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02-04-2010, 08:32 AM
Additional rules:
- If 2 or more Tactical Squads are in the list the DC may get a Rhino, Razorback, Drop Pod or Tantalus Lander as transport.
- If 1 or more Assault Squads are in the list the DC may get Jump Packs for 10 (or more) Points per model.
- If 1 or more Devastator Squads are in the list the DC may buy up to 5 more DC Marines.
- If 1 or more Honor Guard Squads are in the list the DC may buy Powerweapons, Powerfists and Powerclaws (for the usual prices).

I really like this "unlocking" of upgrades for the DC; in this way you have to consider your squad picks carefully...

*edit* Did this post just time travel...? */edit*

02-04-2010, 09:06 AM
It used to be Sanguinary Priest, probably a typo in the rumour.

I really like the way DC is restricted to be "freshly drafted" from troops who were there already. I can see people painting them as if the black was fresh.

btw, can someone recap the rules for red fury?

02-04-2010, 01:05 PM
I think that it is in fact a typo.

Im not sure if I like how DC options are 'unlocked,' it seems neat, but we will see how it actually turns out. It is cool to note that if this rumour is true then DC could have power weapons which would make them really tough.

Did anyone else notice that they are supposedly getting Artificier armour? that seems odd. "your going to die, so lets give you a really valuable pice of armour.


02-04-2010, 01:56 PM
Does the note of "unique" mean that they are only allowed 1 unit of them, thus max is 5 (or 10 if unlocked)?

John M>

Drew da Destroya
02-04-2010, 04:30 PM
Does the note of "unique" mean that they are only allowed 1 unit of them, thus max is 5 (or 10 if unlocked)?

John M>

I'd assume so. I don't think the current list allows more than 1 squad of Death Company. Plus, I don't think the fluff would support having 30+ marines succumbing to the Black Rage at the same time... then again, I think their were White Dwarf rules for a chapter raging totally raging out mid-battle.

02-04-2010, 08:08 PM
DC has always been unique, you could never have 2 units of them, and they never had Combat squads.

And the Chapter aproved of an entire army going rage was awesome.

02-04-2010, 09:16 PM
That's what I want... a Death COMPANY. I loved the Chapter Approved 3rd ed Death Company list. And for Apoc, you can purchase as many DC units as you like. I suppose that this will be the same. The 3rd ed codex with the random number of DC I think was best. D3+3 for the chaplain and then x for each squad. The 4th ed list limited you to one per squad, and you paid for them (30 points higher for the base 5 man unit in each type).

I've got 30 Death COmpany models and I want to use them ;-)

John M>

02-04-2010, 10:25 PM
I also like the third Ed version of death company

02-07-2010, 01:10 AM
One of the higher ranking GW employees was at my local GW and accidently slip up and told us about plastic death company before saying "woops" and covering his mouth.

02-07-2010, 07:06 AM
Just what I need, more Death Company lol

02-07-2010, 02:42 PM
anyone catch the codex worth of info posted on warseer(and then quickly taken down by phibrad :p)

looked balanced and more final than most things Ive seen about it (particularly death company, and as the insiders of the forums suggested no victor and unholt,)

thematically has many rules that play up the red fury, and the artistry of the blood angels.

I'd take it with a grain of salt but probably more feasible than quite a few rumors that are floating about.

If true one would imagine lots more fleshtearer players :rolleyes:.

02-07-2010, 03:29 PM
One of the higher ranking GW employees was at my local GW and accidently slip up and told us about plastic death company before saying "woops" and covering his mouth.

Great, now I'm going to have a Death Battle Company.

That would explain the two different boxes then, one with one type of accessories, the other with a different.

02-08-2010, 01:22 AM
I have been hearing that the entire first wave of rumors we've seen over the last few weeks was based on one of the early if not the first test draft.

Its looking like as the marketing window moves closer (we are now 2 months out) much more final or close to final stuff is worming its way out.

That said, check out the latest we've heard on the Storm Harbinger's "Tantalus Assault Cannon System":
R:18 S:6 AP:4 Heavy:8 Rending, Pinning, Linked


02-08-2010, 08:36 AM
GW staffer made the following assertions:
There will be no lander in the BA codex- it will be in the new Imperial Armour book and as such available to all marines once that is released. That is why the WIP shots were of an Imperial Armour project.
There is a plastic death company box.
There will be no plastic lander and it will be a forge world model.
GW do have a plastic thunder hawk produced and in the can as a sales pick me up when required but are waiting for a decent release slot - not likely to be this year as it is overcrowded.

In other rumours he also claimed that the tau codex will include the Demiurg (squats) and zoanthropes.

Damn you German rumour mills - you are really making my head hurt.

02-08-2010, 09:57 AM
I would put very little weight into that staffer info. A huge new rumor wave arrived just recently, so buckle your seatbelt passengers, we're headed in.

02-08-2010, 12:18 PM
yea, I don't put much weight in what any staffer says. They know less than we do.


02-08-2010, 12:20 PM
... That said, check out the latest we've heard on the Storm Harbinger's "Tantalus Assault Cannon System":
R:18 S:6 AP:4 Heavy:8 Rending, Pinning, Linked


That is a really nasty weapon! But the other interseting point about it is that all of its 'weapon systems,' (without the special weapon upgrade) count as one weapon with that profile... This means it will be higly vulnerable to weapon destroyed results... Still nasty though. PINNING!


