View Full Version : Ork army build questions

Lord Tothe
05-22-2014, 11:07 PM
Background: 1000-pt casual game vs. Nids. Will face Warriors, Biovores, and Genestealers for sure.

Proposed build:
HQ: 100 points. AOBR Warboss. Twin-linked shoota, klaw, bosspole. Assigned to Nob Squad.
Troops 1: 300 points. 10 Nobz w/ painboy. Cybork bodies, 1 shoota/rokkit kombi weapon, 1 WAAAAGH! banner.
Troops 2: 145 points. 20 Shoota Boyz, 2 Big Shootas, Nob w/ bosspole.
Elite 1: 225 points. 15 Lootas, 3 as meks w/ big shootas.
Heavy 1: 40 points. Killa Kan with big shoota
Heavy 2: 90 points. 3 Lobbas. Runtherd with Grot Prod.

So what should I do with the rest of my points? More boyz are always good. Deffkoptas are fun. Adding wargear to the Nob squad might help. Zzap guns are fun. Maybe I should hurry up and finish scratch-building the other kans I am working on.

Why the Nobz? Because I know a Boyz mob doesn't do so well vs. Warriors. Invuln saves and FNP plus better brawling seems more effective. And teh Warboss allows them as a troops choice anyway.

Why shoota boyz? Because more dakka might stop the genestealers from getting too close. Their initiative advantage is just vicious in melee.

Why Lootas? Why not? MORE DAKKA! I may use burna boyz instead though.

Why the Kan? Because I just built him from scratch, and want to run him in a game. Sue me.

Why the Lobbas? Because of those ******* Biovores.

05-23-2014, 06:46 AM
Burna boyz in a Battlewagon are always nice, give them a Mek with Burna and KFF for an extra flame template.

Why put Meks with big shootas in the lootas? your trading away deffgunz for big shootas.... less dakka! I personaly, like using two ten ork sized Loota squads, with no upgrades.

Lobbas will be nice, but i find Kannons are more annoying, they're missile launchers that have a 36" range.

If your crazy enough, try fitting in Zogwort or a weirdboy with warphead. Zogwort's Curse on a Warrior Prime (if he's an IC) would be hilarious (it is when used on demon's heralds...)

Dakkajets are always fun, lots-o-dakka!

Stormboyz with Zagstruk can offer a good CC unit, as they can assault after Deepstriking. You just loose some gitz(D3 stormboyz) on the way in.

Edit: almost forgot, Zogwort has 2+ poisoned attacks and generates D6 at I:4 each combat phase, these can help a ton against Nid's and MC's.

Dave Mcturk
05-23-2014, 06:54 AM
really wouldnt bother with bosspole in a 20 ork blob.
and i tend to find kombi-skorchas are the best weapon for nobz. think you nd at least one more fist in the nobz. if youre lootaz have the range you can probably trim the big shootas out too?

i like to stick my lootas in a very cheap battlewaggon - helps tp preserve them a bit longer - really not sure why you would take meks over lootas? that 12" range is a huge difference.

Lord Tothe
05-23-2014, 10:24 AM
I am taking meks because that's what I have. I think I'll be facing monstrous creatures though, so I may swap back to mega-blastas for more punch. I plan to buy another box of lootas and another box of boyz tomorrow, but that doesn't help me now.

No characters, so no Zogwort, no Snikrot. Snikrot and commandos would be a fun way to deal with his backfield, but that's just not happening. I could field a basic kommando scout squad though.

I may add more kombi-weapons and klaws to the Nob Mob.

Neither of us have the flyers rules, and I'm still converting my first dakkajet.

This Dave
05-23-2014, 12:09 PM
Meks with Big Shootas can be fun since they're characters half of the time when they hit it's a Precision Shot. Unless this changes in 7th edition.

Lord Tothe
05-23-2014, 07:11 PM
These aren't Big Meks as Independent Characters, they're just the optional addition to a Loota squad. I know for sure there will be something big, at least a Hive Tyrant, so I will use the kustom mega blastas for sure.

Dave Mcturk
05-24-2014, 12:58 PM
monsters hate tankbustas !

Lord Tothe
05-25-2014, 03:44 AM
Battle is fought. Nobs performed beautifully. Invuln and FNP saves were incredibly useful. Lootas were effective in whittling away the meatshields to make a path for the nobs to hit the tougher guys in melee. Lobbas were a bit lackluster, but they provided enough of a threat to keep the nids from concentrating their fire on my nobs and lootas. Zzap guns were a bit boring. Rolled boxcars but then missed my shots. Other rounds led to dealing a wound though, and kept his MC busy. Shoota Boys squad was good enough to keep the Warriors busy and whittle them down a bit until the nobs could sweep in. RIP... Killa Kan had a bad case of the asplodes.

All told, the shoota boys squad was annihilated and I lost a lot of gunner grots, but I didn't lose too many nobs or lootas.