View Full Version : Warzone: Valedor

05-19-2014, 04:39 AM
Got my copy of Warzone Valedor last night and thought I'd write up a little review because why not?

General non-spoilery bit:

The book is pretty. Lots of colour art throughout and some black and white too. Some of it is quite new and I particularly liked that one of the artists remembered that women exist as there was a guardian squad being led by a female eldar which was nice. The cover is fairly standard but very popular with my kitties who have spent more time rubbing their paws on it and sleeping on it than I have reading it. There is also a rather lovely fold open miniature battle diorama thing which is rather epic I thought. The miniature photo gallery is nice but standard.

The plot:
The Tyranids come out of it looking like implacable terrifying gribblies, I'd imagine 'nid players would be happy. The Eldar are well written in general, there was one sort of WTF moment for me but it wasn't a huge problem in context. Idiotic sacrifice was kept to the bare minimum and there were no moments of ridiculous stupidity, in fact you actually see the eldar change tactics rather than continue to throw their lives away which was nice. The Dark Eldar role as written in the warzone book is fairly small but significant and no stupid counter-productive backstabbing or silliness. all in all I was really happy with it.

The datasheets:
I'm just going to look at the Eldar and Dark Eldar ones becuase I'm not familiar enough with 6th ed 'nids to judge fairly. Not going to go into great detail either, just my impressions.
The Crimson Death: Meh, not bad for getting extra trategic victory points maybe but not great either especially if you tend to take Nightwings over CrHunters.
Crystal Sons of Asuryan: This one is nice, Asurman and 3+ Dire Avenger squads get an extra pip of S and T per game turn though of course there is a downside. Still Playing them on turn five would be great fun.
Gemini Revenant Squad: Two revenants, boost to shooting and if one or other Revenant gets their holo fields hit the other has all shots against it count as snap shots, so a nice boost to it. However I'm a bit behind with Revenant rules, last time I checked they weren't worth taking at all so not getting too excited.
Ghost Warrior Warhost: Meh, not bad, not great. Fine if you're taking lots of wraith stuff anyway.
The Great Troupe: such fun. Lots of Harlies in venoms with blinding and conncussive shooting.
Guardian Battlehost: Nice enough, decent boost to survivability, combine it with aegis defense lines perhaps.
High Council of Iyanden: Fun and lore friendly, nice bonuses but nothing earth shattering.
Mindstorm Squadron: In my opinion the best of them. 3-5 Hemlock Wraithfighters, can potentially drop an Apocalypic Blast of brain frying goodness. Any unit touched has to make a LD test on 3D6+x, x being the number of contributing Wraithfighters. the unit then suffers a number of wounds equivalent to the amount by which it failed the test. Vehicles hit roll on the vehicle damaged table. No cover or armour saves. Ciould combine horrifically with DE LD dropping things liek the raider upgrade and so forth.
Dark Eldar:
The Murderflock: Hellions and Scourged being lore friendly killy things. Can deploy via deep strike without scattering, enemy units with 3" suffer 2D6 S4 AP5 Rending hits and the number of unsaved wounds translates to pain tokens rounded up 911 unsaved wounds = 3 tokens)
Storm of Blades: Dark Eldar so upthemselves they won't touch the ground. Can't disembark, gains skyfire if they want. May shoot and use enhanced aethersails and then turbo boost as if they had not shot. Love this one almost as much as Mindstorm Squadron.

The scenarios and campaign looks fun, not paid a huge amount of attention to it honestly, will do that when I play it.

all in all I would give it 4 out of 5 crispy fried tervigon corpses.

