View Full Version : 30K Imperial Fists Army List -- 2,000 Points

05-18-2014, 02:11 AM
Well, my local group has recently been bitten by the Forgeworld bug due to the soon to be released easy companion rule book. Considering that it's only $40 compared to the new $80 WH40K 7th edition book, most of us have thought about jumping ship, so to speak. Understandably we'll be using a lot of 40K models for 30k (which works both ways without only a few differences), but luckily for me I have been saving up to get a really nice HH-era army. So this kind of hit at just the right time. Even better (as I have a Black Templar 40K army half-built), the release of the Istvaan Campaign Book III also came with some special rules regarding making a list of Imperial Fists and the paragon of the Black Templars was included.

In the spirit of such things, I've decided to build an army around Sigismund and the Imperial Fists. Once I have the list worked out, at around 2K points, then I will begin purchasing and painting. There will be pictures coming with them. But, before I do start throwing money at FW, here is my list. I'd appreciate some ideas and critiques.

Cheers! For the Emperor!


Sigismund (Warlord) [230]

Legion Praetor [185]
- Paragon Blade, digital-lasers, archaeotech pistol, Iron Halo


Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [410]
- First Dreadnought: TL-autocannon, TL-lascannon
- Second Dreadnought: 2 x Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons


Templar Brethren Squad [395]
- 4 extra Templar, 9 x combat shields, squad melta bombs, 1 x Power Axe
- Legion Rhino w/ pintle heavy bolter

Templar Brethren Squad [395]
- 4 extra Templar, 9 x combat shields, squad melta bombs, 1 x Power Axe
- Legion Rhino w/ pintle heavy bolter

Templar Brethren Squad [385]
- 4 extra Templar, 9 x combat shields, squad melta bombs, 1 x Power Axe
- Legion Rhino w/ pintle TL-bolter

2,000 Points Total

White Tiger88
05-18-2014, 02:36 AM
Yikes! Another 30k player! (Awesome!) That being said i see the following issues...

-No Anti-Armor power (Take a LEGION SICARAN VENATOR or something)
-no Lord of war (Its 2k, you can take your primarch or a Super Heavy for some fire power)
-You need Cheaper Troops! (Take Some standard marines to serve as Sigismunds buddies, Since right now a single Primarch or Knight or terminator OP squad will kill your whole army)
-Drop your Praetor & use his points and 1 or two of the dreadnoughts to get some Terminators in a landraider in order to keep Siggy safe)

Other then that let me know what you think of the suggestions, i will double check your list tomorrow and tamper with it a bit when i am not half asleep.

05-18-2014, 04:53 AM
-No Anti-Armor power (Take a LEGION SICARAN VENATOR or something)

I have the two Contemptors and each squad of Templar Brethren have melta bombs for each model -- I have no fear of vehicles in this case.

-no Lord of war (Its 2k, you can take your primarch or a Super Heavy for some fire power)

I despise the Lord of War category and have never taken one, nor will I ever take one.

-You need Cheaper Troops! (Take Some standard marines to serve as Sigismunds buddies, Since right now a single Primarch or Knight or terminator OP squad will kill your whole army)

Primarchs are mighty indeed, but they are not all-powerful. Terminators can go down just as easily, given the right impetus. Tactics will see to that.

-Drop your Praetor & use his points and 1 or two of the dreadnoughts to get some Terminators in a landraider in order to keep Siggy safe)

I am considering dropping the Praetor and one of the Dreadnoughts for a Heavy Support Squad. We'll see.

White Tiger88
05-18-2014, 07:47 PM
Well then you are going to have a bad time......No mater what tactics you use you will have to deal with weapons made to kill marines. If you are against the Lord of War slot (Which everyone will use now days....) I Suggest adding the following units in.

-2 Legion Tactical Squads & 1 Breacher in Rhino (Breachers simply cost to much for what you get)
-Legion Terminator Squad, Throw them in a Spartan Assault tank (With Siggy & an Apothecary for laughs)
-Drop the lascannon dread & Preator for a LEGION SICARAN VENATOR or maybe a pair of LEGION SICARAN BATTLE TANKs (They are NASTY good and cheap point wise!)

So ya unless you add in some armor your list will be out swarmed by other 30k forces, Outshot & Generally over powered from Armor & the Rapid fire high str guns they carry. (Which is really the fun part of 30k i find....)

05-19-2014, 12:36 AM
I should note that all Templar Brethren models are armored in Artificer 2+ armor and have a 5++/6++ invul and are carrying, stock, power weapons...

05-19-2014, 02:12 AM
Also, none of the guys I game with use Lords of War. We've all kind of mutually agreed that we'll only use them for Apocalypse or super-friendly games when we don't give a rat's arse who wins. We tend to be fairly competitive, but we also want to have fun. Adding in a Lord of War usually removes that later aspect from the game.