02-08-2010, 12:31 PM
One of my friends already did the math. It's got a 78% chance of penetration on AV14. God, I'm in heaven.

02-08-2010, 12:46 PM
One of my friends already did the math. It's got a 78% chance of penetration on AV14. God, I'm in heaven.

Your 'friend' is not so good at maths...

8 shots *(2/3+1/3*2/3) to hit *1/6 (to rend)*1/3 to pen= 0.40= 40% chance to pen---13% to destroy.

02-08-2010, 02:15 PM
GW staffer made the following assertions:
There will be no lander in the BA codex- it will be in the new Imperial Armour book and as such available to all marines once that is released. That is why the WIP shots were of an Imperial Armour project.
There is a plastic death company box.
There will be no plastic lander and it will be a forge world model.
GW do have a plastic thunder hawk produced and in the can as a sales pick me up when required but are waiting for a decent release slot - not likely to be this year as it is overcrowded.

In other rumours he also claimed that the tau codex will include the Demiurg (squats) and zoanthropes.

Damn you German rumour mills - you are really making my head hurt.

complete utter nonsense, not only do staffers know >= to us the forgeworld thing is something completely different and the next imperail armour is mostly centred around orks and elysians. death company are in a METAL box set (they would never make a 1-0 unit plastic) gw WILL NEVER EVER EVER release a thunderhawk as it would cost to much, squats are never coming back and zoanthropes are 'nids.

02-08-2010, 02:57 PM
Your 'friend' is not so good at maths...

8 shots *(2/3+1/3*2/3) to hit *1/6 (to rend)*1/3 to pen= 0.40= 40% chance to pen---13% to destroy.

I got the same result with my numbers. Still, that almost means that with 8 shots it is pretty likely that you could kill/ effectivly disable a Land Raider in one turn.


02-09-2010, 08:05 AM
Just read the apparently confirmed leaked copy. Looks great and will start loading up on Harbinger spam list with assault pack troops. Least now I know what to save for and what I can buy now too:D

02-09-2010, 11:21 AM
I'm personally excited about an 8 Dreadnought army. Harbringers are just icing on the cake, because I'll admit, the idea of Space marines jumping out of planes gets me a little hot and bothered.

02-09-2010, 03:36 PM
From what I have heard from the leaked PDF we will only be able to field a max of 5 Dreads.
3- Heavy Support


02-09-2010, 04:26 PM
Numerous reports now say that GW sent out emails to their retail stores confirming that the BA codex was leaked on the internet. So apparently it may not be a final, but whatever it it, its legit...

Just a reminder, you can discuss whatever news and rumors you want, but NO LINKS TO DOWNLOADS ARE ALLOWED. Have fun guys! Oh, the Blood Angels sound awesome!

02-09-2010, 05:06 PM
From what I have heard from the leaked PDF we will only be able to field a max of 5 Dreads.
3- Heavy Support


From what I saw it goes like this:

2 HQ
3 Fast Attack (you can field furioso's as fast attack under certain circumstances)
3 Heavy

All dreads seem to seeem to have improved front armor as well.

02-09-2010, 07:53 PM
Right you are... Furiosos and their variants can be fielded as Fast attack if they are in a Drop pod or "Tantalus" (Harbringer). They can be taken as FA or HS. so...
2 HQ
3 Fast Attack
3 Heavy support

One thing that I noticed is that the psychic poower "might of heroes can be cast in ANY assault phase."

I was wondering if it is stackable... I.E. what if two librarians cast might of heroes on Dante? does he get +d3 attacks for the first and then another +D3?


02-09-2010, 08:52 PM
Right you are... Furiosos and their variants can be fielded as Fast attack if they are in a Drop pod or "Tantalus" (Harbringer). They can be taken as FA or HS. so...
2 HQ
3 Fast Attack
3 Heavy support

One thing that I noticed is that the psychic poower "might of heroes can be cast in ANY assault phase."

I was wondering if it is stackable... I.E. what if two librarians cast might of heroes on Dante? does he get +d3 attacks for the first and then another +D3?


It did in the old marine dex in 4th edition with the 2 librarian command squad...

02-09-2010, 09:04 PM
The major difference i found in this leak is that BA dont exactly have Furious Charge all the time....instead you get furious charge from your Red Thirst checks: take a leadership roll at the beggining of the movement phase, if you succed nothing happens, if the result is 7 or more you gaing furious charge (with the unit rolling for it) if you fail, the oponent checks if there is an enemy unit within 12" if that happens you gain rage and furious charge.

There are some small changes, like the Exalted not having exalted blades (but they do have power weapons).

I`m really exited about where the BA are right now, its really tempting to make huge units fully equipped, or take every dreadnought slot possible, i will do it sometime just for fun, but for some competitive play it will require a more close look.

02-09-2010, 09:12 PM
The major difference i found in this leak is that BA dont exactly have Furious Charge all the time....instead you get furious charge from your Red Thirst checks: take a leadership roll at the beggining of the movement phase, if you succed nothing happens, if the result is 7 or more you gaing furious charge (with the unit rolling for it) if you fail, the oponent checks if there is an enemy unit within 12" if that happens you gain rage and furious charge.

There are some small changes, like the Exalted not having exalted blades (but they do have power weapons).

