View Full Version : coming out of retirement and now a new edition ;*(

05-26-2014, 04:08 PM
Anyway I retired due to the last tournament I played in. The game conjures a lot of arguments, and in my opinion if I'm playing a tournament I am playing to win. Unfortunately I didn't play in awhile before I entered and was hoping to play it by ear.

I was waiting on the new guard codex, so I can bring back my sister guard. Than I find out 7th edition was coming out.

Catching up to now I have to pick up the new guard codex and the new trilogy book. I'm going to wait a bit to see how the battle set will run like. I'm guessing orks and blood angels.

For me I have read the guard codex and was able to read some stuff on the 7th edition book. I will cover my feelings for future play, mainly getting feedback and just ranting.

1. I kinda like/ dislike the new book. On the plus side I always thought they should separate the sections into the different books. What I dislike is if I don't want the fluff I am still forced to buy it. I personally think the fluff can be handled in novels and not shoved down our throats. Personally I don't like the fluff and just like playing the game.

2. Allies. I noticed the new ally chart nerfed some armies like marines and Tau. While at the same time made grey knights battle brothers with a lot of armies. However I like the new chart since I can possibly bring back my guard/ sister/ grey knight army back. I have to double check, but it seems I can put my allies in vehicles. If so that means sisters in vendettas for example.

I am excited about the ally chart and want to see what I can do with it.

3. Not sure how the psychic powers work yet. I rather read it myself than take others opinions on it. However I read the powers though. Seems like misfortune had been nerfed and some biomancy powers are not as random. The one that cought my attention was the daemon powers. I asked myself why an army that have 3 ways of spawning daemons need a 4th and more reliable way to do so. At least we finally get conjugation powers instead of it being a description in 6th.

4. Vehicles have jumped to being destroyed on a 5-6 with ap 1-2 weapons. That changes things like considering taking a tech priest for example. I never thought of taking one for fixing vehicles since it really wasn't an issue. Now most weapons need a 6 to take out non open topped vehicles. That means lots of hull point damage done to most vehicles and a high chance of having your vehicle can't shoot. A tech priest can now actually make a difference in the game. Honestly they cost so much you can field another vehicle, but it is still a viable option.

That's what I am thinking so far. I am thinking 7th so far has made the game hopefully more argument free, but have added psychic cheese to the game. I expect to see more human and eldar ally armies. The new rule set can possibly make banshees usable since you can pit them in raiders.

After I read 7th all the way I'll have an ideal on what I'll field, so far it looks like guard/ sisters/ grey knights and tau and daemons. Which is basically what I used in 6th.