View Full Version : New Terrain Easter Egg in newest WD ?!? 5/17

05-17-2014, 06:50 PM

This is on the back cover page ,far middle right.Looks far too well produced to be a modded piece.
What do ya'll think?

White Tiger88
05-17-2014, 07:27 PM
Yup looks like a new realm of battle tile.

05-17-2014, 07:31 PM
Yup looks like a new realm of battle tile.
sorry I should have been more specific, the sand bag barricade in the center of the pic I took.
Also, after looking again there are 2 generators i've never seen before on the back page also (not included in the pic I took)

Crabstuffed Mushrooms
05-17-2014, 07:51 PM
sorry I should have been more specific, the sand bag barricade in the center of the pic I took.
Also, after looking again there are 2 generators i've never seen before on the back page also (not included in the pic I took)

Those could be the old Games Workshop sandbags (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Games-Workshop-Warhammer-40-000-x6-OOP-Sandbag-Walls-Barricades-Scenery-/181318060391?nma=true&si=mCNgcz926G0Yjr8UNDXd2nnfUpk%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557) they made back in the day.


05-17-2014, 08:32 PM
sorry I should have been more specific, the sand bag barricade in the center of the pic I took.
Also, after looking again there are 2 generators i've never seen before on the back page also (not included in the pic I took)

pics plz

05-17-2014, 08:45 PM

The first corner pic looks like landing pad barricades on top of a fortress end piece, but it's the only other piece that is out of the ordinary.
The other 3 show the generator-things.

05-18-2014, 05:23 AM
First Pic in starter post - the sandbag barricade, seems selfmade or is an old resin pieces i guess. If it is a new terrain piece its not quite much ;-) The barrice with the door is out of the barricades anno city fight (6 resin barricades in a kind of blister box - also available in orkish design). The generator-things on the last series of pics (post #5) are resin pieces out of the "bombs and booby traps" set, which was a lim. release with the planetary invasion book. So not much new here.

05-18-2014, 05:34 AM
I call Hax!

No way does the imperial guard waste medics on the fodder, let alone 3 of them

Mr Mystery
05-18-2014, 12:04 PM
Those are special 'pain-b-here' bandages. Used only when High Command are convinced that their soldiers are just being big sissies about injuries....

05-18-2014, 01:13 PM
If you've read the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer, you know that all Guard-issue first aid equipment is strictly for morale purposes only.