Spoilery specifics:
-Iyanden actually threw the Kraken tendril into the warp while breaking all taboos trying to survive the invasion, while the Chaos gods spit it out into the path of Leviathan deliberately, a good lesson in why the eldar had these taboos in the first place.
-It is said clearly that Biel-Tan specifically has lost the ability to destroy entire worlds at the level needed, not Craftworld eldar in general.
-Biel-Tan try Swordwind style precisions attacks against synapse critters with some success but it becomes apparent the spliter fleet is too vast to defeat that way so they decide to blow the world up instead.
-In their haste to retreat and regroup Biel-Tan forget to lock th back door and the 'nids get into the webway. This was the WTF moment I mentioned. They get killed off and given that the eldar were beating a hasty retreat and they think 'nids are mindless and wouldn't be able to figure out how to get in I don't think it is as silly as it seems.
-The Explodey McGuffin used to blow up the Maiden World has to be activated psychically andi n close proximity to it meaning Biel-Tans seers have to die with the planet, this fortunately is the only heroic sacrifice the eldar make in the book, no silly throwing lives away here! The Dark Eldar archon takes the amusement derived from this as payment and there is no stupid betrayal.

A brief word on the gender politics of the book, you can ignore this if you want.:
-There are some (well one non-Banshee) female eldar in the artwork, that is a big improvement.
-The two new eldar leaders introduced, the archon and autarch, are both male which makes all but one of the autarchs ever introduced and a majority of archons as well. Kind of irritating in a species with no gender discrimination beyond male wyches.
-Male Farseer gets described as 'visionary' and 'gifted but eccentric', archon is described as unsettling and sadistic, Iyanna Arienal is described just as 'beautiful'. Twice. Because that is the most important thing about her, right? Don't, you know, tell us about her implacable will to see Iyanden survive or her great intellect or whatever, nope just make sure everyone knows she is hot.
Not the biggest points but all unnecessary and all could be easily avoided if GW would just give a little bit more thought to the issue.

05-19-2014, 07:31 AM
So wait, Biel-Tan has been destroyed? Is that what I'm reading here? Because, if so, wow.

05-19-2014, 07:33 AM
What? No, it all happens on a maiden world. 'nids get into the webway but not the craftworld.

05-19-2014, 08:07 AM
Ooohhh, ok, whew. That would've been a crazy change, warranting a global campaign in the least.

But 'Nid's in the Webway, yikes.

05-19-2014, 08:32 AM
Yeah killing one ofthe big craftworlds would be a pretty big shakeup.:)

I just realised one thing that has been bothering me, not so much about the book but the way eldar campaigns, few as they are, are written in general. Despite supposedly being pro-active the eldar remain very reactive in Valedor. Yes, they are intervening to stop something terrible happening but it is very much in an 'oh no the poop his eating the fan right away and we have to act NOW to prevent it!'. It would be really nice to get a campaign where the eldar launch a campaign to achieve a specific end and teh campaign is just taking us through each step of the plan rather than the apocalyptic, imminent doom stuff we have got so far. It really feels like the eldar keep getting thrown into situations where their natural advantages are nullified somewhat as opposed to most of the other factions where their strengths are highlighted. Particularly Marines of course.

05-19-2014, 12:05 PM
Yep, Biel-tan is still fine, although they took some casualties. Nothing Iyanden level. Not to derail the thread, but I put up a review on my blog of the Tyranid Formations only, since I'm not familiar with Eldar! :D


05-19-2014, 02:10 PM
Wasn't IA11 an eldar campaign they started just to revive a Phoenix lord? And they accomplished that even though once the space puppies showed up they got their butts handed to them.

05-20-2014, 01:31 AM
I was under the impression that 'Nids can't go into the warp in general. They use gravity manipulation and little scout ships that sense planets or something.

Although they seem attracted to large outputs of psy-mojo that tasty hummies give off, so maybe they would feel tempted to wander into something like a Webway. Just not sure if a bio ship (or regular little guys) would not go insane and kill itself with out the Hivemind, which would probably happen if you did just throw them into a warp portal or into Nurgles front lawn.

Maybe I should read the book my self eh?

On another note, I would like to see more female Eldar, with the whole dieing race thing you'd think that they would be pretty common. Not nearly as bad as the IG though. They barely managed a single non-white male into the codex. (look for him!)

John Bower
05-20-2014, 02:32 AM
I was under the impression that 'Nids can't go into the warp in general. They use gravity manipulation and little scout ships that sense planets or something.

