View Full Version : Do I Do Daemons?

05-19-2014, 06:35 PM
So, I've been disappointed to discover that if you like to summon stuff, the deck is seriously stacked against you if you don't play Daemons (as in, any double gives you Perils, not just double sixes). I've already decided that sooner or later I'm probably going to acquire a few boxes of Grey Knights to hang out with my Terminator inquisitor... but what about Daemons? I've got a couple of xenos armies I don't play with much anymore, and I could conceivably trade my Tau or Eldar for a pretty tidy little Daemon army.

So, what do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? Sell me on or off it (heck, make me an offer if you're interested... that might do the trick...). Most importantly, apart from the idea of getting to summon more units to the table, I don't really know what Daemons play like. Can anyone clue me in?

05-19-2014, 06:49 PM
want to summon?

With the only word on perils being that a 2 wound psyker is likely to survive it at least once: From WD.

I figure that for the most part perils will largely stay the same at suffer a wound.

as such my daemonologist is going to be a ML3 4W IWND sorcerer, Who gives a crap if I suffer a wound or two

05-19-2014, 06:54 PM
want to summon?

With the only word on perils being that a 2 wound psyker is likely to survive it at least once: From WD.

I figure that for the most part perils will largely stay the same at suffer a wound.

as such my daemonologist is going to be a ML3 4W IWND sorcerer, Who gives a crap if I suffer a wound or two

Ah, yes, but... It Will Not Die is a bit harder to come by on Blood Angels 'dex librarians, and they only have two wounds! So you see that if I really want to take advantage of the new psychic discipline, I need to consider a new army.

05-19-2014, 06:57 PM
Ah, yes, but... It Will Not Die is a bit harder to come by on Blood Angels 'dex librarians, and they only have two wounds! So you see that if I really want to take advantage of the new psychic discipline, I need to consider a new army.

roll a chaos army?

05-19-2014, 06:59 PM
roll a chaos army?

Eh. I've already got two power armor armies (Knights of Blood and a small contingent of Sisters of Battle). If I wanted to own another 3+ army, I'd have kept my Exorcists or gone ahead with my plans to strip 'em and turn 'em into Sons of Medusa.

05-19-2014, 07:12 PM
well, even for daemons your going to be throwing 5-6 dice at those summoning spells so they are hardly reliable. Hell it could be that biomancy and the others are new and fancy enough that you ask yourself why bother.

so I'd wait before selling anything and even then, I dunno if daemonology is all its cracked up to be, I'm excited, but I've always wanted to run a summoning style list in 40k (ill probably be running my zombies as plague bearers)

05-19-2014, 07:15 PM
well, even for daemons your going to be throwing 5-6 dice at those summoning spells so they are hardly reliable. Hell it could be that biomancy and the others are new and fancy enough that you ask yourself why bother.

so I'd wait before selling anything and even then, I dunno if daemonology is all its cracked up to be, I'm excited, but I've always wanted to run a summoning style list in 40k (ill probably be running my zombies as plague bearers)

Well, yeah. Of course. I'll wait and see before I do anything irreparable.

05-19-2014, 07:34 PM
Wait for the rules. Look before you leap. My personal opinion is this is all a tempest in a teapot and that summoning additional units is going to be unreliable and not much of a factor in the average game. Unless you can suddenly assault the turn you are summoned in, units brought in via this power are always going to be a turn behind the eight ball, much like all reserves tend to be. Unless you get the spell off early, it isn't likely to help you at all. My own view is it is just one more idiotic move toward making the game as random as possible, Candyland for adults.

Captain Bubonicus
05-19-2014, 08:22 PM
I'm excited, but I've always wanted to run a summoning style list in 40k (ill probably be running my zombies as plague bearers)

Yeah, there's always "counts-as." 3rd party zombie models are cheap, and I sure wouldn't complain if you subbed 'em for Plaguebearers.

White Tiger88
05-19-2014, 08:45 PM
So, I've been disappointed to discover that if you like to summon stuff, the deck is seriously stacked against you if you don't play Daemons (as in, any double gives you Perils, not just double sixes). I've already decided that sooner or later I'm probably going to acquire a few boxes of Grey Knights to hang out with my Terminator inquisitor... but what about Daemons? I've got a couple of xenos armies I don't play with much anymore, and I could conceivably trade my Tau or Eldar for a pretty tidy little Daemon army.

So, what do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? Sell me on or off it (heck, make me an offer if you're interested... that might do the trick...). Most importantly, apart from the idea of getting to summon more units to the table, I don't really know what Daemons play like. Can anyone clue me in?

So...want to buy my Demons then? I want my 30k Alpha Legion to build D: (Then pay someone its value to paint pretty much.....)

Also my buddy found a funny way to turn your 2k demon army into a 4k list in just 3 or 4 turns!!!

05-20-2014, 08:11 AM
I'd argue caution and to wait for the book to come out and you can read all the rules surrounding the summonings. If you can assault off the Summoning, Bloodletters and Daemonettes might be pretty nasty, Horrors will be insane with summon + shooting. However, (imo) Khorne would be awesome to summon. Have a World Eaters army with "Captured and Tortured" psykers that are there to sacrifice to summon Khorne daemons. To me that sounds cool and gives options for conversions/customized models, as well as a way to add psyker models in a Khorne themed army.

05-20-2014, 08:33 AM
Just because a 2 wounds psyker might survive a perils, it doesn't turn it into "not that big a deal". If perils are similar to miscasts you may very well lose d6 warpcharge or blow up your own unit.

05-20-2014, 09:29 AM
So...want to buy my Demons then? I want my 30k Alpha Legion to build D: (Then pay someone its value to paint pretty much.....)

