View Full Version : Is it just me or is Shadow in the warp now useless as psychic defense in 7th

05-24-2014, 02:58 PM
I just read through the Psychic phase rules and it seems like the Tyranids took it a little in the shorts with the changes in the Psychic defense area, especially since leadership does not seem to effect Psychic tests now.

Da Gargoyle
05-25-2014, 02:10 AM
Tell me ! Tell me ! Tell me !!! What's changed in the psychic test that leadership does not effect them? Does this mean my Warlocks have a better chance of actually generating their psychic powers ? 7th Ed only came out on the shelves in Oz yesterday and it's $140 for the set. I have not had a chance to view it yet.

Patrick Boyle
05-25-2014, 09:52 AM
Tell me ! Tell me ! Tell me !!! What's changed in the psychic test that leadership does not effect them? Does this mean my Warlocks have a better chance of actually generating their psychic powers ? 7th Ed only came out on the shelves in Oz yesterday and it's $140 for the set. I have not had a chance to view it yet.

The psychic test is merely selecting how many dice you want to use for the attempt, then rolling. If you roll equal to or more 4+ results than the power's Warp charge count, the power manifests. Perils occurs if you get two or more 6's on this roll, so the more dice you use for a power the more likely perils is. Leadership comes in on the Perils of the warp table. There's 6 results, you roll a D6 to see which one you're dealing with. 2, 3, and 4 are just straight up take a wound with some additional bad stuff on 2 and 3. 1, 5 and 6 results involve a leadership check. On the 1 result, Passing is take a wound, failing is remove from play. On the 5, Passing is nothing happens, failing is take a wound. On the 6, passing gives you a buff(armor and fleshbane and smash), failing is take a wound.

So in short, yes, barring an FAQ, Shadows became significantly less effective as psyker defense unless your opponent rolls very poorly.

05-25-2014, 09:57 AM
Guys, chill. It's gonna get FAQed. I can't promise that GW will get to it promptly... but it's gonna get FAQed. There's no way they won't fix this.

05-25-2014, 10:36 AM
Guys, chill. It's gonna get FAQed. I can't promise that GW will get to it promptly... but it's gonna get FAQed. There's no way they won't fix this.
^^Cant tell if sarcasm or not.....^^

LOL, it wont get FAQ'd

Shadows is there basically for the reduced LD of the psyker when taking a test on the perils table. Oh and als,o the reduced LD is for ALL tests done by the psyker not just during the psychic phase.