Although they seem attracted to large outputs of psy-mojo that tasty hummies give off, so maybe they would feel tempted to wander into something like a Webway. Just not sure if a bio ship (or regular little guys) would not go insane and kill itself with out the Hivemind, which would probably happen if you did just throw them into a warp portal or into Nurgles front lawn.

Maybe I should read the book my self eh?

On another note, I would like to see more female Eldar, with the whole dieing race thing you'd think that they would be pretty common. Not nearly as bad as the IG though. They barely managed a single non-white male into the codex. (look for him!)

I was under the impression the webway is 'not' the warp. Since Eldar on foot can use it where the warp is dangerous even for the famous warp spiders aspect.

05-20-2014, 03:56 AM
If it helps, the tie-in novel Valedor has a female autarch and a female Striking Scorpion exarch, and one half of the Gemini Revenant twins is a lady too. Iyanna's portrayed much better, too, she has a very sad subplot (which, beyond the personal level, is actually quite uplifting).

05-20-2014, 04:02 AM
That is good to know, it would have been nice to have better representation in the warzone book too though. Is it the pilot of the revenant that gets destroyed?:p

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-20-2014, 04:16 AM
Particularly Marines of course.

Marines move product, of course they get the sweet deal.

White Tiger88
05-20-2014, 04:30 AM
Marines move product, of course they get the sweet deal.

Tell that to the CSM crying in the corner.........

05-20-2014, 05:58 AM
"Is it the pilot of the revenant that gets destroyed?"

Yes, of course it is. :)

Also, I can't be alone in thinking that the secret victory condition Lelith achieves is setting up a new Dark Eldar unit for the future. It ties in quite well to what we've been hearing rumoured, certainly.

Darren Richardson
05-20-2014, 06:02 AM
Tell that to the CSM crying in the corner.........

He shouldn't have been naughty then should he :D

I wish they would do Digital Editions of the Warzone books....

I don't have space for physical copies.....

Mr Mystery
05-20-2014, 06:17 AM
Tell that to the CSM crying in the corner.........

To be fair, they've been in that corner quietly sobbing since before the 3.5 Codex. And they sobbed their way through that one too.

05-20-2014, 06:21 AM
"Is it the pilot of the revenant that gets destroyed?"

Yes, of course it is. :)

Also, I can't be alone in thinking that the secret victory condition Lelith achieves is setting up a new Dark Eldar unit for the future. It ties in quite well to what we've been hearing rumoured, certainly.
Figures. 95% named eldar characters are male probably and I'd say half the females ones get killed. It stinks.

Marines move product, of course they get the sweet deal.
Bull**** logic is bull****.

05-20-2014, 09:05 AM
Gemini Revenant Squad: Two revenants, boost to shooting and if one or other Revenant gets their holo fields hit the other has all shots against it count as snap shots, so a nice boost to it. However I'm a bit behind with Revenant rules, last time I checked they weren't worth taking at all so not getting too excited.

They're expensive (but points don't matter in apoc) but anything that is a superheavy, can move 36" and still shoot 4xstr D pie plates, pea shooter rockets and then assault is pretty dang good IMO.

05-20-2014, 09:09 AM
Good to know. Are their holofields any good now? I kind of stopped paying attention to Revenants after they were made so much more vulnerable by the holofield nerf.

05-20-2014, 09:29 AM
Can you provide a better Idea of what the crimson hunter formation does?

I love the idea of the wraith flyer doing someting useful. I really like the mode, and will likely really enjoy using that formation.

Hooray more reason to get flyers online!

Also I have to agree with defenestratus regarding the shadow walker formation returning. I LOVE that thing. It will wipe just about any one unit or set of void shields out, especially if you can guide it too

05-20-2014, 10:11 AM
Figures. 95% named eldar characters are male probably and I'd say half the females ones get killed. It stinks.

Yet I think that's more female representation than Imperial Guard get. In theory the armies of the future have mixed regiments, but you wouldn't be able to tell that from the model range. It's extra frustrating that the 40k RPGs from FFG have much better representation in their art. Lot's of cool looking female soldiers in the Only War line.

Which reminds me, I do need to order some of these: http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/product/arcadian-rifles-squad-female-pre-order

05-20-2014, 10:27 AM
Good to know. Are their holofields any good now? I kind of stopped paying attention to Revenants after they were made so much more vulnerable by the holofield nerf.

