View Full Version : An Unconventional Dark Eldar Scheme

01-12-2010, 02:37 PM

In starting my Dark Eldar I wanted to chose a colour scheme that was something different from the usual common dark midnight colours or the combination of black and red. As such I have chosen a scheme which primarily consists of black and white, with an accenting deep red. Now my question arises into how I could achieve such a scheme, in particular in concern towards the white which I want to look almost plastic like.

Here is an example of what I am aiming for in concern towards the white:
Now, what I need help with is figuring out what paints I should use to achieve this. From what I understand the white is started with an initial layer of Space Wolves Grey, and continually highlighted the the final almost white level after which it has been given a gloss varnish.

From using such a scheme in my Dark Eldar I am hoping to retain their menacing nature, whilst also representing them as the aliens that they are, with their own unique armour constructed from alien material.

01-13-2010, 04:16 AM
I would use bleached bone as your initial colour and run up from that. If you're worried about the final result looking too bone-like, start from the palest pure grey (astronomicon, I think?)

Running up from space wolf grey will give you the so-called 'cool' tones, with a bluish tint. While one is certainly able to use cool reds that will compliment this, I'm guessing you're after more a deep crimson red, so warmer tones. Running up from bleached bone or a neutral colour will compliment this more.

That's my two cents anyway. I'm looking forwards to seeing a fellow unusual toned kabal.