View Full Version : So deamon for fantasy....

05-15-2014, 02:46 PM
So with the spoiled changes to the upcoming 40K book. It makes me wonder if the same will be done with fantasy when the rumored 9th ED happens later this summer. So I'm guessing that WoK will be able to have deamons as part of their army list again. So does that mean the end to the all deamons armies?


05-15-2014, 03:03 PM
I don't think there will be a Warhammer update. I can't see both versions getting a big update in one summer, it doesn't make any financial sense. Plus, you can already summon daemons in SoM anyway.

05-15-2014, 05:10 PM
Well I guess we'll find out in a couple months is the rumor is true or not about WHFB 9th ED.

05-24-2014, 08:11 AM
As far as I saw in the gw video, the summoning thing only includes greater daemons.
So the DoC would not be affected at all, since even though everybody can summon greater daemons, DoC can do it the best at the same time (at least for 40K 7th).

05-25-2014, 12:25 AM
An FYI that in 40K you can summon most of the God-exclusive Daemons (i.e. not Furies and Soul Grinders) rather than just Greater Daemons.

As for Fantasy, remember that Daemons of Chaos already add extra Daemon models to their units as part of each God's Lore Attribute. I wouldn't mind daemon summoning being available to other armies, though they need to use their brains and restrict it unlike 40K where even Eldar can take them. High Elves and Lizardmen for example would never summon Daemons for any reason in the background, and it would be questionable at best with Skaven who worship the Horned Rat (their own Chaos God in a sense). Dwarves obviously wouldn't be able to as well, but their Chaos Dwarf kin would be more than glad to.

05-25-2014, 03:36 PM
I'm sure there were rules for it in 2nd/3rd edition, don't quote me, my books aren't to hand. In older editions chaos kinda got everywhere with the bad races, that I do remember...and seeing as GW is going retro now, you never know.

AHEM... As for a future edition, I could see it as a possibility, maybe for Warriors and Beasts. Then again, they COULD roll Chaos together again, and include it there. Light lore is your "sanctic" magic already...

As an aside, if we're talking about conjuring units, a la new 40k rules or if Storm o' Magic is anything to go by, I might also think raising the undead would be a possibility.

...and yes, Eel, my lizzies ain't using no daemon spells :p