View Full Version : 2,000 point Tempestus Scions list

05-18-2014, 11:50 PM
I've had this idea running around my head for a while now. It started out as a reason to field nothing but my Cadian Kasrkin models, and it's just expanded from there.
The list is as follows:
Primary Detatchment: Tempestus Scions Codex: 762
HQ: 30
Commissar: 30
Carapace Armour, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Warlord
Troops: 732
5 Tempestus Scions: 193
2 Meltaguns, Taurox Prime with Relic Plating, Twin-Linked Autocannon, Taurox Missile Launcher.
5 Tempestus Scions: 193
2 Meltaguns, Taurox Prime with Relic Plating, Twin-Linked Autocannon, Taurox Missile Launcher.
5 Tempestus Scions: 163
2 Flamers, Taurox Prime with Relic Plating, Twin-Linked Autocannon, Taurox Battle Cannon.
5 Tempestus Scions: 183
2 Flamers, Taurox Prime with Relic Plating, Twin-Linked Autocannon, Taurox Missile Launcher.

Battle Formation: Tempestus Scions Ground Assault Formation: 900
Commissar: 30
Carapace Armour, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon.
Tempestus Command Squad: 213
Prime with Power Sword, 4 Stormtroopers with 2 Hot-shot Volley Guns, Taurox Prime with Relic Plating, Twin-Linked Hot-shot Volley Gun, Twin-Linked Taurox Gatling Cannon.8 Tempestus Scions: 219
2 Plasma Guns, Taurox Prime with Relic Plating, Twin-Linked Autocannon, Taurox Battle Cannon.
8 Tempestus Scions: 219
2 Plasma Guns, Taurox Prime with Relic Plating, Twin-Linked Autocannon, Taurox Battle Cannon.
8 Tempestus Scions: 219
2 Hot-shot Volley Guns, Taurox Prime with Relic Plating, Twin-Linked Hot-shot Volley Gun, Twin-Linked Taurox Gatling Cannon.
formation Bonus: When a unit from this formation disembarks from a Taurox Prime, the unit gains the twin-linked and pinning special rules on all it's ranged weapons.

Allied Contingent: Astra Militarum codex: 338
HQ: 153
Company Command Squad: 103
Company Commander with Carapace Armour and Camo Netting, 4 veterans with Carapace Armour, Camo Netting, and a Missile Launcher with Flakk Missiles
Primaris Psyker: 50
Master Level 1, Force Staff.
Veteran Squad: 95
Camo Netting, Missile Launcher with Flakk Missiles, and Lasguns.
Fast Attack: 90
2 Scout Sentinels: 90

Model Count:
Infantry: 67 – a little on the low count for my usual Guard Armies
Tanks: 8 – all 11-10-10 transports, Usually I field 6-7 tanks in 2K, so this is an improvement, but they are weaker armoured than what I usually field.
Scoring Units: 8 – about average for my Guard, but only one scoring unit is actually a 10-man squad, whereas with my average guard armies I tend to have 30-40 conscripts, a couple of 20-man Infantry squads, 2 command squads, Veteran Squad and a couple of Heavy Weapons squads to capture objectives.

The main plan will be to set up the AM units in decent cover, and provide supporting fire, focussing on flyers/FMC’s. Without looking at the new Psychic powers, I can’t definitively say what discipline the Primaris Psyker will take, but I am leaning towards Divination (currently), hoping I can roll Perfect timing, although Biomancy will come into consideration against certain armies (I got Iron Arm and Warp Speed off against Tyranids, and he smacked a Broodlord to death in a challenge (I was in cover btw – hence striking first) so that will always come into consideration – he got capped by Commissar Yarrick the next turn because he Perilsed). The Scions will all begin the game in the Taurox Primes, and they will hunt their appropriate targets. The Assault formation will ideally disembark, fire, and re-embark before repeating, to get the best use out of the twin-linked shots available to them. I was tempted to swap the Meltagun squads for the Volley Gun squads, but I’ll see how they go before deciding one way or another. The sentinels will outflank and pick out any important targets (artillery or equivalents), but I can easily put a taurox or 2 on a suicide run for anything I desperately need to kill.

Overall, I have used variants of this army in the past, and had some decent successes, so I am looking forward to see what this army can do.

Comments are always appreciated.