View Full Version : Trade H: Eldar; W: Daemons, Grey Knights, Blood Angels... maybe cash. But mostly Daemons.

05-22-2014, 07:31 PM
I've got some Eldar that I want to get rid of. I'd like to trade them in for Daemons, specifically Daemons of Tzeentch. I would also be willing to take some Grey Knights (not a full army, but enough to ally in with my other Imperial forces... maybe), or models and bits usable with my Blood Angels. I guess I'd take cash as well.

Ironically, I bought these from a guy who was using the money to buy Daemons... I guess they're under a curse or something.

Anyway, here's what I got.

Act fast! I'll be posting on Bartertown soon, and you know how fast things can go when you post there (if you're lucky).

By the way, the prices all assume 50% off things in reasonably good condition, 75% of things that are unusually beat up, and I just kind of made up the prices of unique pieces (for example, conversions I made). I'm negotiable, of course.

1 Jetbike Farseer, Primed White ($25)
1 Foot Farseer & Warlocks, Primed Black, Farseer is base-coated Green ($16.50)
1 Jetbike Warlock ($25)
20 Dire Avengers w/2 Exarchs, Primed Black and White, some light breakage ($70)
10 Guardians, painted in Il-Kaithe Colors ($36)
10 Warp Spiders w/1 Exarch, painted in aspect colors ($82.50)
6 Guardian Jetbikes Primed White ($40)
5 Shining Spears, 1 Exarch, Primed White, some light breakage, but all bits are present ($40.25)
5 Metal Wraithguard, Primed Black ($25)
10 Metal Striking Scorpions, Primed Black ($25.60)
7 Fire Dragons w/Exarch, Primed Black ($30.60)
10 Metal Pathfinders, Primed Black ($33)
3 Waveserpants, Primed White, magnetized turrets ($66.75)
1 Falcon, Primed White, magnetized turret ($24.75)
3 War Walkers, assembled but unprimed, the models came to me quite damaged, and the fix job isn't completed yet and they still need some greenstuffing ($18.75)
I also have a large zip-lock bag of assorted bits, which I will give away for free to anyone who takes the lot off my hands.

The total price of the lot is about $560.