View Full Version : Forge World Tyranid Dactylis Value?

05-12-2014, 06:45 PM
(Sorry, I posted this in another board too before I realized this one would probably be where to go. Apologies!)

I was going through some old models I got from a friend a long while ago. At the bottom of the tacklebox were 5 armorcast tyranid models and I finally decided to find out what they are, and it turns out I have a Dactylis, which, according to my research, is pretty rare. I'm planning on putting them all up on Ebay (gotta fuel my new models somehow), and I found pricing for all the other models, but cannot for the life of me find out what I should price the Dactylis at. I found an old auction where a model in very similar condition to mine had been sold for about $200, but I have no way of knowing if this is high or low.

The model is painted, unfortunately (but, I will mention, it's painted very well), and the throwy arms have come off, but some TLC would probably get it back in very good condition. The other models I have (in case anyone is interested) are; 2x exocrine (1 unpainted), 1 malefactor (painted), and 1 haruspex (unpainted/unassembled). They are all armorcast and good condition, considering their age.

Anyone out there have any suggestions for me? I'm very out of the loop as far as the collector's side of the game goes so I am in unfamiliar territory here. Any help would be very much appreciated.
