combi grav, rhino with dozer blade

16 to 21 units
10 to 15 objective secured units
68 models
-Grav gun, Plasma Cannon, Sergeant with combi grav, rhino with dozer blade

06-01-2014, 12:17 PM
I like the list but if you're committing to the vanguard vets, give them some good toys. Otherwise they aren't worth the points, slapping like assault marines; you're paying for the price page to load them up with AP weapons and a couple storm shields, so do that or else downgrade to assault marines.

I will say that the original list with bikes and CM on a bike is a better use of points IMO.