View Full Version : Throw caution to the wind!

Kaptain Badrukk
05-16-2014, 12:35 AM
Ok there's been a lot of grumpy thoughts about Unbound lists, but let us revel in the fun, funny and frankly silly tings we CAN do with unbound lists :)
On the front page people have mentioned Ork "mad max" buggy armies and all mandrake armies led by the decapitator!

Here are five lists that would be a good giggle if not very game winning!

1. Tzeench Deamon Summoners
AM Unbound List
9 Units of 9 Wyrdvane Psychers : Deamonology
9 Lvl 2 Primaris Psychers : Deamonology
Then just add whatever you want :)

2. Grot Renegades
Orks with Forgeworld stuff
Grot Megatank
Grot Tanks
Grot Mobs (with suitably modelled grot leaders in place of slavers)
Killa Kans
Big Guns (with suitably modelled grot leaders in place of slavers)
Anything new and grotty from the new dex!

3. Space Wolf Vengence Quest
Nothing but lone wolves!

4. Penitent War
Sisters Repentia
Penitent Engines

5. Angry Angry Angron
Deamon Prince of Khorne with wings and all the cool toys
8 Bloodthirsters

Now some of these armies may actually be relatively tough cookies, but the point is they have either a place in the fluff or a cinematic feel that's really fun and none of them would have been legal before unbound.
So I ask you, my fellow players, modellers, painters and nutters, to bring out your lists or ideas!
Let's see that thing you've been dreaming of for years come to the fore!

05-16-2014, 01:47 AM
How about a first company deepstrike?
As many assault terminators as you can fit in arriving point blank in the midst of your Tau or Imp guard gun line?

Kaptain Badrukk
05-16-2014, 10:34 AM
Certainly Fluffy. That's the spirit. Think of the thing you always wanted. I got thinking about that Grot one, turns out if you rep a couple of bigmeks as a collective of grots on one base you could cram it into 2500pts filling a full force org!

05-16-2014, 04:57 PM
An Incubi Shrine marches to war. Nothing but incubi in raiders/venoms led, of course, by drazhar

05-16-2014, 08:41 PM
Deathwing Knights army:

Belial and Deathwing Command Squad with Plasma Cannon, Company Champion, Apothecary and Standard of Fortitude ( 12" Feel No Pain bubble)
10 Deathwing Knights
10 Deathwing Knights
8 Deathwing Knights
1848 points.

Apothecary is there because I needed to fill 30 points up somewhere.
For when you need to banish Angron again and the Grey Knights have buggered off somewhere else.

Mmmmm, 28 Toughness 5 (When in base to base.), Feel No Pain, 3+ Invulnerable Save, (For one assault phase only, S10 AP2) with Precision Strike on a 6, Terminators deep striking in on Turn 1.

05-17-2014, 12:50 AM
We for me I can create an Elysian list using non FW rules in non FW lists... people might hate my Valkyrie/Vendette spam but its Elysian to the core (could use Sentinel stats fot Elysian Tauroxes)

05-18-2014, 08:47 AM
Since unbound lists can take formations, I'm looking forward to fielding a horrifying and fluffy Tyranid list of a Skyblight formation and and Endless Swarm. Remaining points will be spent on synapse.

Also, an Endless Swarm and four Trygon Primes would be fun. An endless swarm coming from the ground is nice and scary.

05-18-2014, 10:13 AM
Tau infiltration team, shadowsun and dark strider then load out on stealth teams sniper drones and pathfinders.

Asymmetrical Xeno
05-18-2014, 12:23 PM
I actually like the idea of Unbound..An all Canoptek list would be cool - Crypteks, Tomb Spyders, Wraiths and Lots of Scarabs (really wish they'd give them more Canoptek units though). Or a Triarch list - royal court + tons of Triarch Praetorians and Triarch Stalkers to back it up.

Mr Mystery
05-18-2014, 12:52 PM
Imperial Guard armoured column.

DuH! :p

05-18-2014, 01:14 PM
The Phoenix Lords and the Avatar against the world.

