View Full Version : Lets build a Priory List

05-23-2014, 06:31 PM
Hey all.

So with 7th toning down the D-weapons to actual playable levels (YAY) we are going to see much more acceptance of escalation and stronghold assault (YAY, See balanced rules make it better for everyone)

With that in mind I want to build on a pretty cool concept, the idea of a "stronghold" list. Now there are plenty of armies that would be great for this theme, but I've always had a real thing for AS and as an army they could,

1) Use the help provided by fortifications
2) Suit the idea of a force that holds ground (particularly sacred ground)
3) And by investing a bit more in the fortifications it would help keep the cost of a small sisters force low given that they are horrendously expensive.

So with all this in mind I'm looking for thoughts on constructing a 1000 pts AS army that uses the Imperial Strongpoint fortification.

Currently Im looking at


Battle Sister Squad
Battle Sister Squad

Retributors: Heavy Bolters
Retributors: Heavy Bolters

Imperial Strongpoint
2x Bastions (Quad guns)
Aegis Defence Line (Quad gun)

That brings my total to 736 pts leaving me with 264 pts to bulk out the force.

Im thinking that boosting the battle sisters to 10 sister squads and grabbing them some special weapons is a good idea, but I would like your thoughts on what else the list should be looking at containing. If I did that and grabed the sisters a heavy flamer and flamer each I then have 115 pts to spend.

maybe adding a command squad would be good, they arent great on the field but this is very much a for funsies list so...

05-26-2014, 10:02 AM
There's a SoB player in our gaming group, who I've faced a fair amount so I feel sort of qualified to comment here.

You really need either to replace at least one quad gun with an Icarus, or add an Exorcist (or a couple of MultiMelta APCs which don't seem to fit your theme) otherwise you can't actually hurt AV14 vehicles without footslogging up to them (difficult in the case of Russes).

The Icarus is cheaper than the Quad gun so you might be able to squeeze an Exorcist and an Icarus into the 115 point (can't remember exactly how many points an Exorcist is), if not I'd certainly drop a couple of sisters to squeeze it in.

05-26-2014, 10:16 AM
Agreed with Cleon, you need a bit more heavy firepower if you can muster it.

However, don't forget that with 7th edition, Interceptor no longer allows you to make attacks on ground targets at full BS. So get yourself something that you can use to pop heavy armour or monstrous creatures.

05-26-2014, 10:44 AM
However, don't forget that with 7th edition, Interceptor no longer allows you to make attacks on ground targets at full BS.

Argh, I did not spot that. Certainly need an Exorcist or other gun platform then, Heavy bolters and snapfiring quads are going to need help v armour (and MC).

05-26-2014, 03:56 PM
what about dropping pts on a command squad with 3 multi-meltas? or is that too short ranged? I would really like to get a set of vengeance batteries in there but at a 1000pts I dont have the pts to go dual detatchments

05-26-2014, 05:04 PM
Sisters of Battle don't work well as stationary firebases. Most of their weaponry functions best at the 12-24" range so you need mobility or face the possibility your opponent could just sit outside of 36" and laugh at you.

That said, certainly looks like a fun list. I would recommend Priests. They make your squads fearless and can give good abilities in CC.