View Full Version : I need your opinions for a new army !

05-16-2014, 04:51 AM
Hi I recently got an idea to start a new army else than any kind of space marine since people I play against with has Chaos Dark angles Grey knight etc... I play necrons and we already have an Eldar and Tau player what you guys suggest I would start collecting now ? I wanted tyranids but I heard bad comments about them saddly...Please leave your opinions I want a good competitive race thank you all

05-16-2014, 04:54 AM
With 7th just around the corner, I would wait and see how things shake up.

Failing that AM or Orks :)

Tnk heavy AM are hard for people to deal with, or failing that go all out infantry, with that high a unit count it is very hard to whittle those blighters down.

Similiarly with orks, the green tide is difficult for people to deal with, though they do have some issues when it comes to anti-flyers other then their own flyers, which are fun. But Orks are more fun than competitive at the moment, random crazy fun.

Kaptain Badrukk
05-16-2014, 10:36 AM
Nids are playable, as are dark eldar.
Orks are too, and are mighty fun.
I always pick by finding what inspires me to do hobby, then building a list around that.

05-16-2014, 06:49 PM
Build your armies based on what you think is the coolest. Every race has good and bad things about it. The most important part is you liking the army. So if you like nids do nids.

05-17-2014, 07:27 AM
Kaptain Badrukk and kharne690 are correct. Pick an army based on what inspires you and what you think is cool. You'll have more fun that way.

05-19-2014, 04:36 AM
Don't be discouraged by internet nay-saying Tyranids can compete. I could tell you how many times my buddies Tyranids have eaten my armies but that would make me sad. Keep in mind as well that ultimately there's a lot more to collecting an army than just playing games. Think about how much fun a specific army will be to build and paint and what kind of aesthetic you enjoy.