View Full Version : An'ggrath's rules query.

Capn Stoogey
05-18-2014, 07:04 PM
Morning all.

The other day I came up against An'ggrath who destroyed my Knight, Reaver and Warhound. I know he's meant to be super powerful but several things happened in the game that made me question if my opponent was taking certain liberties with the rules. I had never come up against An'ggrath or a Gargantuan creature before so I was completely unfamiliar with the rules for him and rather than just cry foul, I checked a few things when I got home and decided to ask you fine ladies and gentlemen if my understanding was correct or if I'm missing something. The game went like this:

He went first and jumped An'ggrath 24" NOT flying. I thought that was odd but assumed he knew what he was doing. later I read that it should have been 12".

He used the shield generator so I couldn't shoot him, so I moved my Knight to intercept. I got the charge but naturally he had higher initiative. he proceeded to roll a d6, getting a 6 and added that to his base attacks for a total of 13. I thought that sounded like what would have happened if he had the charge, but being unfamiliar with An'ggrath I didn't say anything. He (of course) rolled lots of hits then, when he went on to armour pen, he informed me that An'ggrath had armourbane. I later checked the rules for An'ggrath and gargantuan creatures and found no mention of armourbane, did I miss something? Naturally my knight was destroyed (An'ggrath did lose 6 wounds to the explosion) and he consolidated closer to the Reaver. In his turn He then charged 3d6, re-rolling due to fleet and made it into combat with the Reaver. I found no mention of a 3d6 charge or fleet for An'ggrath.

He rolled d6 + 7 armourbane attacks and ripped 16 HP off the Reaver. I rolled really badly for my stomps and next round he Killed the Reaver. His next turn he charged My Warhound and the same thing happened, ripped most of the HP off and finished it the round after.

Needless to say I was pretty bummed to lose the Titans without doing any considerable damage, but hell, that's how the game goes sometimes, only this time I was very suspicious of just how powerful An'ggrath really was.

So, when I did my checking I found no mention of the following rules:

1: 24" non flying jump move.

2: 3d6" charge.

3: Fleet.

4: D6 + base attacks every round, not just when charging.

5: Armourbane.

I'm always happy to give benefit of the doubt, but for him to get so much wrong set off some alarm bells and rather that just flat out say he cheated, I wanted to check with you guys in case I missed something. Of course there's no changing what happened and after all, it's just a game, but I'd like to be prepared in case I come up against An'ggrath again. So, did I miss something in the rules or was he playing An'ggrath wrong?

Many thanks.


White Tiger88
05-18-2014, 08:18 PM

1: 24" non flying jump move. (Yup he can do this as a special rule......Demonic Flight)

2: 3d6" charge. (Nope!)

3: Fleet. (Nope)

4: D6 + base attacks every round, not just when charging. (Nope)

5: Armourbane. (Nope)

Archon Charybdis
05-18-2014, 08:56 PM
1: 24" non flying jump move. (Yup he can do this as a special rule......Demonic Flight)

Not sure where you're finding this, there's no Daemonic Flight rule in his most up to date rules. That said, I can't remember off-hand, the base FGC rules might give a 24'' jump now anyway.

White Tiger88
05-18-2014, 09:40 PM
Not sure where you're finding this, there's no Daemonic Flight rule in his most up to date rules. That said, I can't remember off-hand, the base FGC rules might give a 24'' jump now anyway.
Ah I was reading imperial armor 2 2012-2013

05-18-2014, 11:44 PM
Ah I was reading imperial armor 2 2012-2013

his latest rules are in apocalypse 2013

Capn Stoogey
05-19-2014, 05:52 PM
I thought something smelled fishy, glad I wasn't just missing something. Thanks for your help guys, I'll know what's what if I come up against An'ggrath again. Cheers.

05-19-2014, 09:02 PM
In the future, just ask to see the actual rules. If they can't present you a clear and reasonable justification in print, you don't have to buy it.

05-20-2014, 07:20 AM
In the future, just ask to see the actual rules. If they can't present you a clear and reasonable justification in print, you don't have to buy it.

100% behind this. It doesn't make you a jerk to ask to see rules. We are all people and can make mistakes.