Also my buddy found a funny way to turn your 2k demon army into a 4k list in just 3 or 4 turns!!!

Heh... I'll let you know. I'd rather trade one of my less-wanted armies, but if I end up selling it instead, perhaps I'll turn around and buy from you.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-20-2014, 02:27 PM
I have my no longer wanted Cthulhu Daemons. :p

05-20-2014, 02:28 PM
I have my no longer wanted Cthulhu Daemons. :p

I'll gladly barter for those if they look good.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-20-2014, 04:05 PM
Well. If I could upload pictures here I'd show you... :/

05-20-2014, 04:27 PM
I already have one converted Cthulhu as a DP w/Black Mace so I'm always interested in picking up more to convert to my 40K armies.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-20-2014, 04:40 PM
I have a Giant converted up to be Father Dagon (Great Unclean One), 30 Skinks converted to be Beings of Ib (Pink Horrors), 20 Crypt Ghouls converted to be Cultists of Dagon (Plaguebearers), 3 River Trolls as Deep Ones (Beasts of Nurgle), a Great Bray-Shaman converted to be Wilbur Whateley (Herald of Nurgle with Grimoire of True Names), the Changeling converted to be Hastur (Herald of Tzeentch), 9 Flamers converted to be Flying Polyps (Flamers of Tzeentch), 5 Seekers of Slaanesh converted to be Mi-Gos (Screamers of Tzeentch).

They're all really gribbly conversions. Won a couple of conversion competitions with them. Would continue them but a refocusing of funds means that I just want to focus on The Imperium and Eldar + Wood Elves.

05-20-2014, 04:51 PM
I have a Giant converted up to be Father Dagon (Great Unclean One), 30 Skinks converted to be Beings of Ib (Pink Horrors), 20 Crypt Ghouls converted to be Cultists of Dagon (Plaguebearers), 3 River Trolls as Deep Ones (Beasts of Nurgle), a Great Bray-Shaman converted to be Wilbur Whateley (Herald of Nurgle with Grimoire of True Names), the Changeling converted to be Hastur (Herald of Tzeentch), 9 Flamers converted to be Flying Polyps (Flamers of Tzeentch), 5 Seekers of Slaanesh converted to be Mi-Gos (Screamers of Tzeentch).

They're all really gribbly conversions. Won a couple of conversion competitions with them. Would continue them but a refocusing of funds means that I just want to focus on The Imperium and Eldar + Wood Elves.

Doh. I get it. You don't have Cthulhu models converted to 40K. You have converted your Daemons to look Lovecraftian. Hrm. Well if we find a way later to exchange some pictures I'm still interested.

White Tiger88
05-20-2014, 05:03 PM
Heh... I'll let you know. I'd rather trade one of my less-wanted armies, but if I end up selling it instead, perhaps I'll turn around and buy from you.

Considering i am about to hit the "Why keep any of them button..." there will be even more -_-

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-20-2014, 05:08 PM
Lolwat Tiger?

05-22-2014, 12:34 AM
As more and more of 7th is revealed, I am increasingly inclined towards trading my Eldar in for some Tzeentch Daemons. I can fill the field with lots of psykers - powerful and expensive Daemons like a lord of change or a Daemon prince - as well as many cheaper psykers, like heralds of Tzeentch and units of pink horrors. I could have a ton of fun summoning more Daemons to the battlefield, including summoning more psykers... and I could buy a unit or two of my favorite Nurgle, Khorne, and Slaanesh models to summon, too!

Most importantly, it looks that while I can't count on always being able to get off those summoning powers, if I'm willing to make summoning a big part of my strategy, I could easily fill the field with enough Mastery Levels and potential summoners that I will get to do it once in a while. I don't know if it's always going to be competitive, but it sounds like I'll be able to pull it off, and it's going to be fun.

I might come back to this thread soon with some sample lists... if the kinds of lists I think would be fun meet with the experts' approval, I'm going to start counting on trading in those Eldar (though I won't make up my mind for sure until I've read the 7th Edition rules).

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-22-2014, 02:21 AM
I'll probably do Daemons again... without extensive esoteric conversions...

05-22-2014, 07:32 AM
Guys... this is nuts.

I was trying to build a basic 1.5k, Tzeentch-flavored let's-see-how-many-mastery-levels-I-can-cram-into-the-list list, and about 900 points in this is what I've got:

• Lord of Change, Psyker ML 3
• Herald of Tzeentch, Psyker ML 3
• Herald of Tzeentch, Psyker ML 3

• 11 Pink Horrors
• 11 Pink Horrors

Heavy Support
• Daemon Prince w/Daemon of Tzeentch, Daemonic Flight, Psyker ML 3, Warp-Forged Armor

That's 16 ******* warp charges a turn. Everything generates multiple Warp Charges. EVERYTHING.

I've got five hundred and seventy points left to spend, and I'm not sure where to put them. First of all, I'm sure that there are some worthy upgrades that I have neglected. Beyond that, my instinct is to say that the list lacks hitting power, so perhaps I should invest in a second Daemon Prince? I could get one of my heralds a disk and also get a unit of screamers? Perhaps a unit of flamers? Even more pink horrors until the units are enormous and generate three Warp Charges each? Maybe some chaos space marines to hold objectives?

It seems that a Tzeentch Daemon list is a terrifying glass hammer that has sixteen billion psychic powers. I think I would really enjoy this, quite a lot more than my Eldar!

05-22-2014, 07:34 AM
welcome to 7th edition

Where the Balance is made up and the rules dont matter

oh, and ally in belakor for guaranteed invis and bonus WC