View Full Version : 7th Ed Playtest

05-25-2014, 11:46 AM
I had a play test with a bunch of friends, where we each brought 500 points and split into two teams of three.
Eldar, Tyranids, and Dark Eldar versus Space Sharks, Black Templar, and Tempestus. There was a lot of learning to be done, since so e players were vets of 6th while others havent played since 5th.

We picked a Maelstrom of War mission, each had our own warlord, and drew 3 tactical objectives per team. Our 6 objectives were spread pretty evenly and there were lots of buildings on the table.

Between my Space Shark Librarian, and the Eldar Spiritseer, we had a few good opportunities for psychic powers. Eldar chose their own powers, I went with the new Pyromancy.

Space Sharks
-2 Tac squads (5) with Plasma Gun and Rhino
-Ironclad Dreadnought

Black Templar
-Master of the Forge
-2 Crusader Squad (5) with Razorback (Assault Cannon)
-Dreadnought with Assault Cannon

Militarum Tempestus
-Command Squad in Taurox
-2 Scion squad with Plasma Guns
-Scion squad with Volley Guns

-2 Wraithguard (5)

Dark Eldar
-Haemonculus w/Shattershard and Dark Gate
-Wracks (5) in Raider
-Wracks (5) in Venom
-Talos w/Splinter Pods and Liquifier Gun

-Tyranid Prime
-Tyranid Warriors (6) with Barbed Stranglers
-2 Tyranid Hormagaunts (15)

(The above are estimations. I'm not 100% on some of the lists)

So, we played through the game, drew our objectives, and had a blast. The funniest part? Both sides, under Battleforged, could be 100% legit lists entirely, thanks to the new ally rules and the hazy Battleforged rules.

The psychic phase went well enough. Eldar, of course, cast a lot of their buffs on those Wraithguard that made them nigh unkillable, so most of our firepower went to neutering the Tyranids and Dark Eldar. Early on, we got lucky and got tactical objectives that had us hold the points on our side of the board, which made for easy points. Later in the game, we got objectives that had us focusing fire on the Haemonculus to get a quick Warlord point, and one objective forced me to get super-aggressive with one of my Rhinos, zipping it well into the enemy deployment zone to score a point.

Pyromancy is definitely worth another look now. Being able to cast multiple spells in a turn means a Librarian with Pyromancy can unleash a lot of firepower against a unit, and by taking a ML2 Librarian and taking both powers from Pyromancy, I got the Primaris for free. Most of the powers are only one Warp Charge, so they're really easy to fire off. I used those powers to completely annihilate a squad of Wracks, and could still shoot at them with the Librarian's regular ranged weapon as well! That's a huge buff to Pyromancy.

The vehicle rules help a little bit, but when facing down a bunch of Wraithguard with their str 10 weapons, even an Ironclad just couldn't stand up to it. Both our dreadnoughts were slaughtered before they could do anything, which was mighty unfortunate.

Militarum Tempestus are quite threatening, but they honestly weren't putting out the firepower that I would have expected out of their volley guns. Still, I think the Tempestus and the Assault Cannon Razorbacks did most of the killing, with the Space Sharks providing a few extra pot-shots.

Going through the phases, double-checking the rules, making sure we were aware of all the changes was quite a challenge, and I'm sure we missed plenty of things, but overall, it seemed like there were fewer arguments, and the rules that we did interact with were nice and clear. The Psychic Phase is well-written, but you need to read all of it before jumping to any conclusions based on early paragraphs (but that's always been how GW has written their stuff). The new rules for shooting didn't come into play too much, since most things were entirely within range, and for Space Marines, it's really not very important when dealing mostly with Bolters and Plasma Guns that have the same range.

The one thing that will cause more arguments than anything else are the new terrain rules. Theyre super clunky, requiring that each individual model be obscured by 25% to recieve the cover from the terrain they're in. I've had arguments over large vehicles having that amount of cover when behind buildings, I can't imagine the arguments that will come about as a result of not having area terrain any more. My personal advice? Just dont bother with that nitpicky crap. Call it area terrain don't label every single piece thats on the table. It'll take too long, cause too many arguments, and generally not feel as fast or clean as it should. Maybe other people will feel differently, but I think this is where GW dropped the ball the hardest.

The rules for army-building are vague at first, but then you realize that you can take any combination of detachments in any number in a Battle-Forged army, and suddenly the only difference between Battle-Forged and Unbound is the requisit HQ and Troops tax that you have. Seriously. That's it. That said, I think we're going to see plenty of people sticking with Battle-Forged for a good while.

And the final thing I'll say is that I'm ager for the Ork Codex for one reason... the Rulebook says that other Codexes will have new types of Detachments, and the Ork Codex would be the first to showcase this, with their own detachments that have specific restrictions and command benefits. I'm really eager to see how they use that, since it could be a very, VERY easy way to introduce many more factions much easier and faster than by doing Supplements. If you take the 'Saim Hann' detachment, for example, Bikes move to Troop, but you don't get Objective Secured. If you take the 'Emperor's Children' detachment, Noise Marines are Troop without needing to take a Slaanesh Lord. If you take the 'Iron Warriors' Detachment, you get one less Fast Attack slot for one more Heavy Support slot. This is all speculation, but the Ork Codex will be the first to showcase this new idea...

Anyway. I'm feeling good about 7th after having a game, and I hope to play many more in the new edition!

