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05-13-2014, 04:11 PM
A new expansion for 12 Realms is on kickstarter. In Ancestors Legacy four exciting new realms lie hidden in the Fairy World and you must prepare yourself to explore them so as to defeat all of their enemies. New characters, enemies and Dark Lords are open exclusively on the kickstarter.


The basic box of 12 realms bands Robin Hood, Snow White, Red Riding Hood and other fictional heroes in an epic journey against hordes of enemies and Dark Lords. To vanquish the Dark Lords you must claim a powerful artifact. In their quest to stop the invasion, the heroes can travel together between the lands or they can try to single-handedly defend a realm.



Ancestors Legacy provides a much different game through its plots. There are now three different plots for both editions, which include a background story and significantly increase the difficulty level and excitement of the game – increasing the amount of decisions that players will have to make. A plot may have you playing with six realms (combining old and new lands), facing all of the Dark Lords, or creating a really fast game with a unique set-up.


05-14-2014, 11:07 AM
Wow! Pretty much it happened. Our project was funded in a day and that is really good. THANK YOU! You folks did it in no time! And now the way is open to Unlock the Stretch Goals!!! Now we will be able to produce Ancestors Legacy!

Next Stop.... The Fairy Forest and Squirrel Raiders Plot! We will meet the Squirrels at 45K.


05-14-2014, 11:11 AM
We reached our 1st Stretch Goal and now the Squirrel Raiders Plot is available!


Snow Queen sent the Squirrels to the Fairy Forest, to run all over the land and destroy all the valuable and magical things. Their speed is extraordinary and they can avoid many traps due to their small size. This will be really tough for our Heroes.
Help them to capture the Squirrels before midnight and return them to their nest otherwise you will lose the game! In each Area of each Active Realm you place 6 Squirrels and in the 7th Area you place the Nest. And then the chase begins!
Your Heroes must capture all the Squirrels all over the realms and at the same time you must face the Dark Lords, the Fortresses and much more.
Will u be able to succeed where other have failed? It may look easy but think this. Your Hero can capture 1 Squirrel at the time and return it to its Nest! Next stop.. at 50K and the Forgotten Lamp, a new Plot.

05-14-2014, 01:04 PM
#2 Stretch Goal: The Forgotten Lamp!
We run the 2nd day.. a little more.. and we reached our 2nd Stretch Goal, and the Forgotten Lamp!
THANK YOU all so much.


Components: 8 Magic Carpets, 5 Energies, 5 Traps and 2 Lamp Tokens.
At this point we would like to mention that the graphic work is in progress. In the following days we will post detailed photos of the Squirrel Nest and Tokens and material from the Forgotten Lamp.
Our artists work as hard as they can. By the way, I will have updated Photos from the Miniatures of the Heroes soon. We are in contact with our sculptor.
The Dark Lords look for a very powerful ally, the Djinn. That is why they sent the Magic Carpets to look for it in the Golden Caliphate. If you let them find it, then the Caliphate will be destroyed.
Beware though, the Magic Carpets have set all around many traps! The Heroes must find the two parts of the Lamp in order to control the Djinn but can they do it? Traps and Magic Carpets are placed all over the Realms and when a Hero is ready to reveal a hidden token, the Magic Carpet flies and takes him to another Realm.
The Magic Carpets will not let you complete your task and that is not their only power! If you find all the 5 Traps before you find the 2 parts of the Lamp, then a new Realm will be added to your game and then things will be much more difficult. Don't worry.. Some of our Heroes have special abilities and they will help when the time comes!
When you play this Plot, you must always use as one of the Active Realms, the Golden Caliphate!


05-16-2014, 01:08 PM
We fixed a little the Add On Items info and we added few more.
Below you can see all the Add Ons: Crab: This miniature is an Exclusive KS item and adds a Variant in the game. We offered it in the first campaign but since people was asking for it, we offer it again since this campaign has to do with the same game.
Dice: The game already includes two such dice, one Talent and one Area die. The 6 dice we offer here, is for the people who like the dice and each player wants his own dice during the game.
Promo Invaders: Some Pledge Levels include the Promo Invaders so you do not have to add them again. If the pledge level you chose does not include this set, and you want just increase the amount you pledged and that's all.
Bonus Town Cards: They are not included in the game so you can add them cause they play a significant role when you play a Plot. The first time we offered these Bonus Cards as part of the game,, we had printed them just for this printing run. There is no pledge level including these cards.
Sleeves: The square sleeves if we are correct are something new for the market since our square cards size is 5x5cm. We have not see this size before. Both size either the square or the standard ones are made by the finest material. Sleeves are something new for MAGE Company and the samples we have are really good. We note how many packs you need for each size in case you want to protect your cards.


#3 Stretch Goal: New Events!