I`m really exited about where the BA are right now, its really tempting to make huge units fully equipped, or take every dreadnought slot possible, i will do it sometime just for fun, but for some competitive play it will require a more close look.

its a good thing i have like 8 black reach dreads sitting in boxes :)

02-09-2010, 09:15 PM
I'm quite content that they specified "freshly entombed" for Librarian Dreads, they did notice the fluff stretch and provided a decent reason for it. I wonder if forgeworld will make them appear in a IA later with resin goodness.

02-09-2010, 09:21 PM
its a good thing i have like 8 black reach dreads sitting in boxes :)

I've been working on a "Movie Marines" Dreadnought Squad for some time now. Too bad I can't field the other two :-)

02-09-2010, 09:30 PM
i just read it again and found out something i completly past by the first time...... DANTE HAS ETERNAL WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

02-09-2010, 09:48 PM
WOW, thanks warpath, nice catch! That's very fluffy and welcome.

Hades Alpha
02-09-2010, 10:50 PM
Have you seen the living darkness psy power?

They really need to clarify this one. Else, JOTWW will look like a "fair" psy power.

By the way TH/SS terminators are 50 pts !!!

02-10-2010, 05:54 AM
Well I really like what I've seen so far, but DC with no rending but the option to get power weapons just does not seem right to me...
Expect to see Storm Harbingers packed with power weapon wielding DC jumppackers...

02-10-2010, 09:16 AM
I'm thinking we are looking at a medium ranged (12"-24") high rate of fire, maneuver army that then follows up into assault to finish off survivors.

It kind of feels like a hybrid between the Marine and the Eldar.

And you just know it will have great late renaissance detailing, so they will be beautiful.

02-10-2010, 11:20 AM
Have you seen the living darkness psy power?

They really need to clarify this one. Else, JOTWW will look like a "fair" psy power.

By the way TH/SS terminators are 50 pts !!!

Read the psy power again, but when it says "Remove it from play," try to see it as "Remove the template from play." Then see if that makes more sense as a psy power. most people on the net seem to think that the marker is removed, not the model... But I can see lots of arguments forming over this in the near future.

I'm thinking we are looking at a medium ranged (12"-24") high rate of fire, maneuver army that then follows up into assault to finish off survivors.

It kind of feels like a hybrid between the Marine and the Eldar.

And you just know it will have great late renaissance detailing, so they will be beautiful.

Just to prove that point I have seen test lists that have 16 "melta weapons" and 9 TL Assault Cannons! I think your spot on Bigred. I will be extremly happy if this is an Eldar Hybrid cause marines and Eldar are my two armies!

As far as the modeling I am extremely excited about it, but am almost saddened because I don't want to work on my current Angels simply because the new ones will be so beautiful.


02-10-2010, 12:06 PM
I hope they don't go too heavy on the jersey shore factor, marine 6-packs tend to be quite creepy.

On the other hand it might shut up those who claim 40k is sexist towards female models only.

02-10-2010, 12:26 PM
Have you seen the living darkness psy power?

They really need to clarify this one. Else, JOTWW will look like a "fair" psy power.

By the way TH/SS terminators are 50 pts !!!

the marker is removed from play dont worry (it even says so)

02-10-2010, 01:55 PM
I hope they don't go too heavy on the jersey shore factor, marine 6-packs tend to be quite creepy.

On the other hand it might shut up those who claim 40k is sexist towards female models only.

I think it's purely emulating the shaped body armor of antiquity. Roman era gladiators and Praetorians had 'six-pack shapes' on their armor IIRC.

Hades Alpha
02-10-2010, 02:26 PM
Read the psy power again, but when it says "Remove it from play," try to see it as "Remove the template from play." Then see if that makes more sense as a psy power. most people on the net seem to think that the marker is removed, not the model... But I can see lots of arguments forming over this in the near future.

Yeah your probably right. My mistake!

02-10-2010, 02:35 PM
I would like to see the armour be more like that of the current Mephiston model.


02-10-2010, 04:54 PM
I think it's purely emulating the shaped body armor of antiquity. Roman era gladiators and Praetorians had 'six-pack shapes' on their armor IIRC.

I praise the intent, but the result has some creepiness to it.

02-10-2010, 05:19 PM
I praise the intent, but the result has some creepiness to it.

Because the grimdark shouldn't get grimmer. :P

Personally, I like the look of the form-fitted armor like Dante's or Tycho's - but Mephiston's is over the top with the muscle-fiber looking details on the chest. Makes it look like he's been skinned...

02-10-2010, 08:56 PM
Because the grimdark shouldn't get grimmer. :P

Personally, I like the look of the form-fitted armor like Dante's or Tycho's - but Mephiston's is over the top with the muscle-fiber looking details on the chest. Makes it look like he's been skinned...

Isn't that kind of the point of Mephiston's armour?

I personally love the romanesque armour look with the molded breastplates.

02-10-2010, 09:45 PM
Isn't that kind of the point of Mephiston's armour?

I personally love the romanesque armour look with the molded breastplates.Aren't the Blood Angels supposed to be Renaissance-like? Ultramarines are the Roman-influenced Marines and they don't have any six-pack chestplates with nipples showing.

02-10-2010, 09:58 PM
Aren't the Blood Angels supposed to be Renaissance-like? Ultramarines are the Roman-influenced Marines and they don't have any six-pack chestplates with nipples showing.