Basically its a 4+ save on hits now - but it works against Str D which is nice.

Basically if you roll to hit the model with THF's and you hit. You then roll a D6... on a 1-3 the hit actually went against the HF image. On a 4+ the hit counts. My group just faq'd it to a 4+ Inv save that works against str D to make it easier (and they agreed I should be able to fortune it).

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-20-2014, 02:23 PM
Bull**** logic is bull****.

Hardly, it's the same with anything. The more popular thing gets treated better.

Unless it's in a George R R Martin book.

Archon Charybdis
05-20-2014, 05:37 PM
Can you provide a better Idea of what the crimson hunter formation does?

It's a vehicle squadron formation (I forget the exact term now) so it grants the choice between Preferred Enemy, Tank Hunters (kind of redundant but helps against ground targets), or the extra distance when going flat-out. The formation specific perk is that they gain strategic victory points for destroying FGCs, SH Walkers, SH Flyers, and Warmasters. The odd downside though is that if the unit is destroyed you lose extra strategic victory points, because Crimson Hunters are a valuable weapon to the Eldar.

Andrew Thomas
05-20-2014, 10:46 PM
Yet I think that's more female representation than Imperial Guard get. In theory the armies of the future have mixed regiments, but you wouldn't be able to tell that from the model range. It's extra frustrating that the 40k RPGs from FFG have much better representation in their art. Lot's of cool looking female soldiers in the Only War line.

Which reminds me, I do need to order some of these: http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/product/arcadian-rifles-squad-female-pre-order

It also depends on who's writing the fiction. McNeil, ADB, and Nick tend to lean heavier on the "damsel in distress" trope, while DA and Sandy Mitchell write more powerful female characters. As Dark Heresy/Only War/Deathwatch/... are set in the part of the Imperium largely created by DA, there is a lot better representation in that system. Of course, it also helps that the emphasis in those books/games are narrower than that of WH40K.

05-21-2014, 03:00 AM
Hardly, it's the same with anything. The more popular thing gets treated better.

Unless it's in a George R R Martin book.

It's cyclical though. The more you push things the more popular they'll be. Marines are that popular because GW push them constantly and barely push Eldar at all. I think Marines would come out more popular anyway, but the scales are way more off-balance than they otherwise would be. It would also help if most Eldar fluff didn't depict them making idiotic decisions and being generally moronic, completely in conflict with their description. People would be a lot more interested if they were as deadly in the stories as they're described to be.

Overall the book sounds pretty good. The 'short-range psychic activation' on the planet-destroyer seems rather stupid and just an excuse to kill off something important because it's Eldar, but otherwise it sounds good.

05-21-2014, 04:37 AM
It's not an excuse to kill off something because it's Eldar; it's the Dark Eldar taking the opportunity to troll their hidebound cousins. Are there devices in Comorragh which could get the job done without sacrificing seers? I expect so, but why would they loan that out? That's not funny at all.

The anguish of the Eldar war council when they realise the cost of using the device is sufficient to smooth out the Archon's wrinkles for a bit. ;)

05-21-2014, 09:51 AM
Hardly, it's the same with anything. The more popular thing gets treated better.

Unless it's in a George R R Martin book.
Nope, it is pure, moronic bull**** logic. What you are saying is that only THE most popular army (because eldar and Dark Eldar are both extremely popular, DE being the only army ever to outsellf Marines at three local GWs at least) can be well written, everyone else has to be written badly. That is clearly ****ing stupid.

It's not an excuse to kill off something because it's Eldar; it's the Dark Eldar taking the opportunity to troll their hidebound cousins. Are there devices in Comorragh which could get the job done without sacrificing seers? I expect so, but why would they loan that out? That's not funny at all.

The anguish of the Eldar war council when they realise the cost of using the device is sufficient to smooth out the Archon's wrinkles for a bit. ;)
I loved it, the whole Dark Eldar presence was there to troll the Craftworlders right to the end when they combine Kraken and LEviathan for lulz in the arenas.:p