05-25-2014, 02:03 PM
If you have a named leader who comes with a warlord trait unbound to me is the way to go due to you can't re-roll warlord trait's as they come with one :)

So for exsample of a fluffy army 480

Chief Librarian Tigurius
3 Librarians with ML 2 and Plasma Pistols

Think of it as his personal assistance

Or this one called the Impiral force for 495 points

Captain Lysander
Terminator Squad (6) take a cyclone missile launcher

05-25-2014, 10:17 PM
I always hated switching rules, it will be easier this time since I havent memorized the rules for 6th yet. I have to be careful on how negative I am about this new edition, I'm the guy with the board and all the terrain and if I moan to much I could see at least three people just walking away from the hobby. Do you guys find it difficult to keep players motivated lately?

05-25-2014, 10:42 PM
I always hated switching rules, it will be easier this time since I havent memorized the rules for 6th yet. I have to be careful on how negative I am about this new edition, I'm the guy with the board and all the terrain and if I moan to much I could see at least three people just walking away from the hobby. Do you guys find it difficult to keep players motivated lately?

Not really. In some ways, 7th ed was the impetus for a bunch of players to come out of the woodworks again.

As ever, some of the competitive types have moved to Warmahordes, but those guys tended to not be very fun opponents in 40k anyway.

05-25-2014, 10:59 PM
Yeah never thought of it like that. Rather than "hey your gonna want this this and this to win" it could be more like "remember that single monolith that's still in the box, get that sucker!" Super competitive types suck to play against anyways. It just seems to me like more people are quitting than getting in, but that could be due to age and mounting obligations elsewhere...

05-25-2014, 11:08 PM
Dude, DrBored, seriously, what's your problem with people who prefer to play the game a little differently than you? Grow up.

05-26-2014, 07:10 AM
Dude, DrBored, seriously, what's your problem with people who prefer to play the game a little differently than you? Grow up.


05-26-2014, 10:31 AM
Yeah never thought of it like that. Rather than "hey your gonna want this this and this to win" it could be more like "remember that single monolith that's still in the box, get that sucker!" Super competitive types suck to play against anyways. It just seems to me like more people are quitting than getting in, but that could be due to age and mounting obligations elsewhere...

It's a mixture of things. A buddy of mine explained it like this... when it comes to the Internet, people tend to 'fishbowl'. That is, they can't see what's outside the bowl, for better or for worse. It's easy for people like DarkLink to get on my case about ragging on WAAC, competitive players, but he's fishbowling. He doesn't see that at my FLGS, non-competitive play is thriving BECAUSE people aren't putting up with the WAAC gamers. My attitude is fostered by my local gaming group, and I've got more friends that want to play without being limited by 'having to take this, this, and this', that want to bust out their Monoliths and their Striking Scorpions and their Mutilators and their Whirlwinds.

With 7th edition, people where I live are feeling like they can do more with more, they can have more fun without being pressured by the fishbowl of the internet competitive scene. At my FLGS, warhammer 40k tournaments have incredibly low participation, but the rest of the week sees more casual play than any other game, except maybe Fantasy. The competitive players have moved to Warmahordes, and good riddance.

@Dark Link: I have my strong opinions, but where I live, I have a bunch of like-minded friends that want to play the same game as me. If you want to go play games with ultra-competitive Death-Star ridden abusive lists, feel free. That's not my style, and in my opinion, the fewer WAAC gamers in the community, the easier it will be to just sit down and play a fun game with lists that have flavor and fluff and thought and creativity, without worrying about what's super-effective or not.

If that's so wrong, just ignore me. It's not like anyone in this god-forsaken site ever manages to actually change anyone else's mind. It's just a bunch of people shouting at each other to make themselves feel important, just like you shouting at me, trying to change an opinion that wont change. Feel the futility yet?

05-26-2014, 01:14 PM
If you want to go play games with ultra-competitive Death-Star ridden abusive lists, feel free. That's not my style, and in my opinion, the fewer WAAC gamers in the community, the easier it will be to just sit down and play a fun game with lists that have flavor and fluff and thought and creativity, without worrying about what's super-effective or not.

I totally get that (btw, I'm not actually what you would probably call an ultra-competitive player. I go to tournaments, I take good lists, but I don't play the right lists to be ultra-competitive nor do I necessarily take the best possible list with the armies I do play). Just don't be a dick to other people about it, is what I'm saying.

If that's so wrong, just ignore me. It's not like anyone in this god-forsaken site ever manages to actually change anyone else's mind. It's just a bunch of people shouting at each other to make themselves feel important, just like you shouting at me, trying to change an opinion that wont change. Feel the futility yet?

Shouting is a strong word. Arguing over the internet is fun, but having a strongly stated opinion written in text doesn't convey the fact that I'm not exactly getting worked up over stuff, any more than I'm sure you do.

05-26-2014, 01:27 PM
I totally get that (btw, I'm not actually what you would probably call an ultra-competitive player. I go to tournaments, I take good lists, but I don't play the right lists to be ultra-competitive nor do I necessarily take the best possible list with the armies I do play). Just don't be a dick to other people about it, is what I'm saying.

Shouting is a strong word. Arguing over the internet is fun, but having a strongly stated opinion written in text doesn't convey the fact that I'm not exactly getting worked up over stuff, any more than I'm sure you do.

I understand. And even in the time that I posted the last post and this one, I've thought hard on what the 40k community means. I gotta tone this crap down.

05-26-2014, 03:16 PM
eh, if theres no grudges then theres no hurt. providing of course none of us cross the line

Lord Asterion
05-26-2014, 03:49 PM
Dude, DrBored, seriously, what's your problem with people who prefer to play the game a little differently than you? Grow up.

Same question to you?

05-26-2014, 06:19 PM
I understand. And even in the time that I posted the last post and this one, I've thought hard on what the 40k community means. I gotta tone this crap down.

Hey, no worries. As long as everyone's cool at the end of the day, no big deal.