Mr Mystery
05-18-2014, 02:05 PM

Though....you know.....I could kick it not just old school.....but actual proper old school.

Have a peep at Rogue Trader.....and taken inspiration. Merc army? Yes please! I'll have a bit of this, smidge of that...luvverly. And to represent that naughty, naughty Rogue Trader? An Inquisitor.

Mr Mystery
05-18-2014, 02:44 PM
Yes......yes.... I can see it now....

Piratical force, comprised of Dark Eldar Warriors, a Rogue Mek and his contraptions (Deff Dredds, Killa Kans), and some renegade Space Marines, plus Cultists to represent standard Humans.

Not sure who my Warlord would be though....probably that Inquisitor idea.

Arkhan Land
05-18-2014, 10:57 PM
I want to make the Altansar re-invasion force. Rah and another 1600 points of dark reapers

05-18-2014, 11:47 PM
Angron's Bloodthirster Bodyguards, if I recall correctly there were nine...2250 points before upgrades, but fun as hell :D

05-19-2014, 12:23 AM
Imperial Fist 9th Company. "You brought how much dakka?"

Do it right, and it can be down right nasty...

05-19-2014, 10:32 AM
If the rumor about battle brothers being able to ride in transports is true, I foresee Howling Banshees, Harlequins, and Wraithblades charging out of Land Raiders. Oh my.

Is there any other army with good assault transports? I guess I should see what Dark Eldar have to offer...

05-19-2014, 11:23 AM
A true Goff horde.

05-19-2014, 12:22 PM
Angron's Bloodthirster Bodyguards, if I recall correctly there were nine...2250 points before upgrades, but fun as hell :D

8, probably. Khorne's holy number is 8. 9 is Tzeentch.

05-19-2014, 12:25 PM
I love so many of these ideas.

Grey Knights with nothing but HQ choices and Dreadknights, because 10 dudes fighting an army is fluffy as can be.

Proper Ulthwe seer councils can be fielded again.

Blood Ravens with a Librarian attached to every squad.

05-19-2014, 05:59 PM
If the rumor about battle brothers being able to ride in transports is true, I foresee Howling Banshees, Harlequins, and Wraithblades charging out of Land Raiders. Oh my.

Is there any other army with good assault transports? I guess I should see what Dark Eldar have to offer...

Along with those rumors was the loss of Eldar BB with anyone besides Dark Eldar. But Raiders and Venoms are better assault platforms than Serpents.

Kaptain Badrukk
05-19-2014, 09:05 PM
Glad to see people responding so positively to this :)
It just occured to me that with the adjusted 6th ed Chaos dex and the Badab War book you can do lost and the damned again!!
Or Badab plus Tau book = Kroot mercs!!!!
Ok. New challenge, how do we best represent Genestealer Cult?

Darren Richardson
05-20-2014, 06:27 AM
for me, I've always dreamed of a massive assualt by Space Marines by Thunderhawks, Stormravens and their other flyers supporting, you know the kind of thing, A MASS deployment of a couple of Battle companies with tons of flying support for the landing.....

Darren Richardson
05-20-2014, 06:55 AM
Blood Ravens with a Librarian attached to every squad.

Ohh I love this idea.....

In fact I see the Unbound armies rules working really well for Chaos players as well, those who want to take a focused army around one power will be able to do so much better then with a Forged Army....

05-20-2014, 06:57 AM
Wych cult list with beastmasters and lots of genuine gribblies. Tyranids, squigs/squiggoths, ogryns etc.

Captain Bubonicus
05-20-2014, 03:04 PM
Real Biel-Tan Swordwind army - nuthin' but Aspect Warriors!

05-20-2014, 03:14 PM
Genestealer cult is definitely tempting! Genestealers and AM are obvious - ironically the Taurox is around the right stats for a cult limo. My only difficult choice would be how to represent Genestealer Hybrids. Pre AM book, I'd have used Penal Legion. Any ideas?

