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View Full Version : Allying with the same codex

05-26-2014, 11:53 AM
After reading the new rulebook I'm kinda confused about battle-forged and combined arms detachments in terms of allying with the same codex, the question simply is can you ally with the same codex and if so, in what way.

For example I have a list idea of Imperial Fists, allied with Red Scorpions and Inquisition and I want to know if its legal or not :confused:

Throne Agent
05-26-2014, 11:58 AM
Rules as they are, you can take more than one Combined Arms Detachment in an army as long as they're from the same Faction, so you can "Ally" with yourself in a way, but Warhammer World has said that they are only using 1 Combined Arms Detachment per army in their events and I expect others will follow suit.

Basically, talk to your opponent before you play.

05-26-2014, 12:09 PM
So I would need to have 1 hq and 2 troops per marine detachment?

Throne Agent
05-26-2014, 12:12 PM
Yeah, it would have to be a legal Combined Arms Detachment, you'd assign one as your Primary Detachment, which would have your Warlord in, however, I wouldn't get too set on the idea, I think most gaming groups will try and limit using 2 Combined Arms Detachments, like they limited the old "Double Force Org" in 6th.

Doesn't the Space Marine Codex contain rules for Allying with other chapters though?

05-26-2014, 01:00 PM
Likely, it'll end up being one primary detachment and one secondary detachment (allies, formations, combined arms, whatever), and that's it. That's pretty reasonable. Allow more than that, and you might as well just drop the FOC altogether.

05-27-2014, 02:25 AM
Well the rules as they are at the moment state you can take as many detachments as you want (each one still requires 1 HQ and 2 Troops) in a combined arms list plus allies, so yes your list would be legal.

All Imperial armies come from the same faction and all armies can ally with themselves (So 'Nids can take multiple detachments or allies from their own single Codex).

It does open up some very interesting options, especially for 'Nids and Orks.

However without derailing this thread I have a question regarding multiple detachments of Ultramarines.

Let's say I take Marneus Calgar plus some marines as my Primary Detachment, with Tigurius.

I then take a secondary detachment (or allies) with Cato Sicarius, plus some marines and Chaplain Cassius.

Marneus Calgar is the Warlord.

They are Battle Brothers so can use each others special abilities but does that go for Chapter Traits as well?

Marneus Calgar allows his Ultras to use their Chapter Tactics twice, but is that only for his detatchment or for all the Ultras (Codex just says Ultramarines).

And do Sicarius, Tigurius and Calgar's abilities all stack?

05-27-2014, 09:49 AM
Well FAQs are up and confirm you can ally Space marines with Space marines, but they can't be from the same Chapter, so must have different Chapter Tactics.

Doesn't stop you doing multiple detachments though I guess.