Yeah, they are, but the BAs are also supposed to be the artisans. The Ultramarines, to me, seem to be Roman only in the sense that they have crests on many of their helms and in a lot of their naming. Perhaps also in their rigid miliatry structure.

I think Romanesque was the right word choice, but you're certainlly right that the BAs are supposed to fall more along the lines of Italian renaissance (though Rome is in Italy!)

02-11-2010, 12:23 AM
They are indeed renaisance, but by defenition that means they have very strong artistic elements that are based upon idolised Greek and Roman imagery as that was what the renaisance was about, the enlightment /re-enlightenment of european society, which for the most part meant attempting to recreate greek and roman society.

02-11-2010, 03:51 AM
Tycho/Dante/Mephiston don't bother me, even with the flayed flesh look on mephiston, I'd just hate for the whole army to become absmarines. We already have too many 300-inspired chapters.

It's neoclassical/classical, just like ultramarines. Smurfs have a less specific style to it, the early styles are imho better described by these captains:

UM captain: http://www.collecting-citadel-miniatures.com/wiki/index.php/Image:UM_Captain.jpg
Clearly a centurion.

BA captain: http://www.collecting-citadel-miniatures.com/wiki/index.php/Image:BA_Captain.jpg
Mask recalling the mask of agamennon with a christian/medieval halo, anatomically correct like classical statues.

So maybe BA are more greek with a hint of baroque(over-decorated) and UM are more bland-roman.

02-11-2010, 10:13 AM
I think that they will be very roman-esq. At least from the point that the armour of their commanders/ elietes will be very ornate and over the top. Im thinking designs of angels embossed on the chest and SOME 6 pack action going on, but not for tactical marines.

Much like SW look more "Rough and tough viking," Blood Angels will look more noble and Baroque.


P.S. Has anybody seen/ created new lists from the leaked codex?

02-11-2010, 10:31 AM
Sigh, roman-esq makes no sense, (neo)classic rome/greece.

I was also checking the old BA chaplain which is more charismatic than lemartes, I hope they do a better one, one with a coolness factor that's closer to the new term chaplain.

02-11-2010, 10:43 AM
Sure roman-esq makes sense... You knew what I was saying. Was it the most technically correct? no, but you got the idea.

Anyhow. Rumours are that Lemartes is in fact getting a new model. I hope it will be similar to the Jump pack Chaplain or have the presence of the Terminator Chappie.


02-11-2010, 01:33 PM
So here is a List I saw on the net apparently using the PDF.

Sang High Priest: J pack, Grail, pwep, ss.
- Sang priest: SS, Art Armour, power weapon, inferno pistol, J. Pack
- Tech marine: Same
- Champion: Same
- Chapter banner bearer: SS, Art armour, power weapon, inferno pistol, j.pack, chapter banner
- Guardian: Same
- Storm harbringer: Twinlinked Melta

2 x Melta gun
1 x Infernus pistol
1x thunderhammer
- Storm harbringer: Twin linked melts


2 MM attack bikes
2 MM attack bikes

Baal Pred
TLAC, 2x hvy bolter

Baal Pred: Same

Baal Pred: same

total 2000 pts.

That is total:
19 "Melta weapons."
3 Storm harbringer Assault cannons (Essentially 2 TL assault cannons each)
3 TL assault cannons (effectivly 9 assault cannons with the tantalus)
6 heavy bolters
crazy assault marines. Furious charge + Preffered enemy if within 12" of SHP



02-11-2010, 02:23 PM
Too many meltas, too little anti infantry, any decent swarm will crush it.

02-11-2010, 03:40 PM
Edit:Post deleted. Not worth the battle.

02-11-2010, 06:07 PM
Too many meltas, too little anti infantry, any decent swarm will crush it.

any swarm won't catch it.

Also, if you noticed this list includes Dante. Rumours are that his death mask counts each wound caused as two. also 3 baal predators like to eat sqarms... Not to mention the Tantalus assault cannons... TL heavy 8. Even 'fearless,' swarms are going to hate that.

02-11-2010, 07:59 PM
First, shouldn't this be in the army list forum? Second, 2k worth of swarminess are like a LOT. Also it's fielding like 3 squads + vehicles, capturing objectives might prove hard.

02-11-2010, 08:32 PM
No, this shouldn't be in lists... cause its all a giant rumor and we have no way of suggesting variations. The point of the post wasn't to show combat effectiveness, as much as it was to show what a list might look like and to see what people thought.

And I know what 2k worth of swarm is like to fight. Should I assume you play this kind of list Madness?


02-11-2010, 08:56 PM
The list has a lot of non-transport mecha, which results in few foot troops->few scoring units. If a line of fire army or a "keep you tied in cc" army gets its hands on this army they will chew those 2 squads and/or bog you down. Eventually 1/2 squads will die and you have 1/2 units for contesting objectives.

I play a lot of infantry with vehicle support that doesn't act as walking cover and hate the state of the metagame. :D

Luckily we almost exclusively play roleplayed scenarios with strong limits on what can be picked as army choices. Not to mention house rules, like if you use fire points (with the exception of lasguns from inside a Chimera), your vehicle counts as open topped until the beginning of your next turn.

02-12-2010, 12:51 AM
Actually, this list is pretty solid. If this is anything like the Blood Angels might be, then this list will handle almost all lists.