- - - Updated - - -

I also like the idea of a "Gathering of Heroes" - I'd love to see a game of, say, all the named Space Wolf characters facing off against a mob of Orks or Gaunts or something.

- - - Updated - - -

My tongue in cheek, slightly less fluffy suggestion is the "Imperial Officer Corps Team Building Exercise And Away Day", with nothing but AM HQ choices.

05-20-2014, 03:34 PM
Imperial Necrons ...they awoke to their main frame computer all screwed up, an Imperial presence on their planet, and they think the Imperial Creed is THEIR Creed to follow as well...talk about EVIL twist! lol

05-20-2014, 03:48 PM
full harlequin list with Lelith as solitaire

Justin Beaver
05-20-2014, 03:55 PM
Have always wanted to do a full Night lords assault / jump pack army....with dread claws full of chaos spawn to drop in and spread fear and confusion

05-20-2014, 04:02 PM
Have always wanted to do a full Night lords assault / jump pack army....with dread claws full of chaos spawn to drop in and spread fear and confusion

Farsight, 150 Shield Drones. All melee Tau army, lets go!

Andrew Thomas
05-20-2014, 04:13 PM
Space Ork air superiority (Koptas, Bommas, and Dakkajets, oh my)
Noise Marine Rave (AM Wyverns, LRErs, Noise Marines, and buckets of Cultists)
We Must Not Read from the Book! (AM Infantry, Triarch/Destroyer/Canoptek units & a really grumpy Transcendant C'tan)

05-20-2014, 04:14 PM
As many Wave Serpents as I can fit into a list.
What? Already done?
How about tons of seers on jetbikes then?
No? Oh well.

I do really like a list of SW Lone Wolves though. Probably will be my first unbound list.

05-20-2014, 04:22 PM
Death Bike Librarian Psyker Choir

14x Librarian 1960 points
+Lighting claws
+Space Marine Bike
+Mastery level 2

D6 + 28 dice for psyker phase :P

Thats mine :D

Heroka Vendile
05-20-2014, 04:27 PM
I've always fancied the visual spectacle of a Rough Riders Company - not possible just now sadly, but frankly if you're playing with an unbound armies then surely players will have lee-way on sensible (i.e. not totally OP) older units from past codexes - such as the Penal Legionnaires mentioned earlier.

The idea of a Mercenary of Rogue Trader army using an Inquisitor for the HQ also sounds pretty damn cool.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-20-2014, 04:30 PM
1st Company list for my Fire Angels!

Captain in Terminator Armour
5 man Terminator Command Squad
50 Sternguard
30 Vanguard
20 Terminators
5 Venerable Dreadnoughts
Many Land Raiders

05-20-2014, 04:36 PM
wait does that meen you can play grey knights with all paladins in there own unit due to paladins can be made into a unit with just 1?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
05-20-2014, 04:44 PM

So an army like this.

1x Grey Knight Paladin + Warding Stave
35x 1x Grey Knight Paladin
2000 points

05-20-2014, 05:07 PM
How about a first company deepstrike?
As many assault terminators as you can fit in arriving point blank in the midst of your Tau or Imp guard gun line?

You mean like I have been doing all the way through 6th Ed with my Dark Angels Deathwing army?
Deathwing give you advantages like twin linked on the turn they arrived and no scatter with Biall in the squad :)

Neil Dodd
05-20-2014, 05:10 PM
For me it would be easy

12 wolf guard battle leaders
1 ultramarine captain

The 13th warrior

05-20-2014, 11:36 PM
5x Wolf Guard Battle Leaders with Saga of the Hunter (and a selection of different war gear options of course)
5x 10 Grey Hunters
3x 10 Wolf Scouts (no snipers)
2x 10 Wolf Scouts (with snipers)

Outflanking galore with the snipers out on Turn 1 to stop insta death from nothing being on the board.

