View Full Version : Imperial Knight and Astra Militarum

05-11-2014, 08:13 PM
I really love the Imperial Knight kit, and am looking for an excuse to buy and paint one up. I have been working on a Death Korps army recently, and would like to field a knight beside them.

My question is how to get the most out of an Imperial knight-Astra Militarum army on the tabletop? What lists work best supporting the knight? I was thinking of running lots of tanks to provide armour saturation and split my enemies anit-tank weapons. Thoughts?

crouching lictor
05-11-2014, 09:00 PM
Armor saturation may work but you really need to include a few scoring units, maybe some troops in chimeras to keep pace with your mech element and knight. Also, knights are vulnerable to air so be sure to include something that can target enemy flyers.

05-11-2014, 09:09 PM
Target saturation.

Make them choose, your knight or the other stuff.....

05-11-2014, 09:21 PM
I actually just played against my friends knight/ AM tank heavy list (2000 pts). It was ridiculously scary putting out long range pie plates and tons of 24" dakka. However, he castled up and allowed me to overwhelm him. Dont castle! Also, getting puppet master on my cheesy jb MOTL farseer really killed him. Next time we play i'm not bringing that, It felt pretty lame to win that way.

05-12-2014, 08:34 PM
Thanks, I've got a ton of tanks lying around, so I won't even have to buy any new models :-)

Will have to pick up some sabres or Hydras for AA. Or maybe some fortifications... decisions decisions

05-13-2014, 02:15 AM
If you're fielding a Knight + IG...well, cheeseyness aside here is what I got for you:

1) The Knight needs to be moving up and be in your opponents face from Turn 1 onward.

2) Form your IG army around the purpose of long-range support: Vanquishers, heavy weapon teams, and artillery. Including an army commanded by Pask in a Vanquisher, etc, might be a nice way of giving you the long-range edge.

05-13-2014, 09:49 AM
Bubble wrapping the Knight with lots of IG troops can keep it safe from Melta Range too :)

05-13-2014, 07:14 PM
How do troops keep the knight safe from meltas, wouldn't any meltagun-toting soldier be able to see the knight over any infantry?

05-13-2014, 07:25 PM
How do troops keep the knight safe from meltas, wouldn't any meltagun-toting soldier be able to see the knight over any infantry?

Knight goes from well outside their effective range, to in their face and D-weaponing them

and thats without factoring in the Knights 4++

05-13-2014, 08:55 PM
I understand that, I was just curious about the suggestion to bubble-wrap the knight with infantry, as the knight is pretty good in close combat and infantry would not provide any cover against shooting.

Of course the 12" move, 4+, and D-weapon are great :-)

05-14-2014, 12:27 PM
Taken as allies to an IK primary, the new AM codex lets you take a Tank squadron as an HQ choice, freeing up your heavy slot for Wyverns or Hydras, and still lets you load up on infantry for scoring.


05-14-2014, 09:48 PM
Taken as allies to an IK primary, the new AM codex lets you take a Tank squadron as an HQ choice, freeing up your heavy slot for Wyverns or Hydras, and still lets you load up on infantry for scoring.


This wouldn't make any sense. Knights are between 375-450 points, leaving you 1K of primary IG to build a solid backbone for the army on. It would be far more foolish to have the Knight as primary and the IG as allied detachment. Just limits you on FoC space for the IG, which have a MUCH larger army selection.

05-15-2014, 10:02 AM
This wouldn't make any sense. Knights are between 375-450 points, leaving you 1K of primary IG to build a solid backbone for the army on. It would be far more foolish to have the Knight as primary and the IG as allied detachment. Just limits you on FoC space for the IG, which have a MUCH larger army selection.
Three scoring units that are hard to kill or displace, supported by a flexible ally comp that brings AA and/or AP with scoring bodies and even more Armor.


05-16-2014, 02:42 AM
Three scoring units that are hard to kill or displace, supported by a flexible ally comp that brings AA and/or AP with scoring bodies and even more Armor.


Oh, you mean extra cheese.

05-18-2014, 10:30 AM
Regarding the bubble wrap infantry, I can see some spaced out ones making close in deep strikes dangerous. Hopefully with all the long range firepower of guard you're going to be able to target and destroy melta or other worries that are on the table and threatening - that might help keep the pods or stormtroopers at least 6" out. I'm not sure it would really work all that well in practice, vs. putting the points to better offensive use.