We reached 60K with your support and now the Event cards are available.
12 New Event cards will be made for the new realms and the Dark Player variant! 3 Events per realm. The current cards you see below are the Event cards of the basic game as we still design the new Events. We will make several updates as soon our artists send to us more art and material for the game. What about these cards.
The Dark Player is a variant of the game where one player plays against all. His purpose is to make you lose the game since he control the Invaders, the Dark Lords and the deck with the Events. He can activate 1 card per Active Realm and these cards are not so weak, they can give to this player what he wants... victory!


05-18-2014, 09:58 AM
Sculpting the Ancestors... Miniatures!
Egyptian King: scale 40mm.
After some improvements on that miniature we came to the final model


Here is Sinbad one of the Ancestors Legacy heroes.
The model is not finished but you can clearly see the details and you can imagine how it will be turned at the end.. in few days!



Moving on... here is Scheherazade, one of the female minis of the game. As you will see is not finished yet since there are missing parts!

And then we have Perseus who is still under development! As we keep moving forward we will show you more minis, monsters, other more anime, other in a warrior style. 12 Realms includes a variety of Miniatures.

05-18-2014, 10:57 AM
70K SG Unlocked!
Hi everyone, We reached 70K and the Pantheon Path Plot is now available along with a brand new Building, the Pantheon. In this Plot you will test your skills since it requires a good strategy and a good team!
In order to play this Plot, you must always use Olympia as one of the Active Realms! To win this game, 2 of the Players must collect 1 Artifact from each Realm (the Artifacts must be different), move to Pantheon, offer a tribute and then offer the Artifacts. This is the only way to win and you must do it before the Invasion Marker reaches 20... even in one of the realms.
Once more the Invaders and the Dark Lords will be there to stop you!


And at this point is time to present you the New Stretch Goals. Now we enter the Stretch Goals of the 2nd Map!
Do not forget: We have updated the Pledge Level images in the front page in order to know exactly what you get from each one


05-19-2014, 02:19 PM
Updated Minis arrived! Ancestors Legacy is almost funded 200% and still we have about 26 days ahead
: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/magecompany/12-realms-ancestors-legacy


https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/002/024/158/2190e96670600b3d1a607318e4ca412b_large.jpg?1400374 836

Prince Ivan

https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/002/024/168/b7772611598f560a988523e8e4eb0b67_large.jpg?1400375 016


https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/002/028/413/45b206a356fb701fa0a49fedb4fcb6d9_large.jpg?1400497 056


https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/002/028/412/a584c49b0131cd78291ec47cf5f9507f_large.jpg?1400497 006

05-27-2014, 02:07 PM
We created a big picture of what you get at $100, a pledge level we recommend.You get the same at $200 only in this case you also get Painted Minis.
Since we still make the graphic material for the expansion we tried to replace the final components with the best possible way and here we are, on what you get on the pledge levels we recommend including currently unlocked Stretch Goals.
Feel free to share it with your friends, social network and other related gaming websites:



05-27-2014, 02:23 PM
Update #21 May 22 2014
The Power of Pantheon! 80K Reached.
We reached 80K and now the Pantheon Events are available. When a Hero visits Pantheon, has the right to draw such a card but only once during the game since these cards have powerful effects. Below are listed the names of those Events:
1. The Cauldron of Danu
2. Crystal Rain
3. Calypso's Deception
4. Mirror of Amaterasu
5. Odin's Wolves
6. Chariot of Perun
7. The Falcon of Ra
8. Zeus' Thunders
9. Poseidon's Tide
10. The Arrow of Huba
11. The Jade Emperor's Dragon
12. Takhar's Sacred Forest


All images have been updated in the front page in order to keep everything in order and now we move on for our next Stretch Goal: King Arthur! Is time to release one of our new Miniatures along with a New Cardboard. We will meet this Hero at 85K and will discover his effects!


05-31-2014, 04:58 PM
We reached the 90K and now Merlin is available as a new character on the Heroes' side. This wizard though hides some additional effects if you combine him with Arthur.
In Ancestors Legacy there are two more Heroes who work as team: Snow Wolf and Prince Ivan (they are included in the game).

This is also something new for the 12 Realms' world. A team of Heroes (just 2 Heroes not more), in a coop game played by one player. Such a team may have advantages, like to help other players or disadvantages, like on of the two Heroes cannot buy any Town cards at all. You will discover their effects during the game.


some important information: We have 2 Stretch Goals left. Just 2? No. There are more.
In our next goal at 95K we will also upgrade the Heroes boards of the Ancestors Legacy. After that we will unlock our next Plot which include a New Building miniature, the Pyramid!