I have run 2 Troop 2000 points lists before, and those guys were not able to assault out of transports! And then Fly-- you are talking about a Transport dumping close combat marines into close combat, then flying away, and then the Marines being able to Catch Back up to your flying transport and get back in!

Assault Cannons are good at shredding infantry and tanks.

Now, I would rather have some terminators in there too... but that's me.

02-12-2010, 04:10 AM
Well, this picture really made me cuckle...


Up to now, even with the "leaked codex", nothing is final. I wont start pondering about armies until I've got my new dex in hand and the first errata on it... ;)

02-12-2010, 05:39 AM

02-12-2010, 10:35 AM
LMAO! That is the greatest thing I have seen in a long time. I love how Dante is just rokin it Guitar Hero Style... The Banner says it all though.


02-12-2010, 11:04 AM
Wild stallions rule!!!

02-12-2010, 11:08 AM
OK here is another list that I have seen floating around the net... Again it is just an idea of what the Blood Angels might be able to being to bear with the new codex (Caveat apply cause this is obviously based off the PDF)

Furioso Librarian Dread
- Heavy Flamer
- Assault launchers
- Drop Pod

Furioso Librarian Dread


Assault squad
- 2x Flamer
- Infernus pistol
- Power weapon
- Drop pod

Assault Squad:

Fast Attack-

Moriar The Chosen
- heavy flamer
- Drop pod

Furioso Dread
- Death Company
- Heavy Flamer
- Drop pod

Furioso Dread

Heavy Support-
Furioso Dread
- Death Company
- Heavy Flamer
- Drop pod

Furioso Dread:

Furioso Dread:

8 AV 13 dreads.
10 "melta weapons"
8 Heavy flamers
4 Flamers
2 troops :(

Thoughts and comments about what the New Blood Angels are shaping up to look like?


02-12-2010, 11:16 AM
As much as I love dreads I think I prefer the other list for the shear amount of firepower the Baals and Storm Harbingers could throw out.

I the codex is legit then its going to be interesting adapting to the new rules. As far as I can spot we seem to have lost the ignoring failed armour save aspect of the exsanguinator, I was expecting it would be changed to grant feel no pain similar to the space marine codex and imperial guard. Also Dante and the company commanders have lost the Rites of Battle rule allowing units to use their higher Ld value for tests however the Laurels of Thorns could be very handy.

02-12-2010, 11:20 AM
Well, I'd be worried about the model count... 28 models (not counting the drop pods) makes you horribly vulnerable to tarpits... And again, it is only 2 troop choices.
Maybe in general it's an other playstyle around your FLGS, but I generally build my armies around solid troop choices; drop dreads are only used for (hopefully) surgical strikes.


02-12-2010, 11:21 AM
I agree, I think this is a 'fun,' list. But I don't think that it is the power list from this codex. It is a cool idea to have 8 dreads on the table and not have it be an apoc game though!


02-12-2010, 11:49 AM
OK here is another list that I have seen floating around the net... Again it is just an idea of what the Blood Angels might be able to being to bear with the new codex (Caveat apply cause this is obviously based off the PDF)

Furioso Librarian Dread
- Heavy Flamer
- Assault launchers
- Drop Pod

Furioso Librarian Dread


It sounds slightly dubious, since some rumor stated something like "you can even take two dreads for your HQ, if you mix BA and Flesh Tearers," implying you need to use special characters to do so. But I don't recall the source of that rumor, so...

As much as I love dreads I think I prefer the other list for the shear amount of firepower the Baals and Storm Harbingers could throw out.

I've never been too impressed with dreadnoughts in 40k in general. Warmachine, on the other hand...

02-12-2010, 12:08 PM
I hope they don't force you to mix chapters like that... I also have been consistently unimpressed by dreads. At least these ones are AV 13. That makes them a little more survivable, but your probably deep striking in the middle of a million meltas!

All in all I like the ultra mobile Tantalus list over this dread one.


02-13-2010, 12:55 PM
I've found that dreads make good fire magnets, but mostly I like them for the models and fluff. I'm hoping that the harbinger in the apparently leaked codex is something like we'll get in the released version and that the model is awesome, if so I'll take a dozen lol

02-13-2010, 06:12 PM
Yea, I think that I will probably drop around 300+ to re-equip my army. . . And the funny thing is that I already have about 10k worth of stuff... Im really looking forward to Exalted models and the Tantalus.


02-14-2010, 02:56 AM
Yeah I've been saving money for the new release, just had a b'day and told and kept being asked if there was anything I wanted. Said yes but not till April so cash or GW vouchers lol. Gf not impressed, she doesn't like to feed the habit, or buy vouchers lol.
Really looking forward to seeing what new models we get and if there's and upgrade spue as I've got so many assembled but unpainted models it should be easy-ish to swap out parts

02-14-2010, 06:56 AM
Yewah...I've had a BA army since 96 and am looking forward to adding some more goodies to it. If even half the rumors are true it will be a fantastic codex.

02-14-2010, 03:36 PM
Yewah...I've had a BA army since 96 and am looking forward to adding some more goodies to it. If even half the rumors are true it will be a fantastic codex.

I started my BA in 98/99, and the centrepiece models (winged captain and dc) have been stolen by a young family member, who I am yet to identify.

Anyways, I suppose April is a good time to start fresh.

02-14-2010, 03:47 PM
You should go black rage on that family member, lol.