2000 points once war gear for the battle leaders is taken into account. Bit of an Eric Morkai army that "boasts a great many scouts"

05-21-2014, 02:01 AM
Genestealer cult is definitely tempting! Genestealers and AM are obvious - ironically the Taurox is around the right stats for a cult limo. My only difficult choice would be how to represent Genestealer Hybrids. Pre AM book, I'd have used Penal Legion. Any ideas?

Put odd gaunt and genestealer arms in singles and pairs onto imperial guard models

You mean like I have been doing all the way through 6th Ed with my Dark Angels Deathwing army?
Deathwing give you advantages like twin linked on the turn they arrived and no scatter with Biall in the squad :)

I meant a loyalist force... :D

Shas'O Headshot
05-21-2014, 05:14 AM
12 XV107 riptides with hammerhead support

Josh Morton
05-21-2014, 07:34 AM
These new rules... The ideas... The POWER
*insert mad laughter*

05-21-2014, 08:16 AM
-7x Ravenwing Black Knights: 3 with 3 Black Knights and 4 with 4 Black Knights.
-7x Librarian's with Bike and Power Field Generator.

You'd better kill me on turn 1.

Kaptain Badrukk
05-21-2014, 08:37 AM
For me it would be easy

12 wolf guard battle leaders
1 ultramarine captain

The 13th warrior

Not gonna lie, that got a belly laugh.

How about;
20 Kroot W sniper
Full hounds and Krootox
Repeat until out of points.

Or, NOTHING BUT VESPID! Locust swarm, with guns!!

Arbites interdiction force, nothing but shotgun carapace vets in chimeras :)

05-21-2014, 09:33 AM
Ork destruction derby 2,000 pts.:

7x Warbosses (drivaz)
7x Battlewagons (da carz)
a single dakkajet/2x2 squad of Deffkoptas (reporters on the action)

The higher the points, the more drivaz/carz...
All the Battlewagons have Deff-Rollaz, red paint job, 'Ard Case, and 2x big shootas (for those pesky flying gitz) and a Boarding Plank.

Kevin Berry
05-21-2014, 02:13 PM
A list I have used in the past is an inquisitor henchmen psyker list, a list that can prove lethal to just about anything, including itself
But the all lone wolf idea I like

I add the jokaero to make used of coteaz

Ordo Xenos Inquisitor: Psyker (Mastery Level 1); Psychic Communion; conversion beamer 100
Inquisitor Coteaz 100

12 Inquisitorial Henchmen: 2× Crusader; 10× Jokaero Weaponsmith 380
• Inquisitorial Chimera: heavy flamer; heavy flamer; pintle-mounted storm bolter 65
12 Inquisitorial Henchmen: 2× Crusader; 10× Psyker 130
• Inquisitorial Chimera: heavy flamer; heavy flamer; pintle-mounted storm bolter 65
12 Inquisitorial Henchmen: 2× Crusader; 10× Psyker 130
• Inquisitorial Chimera: heavy flamer; heavy flamer; pintle-mounted storm bolter 65

12 Inquisitorial Henchmen: 2× Crusader; 10× Psyker 130
12 Inquisitorial Henchmen: 2× Crusader; 10× Psyker 130
12 Inquisitorial Henchmen: 2× Crusader; 10× Psyker 130
12 Inquisitorial Henchmen: 2× Crusader; 10× Psyker 130
12 Inquisitorial Henchmen: 2× Crusader; 10× Psyker 130
12 Inquisitorial Henchmen: 2× Crusader; 10× Psyker 130

1,815 points

Kaptain Badrukk
05-23-2014, 03:16 PM
Dude, planet of the apes list.
Nothing but a full point allocation of Jokaero :)

Alex Knight
05-24-2014, 11:15 AM
Bring the Ironwing back!

Dark Angels Land Raiders, Predators, and Vindicators.

Da Gargoyle
05-25-2014, 02:35 AM
For me it would be the cloud squadron Eldar - 3 x Falcons with Scatter Lasers possibly Shuriken Cannon and Holo fields. Plus my two Fire Prisms and a Wave Serpent or two. Lots of points though, and I would still have to put troops in them.