View Full Version : Should I return to 40k?

05-25-2014, 12:34 PM
It is a difficult question indeed. And since I cant decide I ask for an advice. 7th edition came sooner than expected and I wonder if it is a good spin on the franchise or another step to turn Games Workshop into Toys Workshop. To understand why am I writing this or why I am in such a dilema, we have to ho back in time.

When did it all started? It was 2005 and I was a fresh member of local D&D group. We played at our DM's place and he had his little Blood Angels force on display. Later after the session we stayed there and talked for hours, browsing 4th edition rulebook and talking about the hobby. I took a few days to collect my thoughts and ideas and in the end i chose the Orks to be the army I want to collect.

In the next months and years I have saved every penny from either pocket money or holliday job to purchase 3rd edition book and some miniatures. (I still have that book by the way.)As the time passed I went deeper on both lore and rule aspect of the game. The game turned into 5th edition which pretty much helped me as Close Combat army. Even the new codex brought some nice and fresh (but not always good changes). I played most of my games under that ruleset, however... ...it all changed when 6th edition came. It basicly broke my game and turned it upside down. I never liked that orks are usualy the last to attack, but now you had to get there, chagre, survive overwatch, survive counterattack and then with that little remaining kill two models and get horribly slaughtered next round. And the fact that orks never had any usefull anti-tank equipment (my tankbustas charged landrider three times. And those 10 guys with "big bombs" were able to score only one glancing hit. If that is suposed to be "tank hunter" specialist unit, what else should I take to kill those things?). So I decide to put them on ice and try something else.

I have to say that it was not the only reason why I left. Another important part was the fanbase around it. 40k had too many powergamers back in the day. And I really hated non-sensical builds like razorspam which is rule-wise completely legal, but lore-wise absolute nonsence. Things like moving tanks by its side and then pivoting it around to gain extra inches is another nice example of powergaming.

I got to play Warmachine and Dystopian Wars in the mean time. It was a good time, but then I got hit by the news. The 6th edition that made me leave is gone, but.. ..it looks nothing really changed. For my force at least.

I still have the miniatures at home, but I wonder if it is worth the time, work and money to try to get back or just simply pack them up and sell them to someone else.

Is the next edition worth it or is it just waste of money, work and time? I will be glad for your opinion.

05-26-2014, 12:56 AM
Personally i say go back to it. It isa. Great game that has a great story to it. Also things did change in the rule book but you only notice it if you take time to read it. Its not gigantic changes its changes that needed to happen. My only issue is the demon summoning it should have been more limited. But for anyone who isn't chaos trying to summon demons your chance of dying is huge. Vehicles are a little harder to kill, combat based characters mop the floor on challenges and slaughter others too. Im lucky because i have a great community by me. yes we do have some power gamers but you can still beat t through tactics, dice, and now objective cards.

05-26-2014, 01:15 AM
Short answer. Yes

05-26-2014, 01:17 AM
I still have the miniatures at home, but I wonder if it is worth the time, work and money to try to get back or just simply pack them up and sell them to someone else.

If You have the miniatures go for it. the throw up a list of what you have in the tactics segment and people will be happy to give you a hand organizing it into something playable at a manageable points level.

edit: I'd add the caveat of try before you buy though, borrow the rulesbooks from a mate and give it a whirl first

05-26-2014, 01:18 AM
If these where the reasons why you quit, then its a waste of money.
Nothing has changed in this regard. Your issues remain the same.

05-26-2014, 01:37 AM
You say you quit because you didn't like 6th. 7th is basically 6.1 with a crazy new psychic phase. It's highly unlikely that the things you didn't like have changed. Now, you say you played Orks? They will be getting a new codex soon, so I would come back in a few months and ask again. But, no, the core edition probably isn't your cup of tea.

Also, apparently, kharn and vangrail didn't actually read their post and are projecting their opinions on to you. Not that it's a bad thing that they like 40k, just, it's not very helpful advice.

05-26-2014, 02:03 AM
So, here's the thing...

On the one hand, I agree with DarkLink that that the new edition is pretty much the old edition, but with some rules clarifications and a psychic phase. Unless the thing that bugged you about 6th were "my psykers aren't important enough to the way the battle goes" or any number of slightly unclear rules, then 7th hasn't really changed anything.

That said, I would like to speak to a tangential point - why you left in the first place.

I am very sympathetic about codices that don't quite work anymore. I started with Tau back in the latter days of 5th, when they hadn't seen a new codex in an entire edition. I eventually added Blood Angels and Sisters of Battle to my collection. I really don't know what's wrong with me - I guess I have a thing for underdogs.

But that said, my local community couldn't be more different from what you're describing, and that's what keeps me coming back for more. The rules may be wonky, but when Mike at Endgame announces that he's running another narrative campaign - where the missions are strung together into a coherent narrative of the forces of Chaos, Xenos alliances, and the Imperium struggling for dominance, where our warlords develop relationships and grudges form, and we play to win not just to satisfy our own egos, but also so as to not let down our team - I am among the first to sign up.

I think that the key to enjoying 40k right now is to try to foster that kind of community. I'm not excusing the fact that mechanically 40k isn't the game that it (apparently - like I said, I'm a relatively recent player) was. Theoretically, 40k could be a fun narrative game and also a coherent wargame. But it's only one of the two right now, and that can be plenty of fun... if you play with the right people.

Talk to the guys are your FLGS. Try to put something together. If there are aspects of the game that still call to you, it might be worth investigating what you can do to bring together like-minded wargamers and try to create something that will let you come back to the world of the Dark Millenium.

05-26-2014, 05:49 AM
My opinion: wait. Wait until all the Codicies have been updated to fit with the new 6th/7th rule set. Then pick and choose. Otherwise you might end up wasting your money.

Darren Richardson
05-26-2014, 06:42 AM
I agree with EP and Katheron's points...

If you have a FLGS or club nearby, take your army with you and ask for some learning games as you are getting back into the game, good clubs and gamers will help you learn the different rules that changed since you last played....

And if you decide you want to wait a short while, the new Ork codex is due out sometime next month if all the buzz is correct, then you can browse the book and make a decission then.

Whatever you do though, don't get rid of your figures, if shelf space is tight, a figure case doesn't take up as much room, it can fit under a bed nicely.

I have got rid of many figures over the years, classic undead (anyone remember the really old metal boxed chariot?), Advanced Heroquest skaven and men-at-arms from the Mighty Warriors mini game, Epic figures (I had lots of imperial, Orks and Eldar, not to mention Chaos, and all the boxed supplements!), Classic SM Scouts from the Ultramarines mini-game, RTB01 Marines, 2nd/3rd edition marines....

And I regret getting rid of ALL of it :(

Don't make the same mistake!

05-26-2014, 08:35 AM
I was in two minds but after reading this I've just decided to quit as well :)