The thing that is really going to cost me the most is the landers! I know Im going to pick up at least 4 of those babies... Just for when I want to run that many.


02-14-2010, 04:29 PM
Landers...Drop pods...and more dreads. Going to pick up the exaulted as tehy look to be fantastic models. After selling my imp guard army I have some money saved up for BA to add to my 9-10k Ihave right now.

I just have no idea what to do with my Corbulo....

02-14-2010, 07:50 PM
Just keep him, your going to need a Sanguinary High Priest model with a grail


02-14-2010, 07:59 PM
I've already begun. I picked up a second drop pod (traded it for the orks out of a Black Reach I bought since I needed the rules as I've lost mine and another Dread would be helpful). Looking to snag a few more as well as the landers using my tax refund.

John M>

02-14-2010, 09:08 PM
My plan is to try and snag up a few of the black reach dreads off ebay....and convert them up to furioso's. Of course I'll get the New Ven dread too as it a very cool model.

Does anyone think it is odd that after 2 weeks of almost nothing but rumors...we really haven't heard anything in the past 3-4 days???

02-14-2010, 10:01 PM
There is still a lot out there... But it is mostly in relation to the PDF. The reason rumors have slowed is mostly due to that codex "leak." But still, that doesn't prevent rumours of model releases and such.

I think it is interesting how tax returns will be coming around the same time, woot!

I have been thinking of ordering the Grey Knight Dread and its 'nemesis force weapon arm' to be a LIbrarian dread... Not to mention the "chaplain dread," for my furiosos.


02-17-2010, 09:37 PM
I am thinking of making a force weapon arm and using the new venerable dread as my librarian dreadnought. I have 2 dreads so far, one furioso and one w/ twin las. I hope to get a few Black Reach ones and then all I need is a lot of drop pods.

02-27-2010, 02:02 PM
So I wonder what everyone is thinking about the Blood Angel sprue contents posted here on BoLS a few days back...


02-27-2010, 03:22 PM
So I wonder what everyone is thinking about the Blood Angel sprue contents posted here on BoLS a few days back...


Quite frankly, I'm giddy with excitement. Presently, I'm trying to decide how pretty I want to make my angels, and I need to decide if I want to use some High Elf and Empire heads with them. I've yet to decide if I want all my helmet less dudes to have flowing manes like vampire fabios

02-27-2010, 03:26 PM

02-27-2010, 03:29 PM
If you lived in a civilized country you'd have a government that does your taxes for you! :p

God I want to move across the pond for so many reasons? Anyone need an English/Writing teacher over there?

02-27-2010, 03:35 PM
Heh, we might, do you speak a fluent italian? :P

02-27-2010, 05:42 PM
So I wonder what everyone is thinking about the Blood Angel sprue contents posted here on BoLS a few days back...


I'm pretty excited, if the rumours prove true. A 2handed chainsword in particular sounds like something I could get down with. Wonder how that's going to look...

02-27-2010, 06:05 PM
I wonder why a chainsword also, it's not like they were heavily featured in BA models. Also it's kinda redundant with the eviscerator and the SW long chainsword...

02-27-2010, 06:20 PM
I'm not sure what I'm hoping for. I suppose I'd like it to look a bit like the metal vanguard veteran with relic blade's arms:


but a chainsword, and with the freedom that comes from being in plastic...

02-28-2010, 02:00 AM
I wonder why a chainsword also, it's not like they were heavily featured in BA models. Also it's kinda redundant with the eviscerator and the SW long chainsword...

In the Blood Angel Omnibus, one of the sucess chapters (flesh tearers possibly...) it is mentioned that they weild such a weapon

02-28-2010, 02:03 AM
Didn't read that, but AFAIK flesh tearers use a weapon called flesh tearer which is basically a buzz saw mounted as it was a bionic forearm.

02-28-2010, 02:37 AM
Didn't read that, but AFAIK flesh tearers use a weapon called flesh tearer which is basically a buzz saw mounted as it was a bionic forearm.

For some reason that sounds very familiar to me. That might be from the good ole 'Chapter Approved' days.

02-28-2010, 08:45 AM
Didn't read that, but AFAIK flesh tearers use a weapon called flesh tearer which is basically a buzz saw mounted as it was a bionic forearm.

Think the Flesh Tearers' insignia is a circular saw blade on the shoulder pad? So a circular saw-type weapon would definitely make sense. And who doesn't love bionic arms? :D

Hmm... maybe I can knock something like that together for my little cadre of FT assaulters...

02-28-2010, 09:59 AM
There were models featuring that iinm. At least there was one in the index astartes edition with Flesh Tearers, but if you want an easy convert chance, check Necromunda pit slaves. They surely have one.

02-28-2010, 08:56 PM
A double handed chainsword is all well and good... I just don't know why I would use it when I could use a Power Fist... Unless it counted as a chainfist (a la eviscerator).

The one that gets me interested is the 'hand flamer,' st 3 flamer anyone?


03-01-2010, 01:53 AM
again from WH dex, if they let you have 2, then they fire as a flamer, but count as 2 CCW in assault.i can see why blood angels would want them.

03-01-2010, 01:59 AM
That's a very specific exception for seraphims, I think they will come out with a very different rule for BA.

Time will tell.

