View Full Version : updating Limited Edition 6th Psy Cards to 7th edition

05-23-2014, 09:45 PM
I haven't seen anyone talking about this yet and since I have them I thought I'd throw this out to y'all. This isn't a task for the weak-hearted or those who like to keep their cards in pristine condition. GW Changed things up from reordering every Discipline to replacing powers that are ALSO out of order. Confused? look over the list and you'll get what I mean. ;)

Obviously you won't be able to "update" the Malefic, Sanctic or Force cards since they are new, but if you weren't planing on using those disciplines, then you are good to give this a try. I play Grey Knights so I'm still sitting good. :D

- Shift card ENDURANCE from third to fifth place in order and renumber
- PRIMARIS. SMITE = Change Range from 12" to 18"
- 1. IRON ARM = Change "D3" to "+3"
- 1. IRON ARM = Cross out "(roll once for both)"
- 1. IRON ARM = Replace "Eternal Warrior" with "Smash"
- 2. ENFEEBLE = Nothing
- 3. LIFE LEECH = change range from 12" to 18"
- 3. LIFE LEECH = add after the word Psyker ",or one friendly model within 6" of the psyker,"
- 4. WARP SPEED = Change "D3" to "+3"
- 5. ENDURANCE = Replace It Will No Die" with "Relentless"
- 5. ENDURANCE = add "(+4)" after "Feel No Pain"
- 6. HAEMORRHAGE = Change range from 12" to 18"
- 6. HAEMORRHAGE = Replace the "a Toughness test" in "The target must pass a" to "two separate Toughness tests"

- Shift card MISFORTUNE from third to fifth place in order and renumber
- PRIMARIS. PRESCIENCE = Change Warp Charge from "1" to "2"
- 1. FORBODING = Nothing
- 2. FOREWARNING = Nothing
- 3. PERFECT TIMING = Nothing
- 4. PRECOGNITION = Nothing
- 5. MISFORTUNE = Replace "the target unit must re-roll successful saving throws." with "all attacks that hit the target unit have the Rending special rule."
- 6. SCRIER'S GAZE = Change Warp Charge from "1" to "2"
- 6. SCRIER'S GAZE = Replace "you can roll three dice and choose the result you want" with "you can re-roll the dice"
- 6. SCRIER'S GAZE = Replace "mysterious terrain." with "when any of your units identifies a Mysterious Objective."
- 6. SCRIER'S GAZE = Add at the end "In addition, if the mission has the Tactical Objectives special rule, you can
immediately choose to discard one of your active Tactical Objectives and generate a new one."

- Shift card INFERNO from third to fifth place in order and renumber
- 1. FIERY FORM = cross out "+2 Strength"
- 1. FIERY FORM = Add at the end "Whilst the power is in effect, the psyker re-rolls failed To Wound rolls inflicted by
any further Pyromancy powers he manifests.
- 2. FIRE SHIELD = Put a period after "+4 cover save"
- 2. FIRE SHIELD = Cross out everything after the added period
- 2. FIRE SHIELD = Add at the end "All enemy units treat all terrain within 6" of the target as Dangerous Terrain (even
open ground).
- 3. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION = Replace "Wound with no armour or cover saves allowed." with "Strength 6 AP3 hit
with the Soul Blaze special rule."
- 3. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION = insert after "Ignores Cover" this "and Soul Blaze"
- 4. SUN BURST = Change range from 6" to 9"
- 4. SUN BURST = Cross out "Blind" and add "Soul Blaze"
- 5. INFERNO = Change Warp Charge from "1" to "2"
- 5. INFERNO = Change "Blast" to "Large Blast"
- 6. MOLTEN BEAM = Nothing

- Shift card GATE OF INFINITY from second to fourth place in order and renumber
- 1. CRUSH = Nothing
- 2. OBJURATION MECHANICUM = Replace "the target unit must re-roll To Hit and To Wound rolls of 6" with "all of the target's ranged weapons have the Gets Hot special rule."
- 3. SHOCKWAVE = Change Range 12" to 9"
- 3. SHOCKWAVE = Change Strength "3" to "4"
- 3. SHOCKWAVE = CHANGE Assault from "D6" to "2D6"
- 4. LEVITATION = Complete Card rewrite on top of GATE OF INFINITY card. Refer to new rule book for information.
- 5. TELEKINE DOME = Change Warp Charge from "1" to "2"
- 5. TELEKINE DOME = Cross out FULL TEXT and replace with "Telekine Dome is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, the Psyker, and all friendly models within 12" of the Psyker, have a 5+invulnerable save against shooting attacks.
- 6. PSYCHIC MAELSTROM = Cross out "VORTEX OF DOOM" and replace it with "PSYCHIC MAELSTROM"
- 6. PSYCHIC MAELSTROM = Change Type to "Assault 1, Barrage, Large Blast"
- 6. PSYCHIC MAELSTROM = Cross out text that follows the asterix (*)

- Shift card PUPPET MASTER from third to fourth place in order and renumber
- PRIMARIS. PSYCHIC SHRIEK = Change Range from 12" to 18"
- 1. DOMINATE = Add "manifest a psychic power," after "move,"
- 1. DOMINATE = Add at the end "A unit that fails this test when attempting to fire Overwatch does not fire any shots, but acts normally in the ensuing Fight sub-phase.
- 3. TERRIFY = Replace "receives no benefit from the Fearless special rule" with "has a -1 penalty to their Leadership"
- 3. TERRIFY = Cross out "immediately" and add at the end of the sentence "at the end of the Psychic phase"
- 4. SHROUDING = Complete Card rewrite on top of PUPPET MASTER card. Refer to new rule book for information.
- 5. INVISIBILITY = Cross out everything after "within 24"."
- 5. INVISIBILITY = Add "Whist the power is in effect, enemy units can only fire Snap Shots at the target unit and in close combat will only hit models in it on To Hit rolls of 6."
- 6. HALLUCINATION = replace "immediately" with "once this power has been successfully manifested"
- 6. HALLUCINATION = Replace all non-bolded, non-italicized text in "1-2" section with "The unit must take a Pinning test."
- 6. HALLUCINATION = Replace all non-bolded, non-italicized text in "3-4" section with "Whilst this power is in effect,all models in the unit suffer a -1 penalty to their Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Initiative and Attacks (to a minimum of 1)."
- 6. HALLUCINATION = Replace all non-bolded, non-italicized text in "5-6" section with "Randomly select one character in the target unit. That model suffers a single Strength 3 hit for every other model in the target unit. Cover saves cannot be taken against these hits, and can never be allocated to another character. If there are no character models in this unit, or if there are no other models apart from the character model, treat this result as It's So Beautiful! instead."


Da Gargoyle
05-25-2014, 02:53 AM
So basically what you are saying is I gotta buy the new card sets right? Or get back to my word doc and do em all again.