View Full Version : Which Resin Bases to use? Death Guard Pre Heresy Army

05-22-2014, 08:39 AM
i want to do all resin bases on my Pre Heresy Death Guard army that just shipped from FW, but I'm not seeing any that would fit in well with background/fluff of the Death Guard. I want something that illustrates the harsh and horrid conditions of the battlefields the XIVth often fought on.

i was looking at Secret Weapon Minatures specifically. [URL="http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=79_30"]

05-22-2014, 09:28 AM
I make my own bases. GW sells basing kits (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Painting-Modelling?N=102355+4294966596&Nu=product.repositoryId&qty=12&sorting=phl), and I'll sometimes throw in another vendor's skull bits (http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=230). I'll usually embed these elements in some form of epoxy clay (http://www.amazon.com/Magic-Sculpt-Lb-Epoxy-Clay/dp/B003AL71FI) over a standard small, medium or large base. Sometimes (often, actually) I'll cut the level surface out of the base so I can recess the terrain features ... prevents creating a base that pushes the model head and shoulders above intervening terrain.

05-22-2014, 01:40 PM
For Secret Weapon Bases, it really depends on if you want to portray the DG as in the typical environment they fought in or the Isstvan Massacre. For their typical environment, I would go with Ancient Sands or Desert Basin (maybe Blasted Waterlands) painted in funky colors. For the Isstvan Massacre, I would go with Urban Rubble or Urban Streets.

05-22-2014, 03:41 PM
For Secret Weapon Bases, it really depends on if you want to portray the DG as in the typical environment they fought in or the Isstvan Massacre. For their typical environment, I would go with Ancient Sands or Desert Basin (maybe Blasted Waterlands) painted in funky colors. For the Isstvan Massacre, I would go with Urban Rubble or Urban Streets.
I would go for whatever the bases are that are designed for marshes and bogs (probably the blasted waterlands you have just mentioned) and paint them up to represent toxic bogs and industrial chemical overflow. The Death Guard are basically the Legionnes Astartes HAZOP troopers after-all.

05-23-2014, 05:28 AM
i actually thought of this last night. would look great when playing the campaign.