03-01-2010, 03:17 AM
indeed it is, but i see it as more likely to be used in a BA army than a S3 flamer, and it cant be a proper flamer for repeated use on the field in only 1 hand, it wouldnt make sense. so to me it means either using rules similar to whats in the seraphim entry, or completely new ones. and the serphim rules would match for the JP assault element the BA use so much of.

03-01-2010, 03:34 AM
There are two options, that imho could be possible: the S3 flamer or a kind of one shot normal flamer counting as a cc weapon.

I don't think, that we will see the rebirth of the hand flamer template...

03-01-2010, 03:41 AM
hand flamer template? what was that?

03-01-2010, 04:15 AM
Oh oh oh, if the 2H Chainsword worked like a chainfist, with the additional armour penetration, you could colour me excited. That'd be very cool.

Hand flamer - Maybe a oneshot flamer, that still counts as a CCW in assaults? It'd make sense given the reduced fuel capacity... but then ultimately if it's "spent" after a single use then in the assault itself your guy is just pistol-whipping people with it rather than firing it.

03-01-2010, 04:16 AM
hand flamer template? what was that?

A template from 2nd Edition. There were three different sized (in length) tear drop shaped flamer templates.
The smallest one for the hand flamer, the standard flamer which we still have today and the large heavy flamer template (which I really miss ! :( ).

03-01-2010, 04:17 AM
A template from 2nd Edition. There were three different sized (in length) tear drop shaped flamer templates.
The smallest one for the hand flamer, the standard flamer which we still have today and the large heavy flamer template (which I really miss ! :( )

Man, I used to love the heavy flamer template... :'(

03-01-2010, 04:40 AM
2nd Ed templates were fun :) all the different psyhic powers all had different flamer esque templates of varying length and size of end. All the different size blast markers, the foot of mork and the stubber template held together with split pins, ah the glory days, not like now adays where you have to settle with 3 transparent templates that don't bend.

03-01-2010, 08:37 AM
Including the Vortex Grenade one! But we have one in 5th too for that. Sooo, Foot of gork?

S3 flamer is more likely than one shot flamer, as it has less "memory" issues.

03-01-2010, 08:59 AM
Sooo, Foot of gork?

Legendary ork weird boy power; Gorks Foot coming down to squish your opponents. It had a foot shaped template (ca. 2"x3")... :D

03-01-2010, 09:56 AM
Ahh, yes great 2nd ed memories... I really don't think we will get a 'one shot flamer,' cause it gets in the way of the Combi-flamer a bit. What makes more sense is just to lower the strength )and title it a pistol for assault reasons.) Much like the Heavy Flamer, but in reverse.

If they give the Sgt. a hand flamer then it will at least make me think twice about taking the infernos pistol. If the Rumors are true then a unit of ten marines could have: 1 hand flamer, 2 melta Guns (or 2 flamers!) and a Power weapon. That sounds like a mean assault squad.


03-01-2010, 11:24 AM
2nd Ed templates were fun :) all the different psyhic powers all had different flamer esque templates of varying length and size of end. All the different size blast markers, the foot of mork and the stubber template held together with split pins, ah the glory days, not like now adays where you have to settle with 3 transparent templates that don't bend.

Memories - the thud gun template with the holes that you had to pin so use it. memories...

03-01-2010, 11:55 AM
Ahh, yes great 2nd ed memories... I really don't think we will get a 'one shot flamer,' cause it gets in the way of the Combi-flamer a bit. What makes more sense is just to lower the strength )and title it a pistol for assault reasons.) Much like the Heavy Flamer, but in reverse.

If they give the Sgt. a hand flamer then it will at least make me think twice about taking the infernos pistol. If the Rumors are true then a unit of ten marines could have: 1 hand flamer, 2 melta Guns (or 2 flamers!) and a Power weapon. That sounds like a mean assault squad.

If they altered hand flamers for blood angels they'd also need to alter them for Sisters, too, and give Sisters said equipment.

Something I would NOT be against if it's done correctly.

03-01-2010, 11:59 AM
Well, they could simply state that "twin" hand flamers work as a flamer and 2 ccw. I personally think that the current way they are treated is fine for sisters. Of course giving the (single) hand flamer option to non-seraphim sisters (superior) would be nice tho.

03-01-2010, 12:05 PM
Well, they could simply state that "twin" hand flamers work as a flamer and 2 ccw. I personally think that the current way they are treated is fine for sisters. Of course giving the (single) hand flamer option to non-seraphim sisters (superior) would be nice tho.

I don't see why they wouldn't, if they're going to give them to blood angels. Flamers of all kind are more iconic to Sisters than Blood Angels.

03-01-2010, 09:52 PM
There are two options, that imho could be possible: the S3 flamer or a kind of one shot normal flamer counting as a cc weapon.

I don't think, that we will see the rebirth of the hand flamer template...

Or is could count as a regular flamer, just like the Seraphim's hand flamers do:rolleyes:.

Oh oh oh, if the 2H Chainsword worked like a chainfist, with the additional armour penetration, you could colour me excited. That'd be very cool.

Well, that's exactly what evicerators do, and they're giant, 2 handed chainswords...

03-01-2010, 10:04 PM
Seraphim count their hand flamers as a flamer because they shoot two at a time, they shoot every couple of pistols they have in a "twin linked" way. So basically it's either twin linked bolt pistol, twin linked inferno pistol or flamer.

