View Full Version : unit base color weigh in

01-11-2010, 08:25 AM
Hey gents, quick question, i've been trudging through my RG build...edging ever closer to the finish line...though it's still far away...sucks i'm a slow painter...but then does an entire tac squad in a day count as slow? anyway, i've built my list specific with named sgts and weapon loadouts for more fluffy touch. so i've been painting the rim of their bases different colors for each unit. easier to id on field in in case, but what i was wondering was do you gents think it'd make more sense for all models of that unit type (all tac marines, all devs, all assault marines, etc) to have the same base color across the board or keep them different for each separate squad in that unit type (i.e. tac 1 knarloc green, tac 2 goblin green, or all tac squads gob green.:

01-11-2010, 04:55 PM
That is an interesting idea the separate your squads. I personally always separate them one way or another. For marines, I color the top knobs on their backpacks a different color, yellow, red, blue, green, white, grey, ect.

However the rim of the bases also seems like a damn good ide, go for it.

01-11-2010, 04:55 PM
I do a similiar thing with my guard in that each platoon has five squads with a coloured base. Squad 1 in every platoon has a red base, squad 2 a blue one and it goes on from there. Two of the easy ways to tell which platoon they're from is denoted by their colour scheme and water transfers. My army was based around a world with two continents, one a desert, the other a forest and so P1 is tan and P2 is green. Platoon one has transfers with starting numbers that are 1-5 and platoon two starts with numbers above 5. It's fairly rare that I run three platoons as they are usually filled with vets or other troop models.

If you keep marines in the same unit all the time, colouring the bases different shades for the troops (such as the green examples you provided) could help keep that unit together as I use it for.