And then we will enter the 3rd Map of Stretch Goals and with New Minis for the Plots and the Dark Lords.
At this point we would like to post a photo of a Dark Lord we recently completed. He is Chernomor! We still have 13 days and with your support we can reach much more stretch goals so we can design and reveal all the Stretch Goals we have prepared.

https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/002/080/422/b993879f711606c3dff07c8275c36691_large.jpg?1401531 922

06-03-2014, 04:24 AM
The Ancestors Legacy Kickstarter project has currently raised nearly $100,000, and is mowing down lots of great stretch goals. The project ends in 10 days, so make sure to pledge soon to get in on a great deal! Check out the project here:


12 Realms is a coop, fairy tale, miniature game for 1-6 players including a variant for a 7th player. The heroes from the known fairy tales unite one last time against the Dark Lords. The Ancestors Legacy (expansion for the basic game) add to the game Plots, new scenarios and stories altering the winning conditions. Now, more than ever, team camaraderie will be necessary in order to reach victory!


06-07-2014, 04:18 PM
All new Dark Lord Minis available as Add Ons!
We worked as fast as we could to make some changes in the campaign. We removed the Dark Lord stretch goals and we added them as Add Ons!
Now you can get the complete expansion. Those who have backed the Ancestors Legacy Hand Painted Minis Pledge Levels and add the Dark Lords, you will receive these minis Hand Painted too! We leave only 3 Stretch Goals for the rest of the campaign. The upgraded hero boards of the expansion, the Fairy Godmother which is a new plot that includes a new Building Miniature, the Pyramid and new cards and finally Pinocchio and Gepetto!

The price for the Dark Lords is $20 (the price is discounted). You increase the amount you pledged by $20 and you get all the new Dark Lord Minis. When the campaign ends we will send you a survey and in it you will note what you pledged.
For Kievan Empire the Dark Lords are: Chernomor & Koschei
For Golden Caliphate the Dark Lords are: Ifrit & Marid
For Olympia the Dark Lords are: Circe & Thanatos
For Nile Valley the Dark Lords are: Sobek & Anubis


06-08-2014, 12:16 PM
95K Stretch Unlocked!
Thanks to your support we reached the 95K.
Now the upgraded hero boards of the Ancestors Legacy are available. We have tested the various talents and abilities of the heroes and based on your feedback we managed to come up with some new great abilities and make the gameplay more versatile.


Now each Hero has an alternate look on each side so the both sides of the board will look different.
On the first side the Heroes have their talents and a special ability and on the second side the Heroes have just new talents more or less. This will also help you to customize the difficult level of the game.



- - - Updated - - -

5 days left to go for the 12 Realms: Ancestors Legacy: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects...cestors-legacy
We worked as fast as we could to make some changes in the campaign. We removed the Dark Lord stretch goals and we added them as Add Ons!
Now you can get the complete expansion. Those who have backed the Ancestors Legacy Hand Painted Minis Pledge Levels and add the Dark Lords, you will receive these minis Hand Painted too! We leave only 2 Stretch Goals for the rest of the campaign. The Fairy Godmother which is a new plot that includes a new Building Miniature, the Pyramid and new cards and finally Pinocchio and Gepetto!
The recommended pledge level is at $100 where you get the basic game, most of the extras that come with it, the expansion and all the stretch goals. Plenty of minis and variants to customize your game!
For Kievan Empire the Dark Lords are: Chernomor & Koschei
For Golden Caliphate the Dark Lords are: Ifrit & Marid
For Olympia the Dark Lords are: Circe & Thanatos
For Nile Valley the Dark Lords are: Sobek & Anubis

06-10-2014, 02:25 PM
105K Stretch Goal Unlocked!
It is true! We reached 105K and now the Fairy Godmother Plot is available.

The Pyramid building miniature is now unlocked along with 2 different decks of cards. A deck of 10 cards and another deck of 30 cards. This Plot is coming from the Nile Valley. The deck of the 10 cards includes different spells. If you combine them, then you have a magic word that can destroy Nile Valley. it's a curse. For each Realm you draw such a card and place it face up at the beginning of the Invasion Track. This card is part of the Spell and you must destroy it. How is that?

You use the other deck, the one that includes the 30 cards. You can use these cards in order to move the Invasion Marker forward and backward until you reach that number which is the perfect one to destroy the Spell. You must do the same for all the active Realms! The Invaders however will create a challenging game since the Marker is moving all the time, you will not know when you can lose the game. A Plot that requires a perfect co-operation between the Heroes!

Currently our illustrator is finishing the Pyramid and the cards and we will soon post photos! Note: After the end of the campaign we will make several updates with the new artwork. And the next stretch goals is Pinocchio and Geppetto minis!

Thank you once more for your support!
Also one more Hero is ready: Sinbad! Enjoy it.


06-13-2014, 04:01 AM
12 Realms was approved by Gamer Geeks, Parent Geeks, and Child Geeks since found something they liked about the game and gave it their collective thumbs-up.
Therefore 12 Realms was awarded with the Father Geek Seal of Approval, a special approval that is only given to those games that were found to be fun, challenging, and playable by a diverse group of players.
Review: http://fathergeek.com/12-realms/
10 stretch goals unlocked and new minis are available: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/magecompany/12-realms-ancestors-legacy