03-01-2010, 11:12 PM
I'm still going with st 3 for the hand flamer... It just makes the most simple sense, and doesn't get in the way of sisters.

Also the rumour mill is spitting out that perhaps the lander doesn't exist... Thoughts?


03-01-2010, 11:23 PM
Personally I thought that the introduction of a unheard vehicle was somewhat abrupt.

03-02-2010, 12:25 AM
Ill be honest. I would love to see the lander In the dex... But if it isn't there I won't cry (too much).

03-02-2010, 12:48 AM
I would be disappointed at the lack of the lander as I think that it would add a bit variation to the Blood Angels. At least until it was shared with the other Chapters, but we know that the Blood Angels don't like to share. I think the addition of the lander would be fun and make me feel a bit safer with large numbers of Assault Marines (I can't help but love the models over Tacticals). However if it's not in there I suppose I would get over it pretty quickly with the new models and characters. Really looking forward to seeing what the Sanguinor model looks like.

03-02-2010, 02:44 AM
I've got real doubts about the Lander... if they're going to put a big vehicle kit into production I'd be surprised if it was a chapter-exclusive. With all the already rumoured plastic kits and fevered dreams of resculpts, a whole vehicle exclusively for BA seems like overkill.

03-02-2010, 03:40 AM
I added checking the GW 40k pre-orders to my daily duties and I will not take the lander for granted until it shows up there... :rolleyes:

03-02-2010, 10:36 AM
I've got real doubts about the Lander... if they're going to put a big vehicle kit into production I'd be surprised if it was a chapter-exclusive. With all the already rumoured plastic kits and fevered dreams of resculpts, a whole vehicle exclusively for BA seems like overkill.

Many people said the same things about Space Wolves riding giant Wolves into battle. It was almost a joke, but look what we have now.

I added checking the GW 40k pre-orders to my daily duties and I will not take the lander for granted until it shows up there... :rolleyes:

Not a bad idea.


MC Tic Tac
03-02-2010, 11:04 AM
To be honest I'm wary of the lander. As I said before I would not be suprised if its a Forge World thing from the next Imperial Armour Book for the Raven Guard as it would suit them and thier fluff more, and it just got mixed up/wish listed into the BA rumours.

03-02-2010, 11:12 AM
Which also probably confirms that the leaked codex is the kind of leak you get in the sewage pipes.

03-02-2010, 04:04 PM
I don't know about everyone else, but I am getting tired of "rumours," I would like some fact! It is getting so old with "lander or no, 30 death compan or not... Etc."

Give me facts gw! At this point I don't really min too much which of the rumours are true or not, I Just want to start building/ converting my army

03-02-2010, 08:47 PM
I am honestly very impressed that GW has been able to keep the truth away for so long! Usually by now we have the codex leaked, pics of some models, a list of what models are to be release, but at this point all I know is that we are going to get some box with some BA stuff in it.

I like the mystery :)

03-03-2010, 12:34 AM
I am honestly very impressed that GW has been able to keep the truth away for so long! Usually by now we have the codex leaked, pics of some models, a list of what models are to be release, but at this point all I know is that we are going to get some box with some BA stuff in it.

I like the mystery :)

Agreed. I like the surprises. It is always good when the Forgeworld newsletter comes out and I haven't seen any of it before.

But I would like a lander.


03-03-2010, 03:31 AM
I guess it could be a clever strategy shifting marketing tactics from 'viral' to 'keeping it top secret' from time to time.
Look at how people (including me) react to that missing information leaks... I really crave for info...

03-03-2010, 06:40 AM
Many people said the same things about Space Wolves riding giant Wolves into battle. It was almost a joke, but look what we have now.


That's true, but it's a different kettle of fish entirely - a Lander is something any chapter could viably use, particularly if it really is a "mini-thunderhawk" like I've heard. I would assume tooling for production of vehicle kits is pretty expensive, so it just doesn't stand to reason that something so well-suited to any chapter in the game would be made a BA 'sclusive. Much more likely as MC Tic Tac said it's a forge world thing that got swept up in the rumour mill.

03-03-2010, 09:13 AM
Yea, that is a good argument for sharing the lander... But IF the lander is real I don't want it to be available to every chapter (though in the fluff every chapter might use it.) Here are my reasons:

1. "Divergent codicies," should remain quite different from standard codices and vice versa.
2. Fluff could possibly argue that the Angels use them much much more often than other armies.

I just don't see the point of giving the Crusader Variant to all marines, giving the lander to all marines, giving the TH/SS to all marines, etc. I know that in the fluff their gear would all be exactly the same. However, From a gaming perspective I want to see the Astartes chapters be totally different, not just "Blue marines and Red marines." Know what I mean?


03-03-2010, 11:52 AM
I guess it could be a clever strategy shifting marketing tactics from 'viral' to 'keeping it top secret' from time to time.
Look at how people (including me) react to that missing information leaks... I really crave for info...
My thoughts exactly, people was looking for rumours, and they threw us off the track with a fake one. Or it was just a glorified fandex.

Yea, that is a good argument for sharing the lander... But IF the lander is real I don't want it to be available to every chapter (though in the fluff every chapter might use it.) Here are my reasons:

1. "Divergent codicies," should remain quite different from standard codices and vice versa.
2. Fluff could possibly argue that the Angels use them much much more often than other armies.

I just don't see the point of giving the Crusader Variant to all marines, giving the lander to all marines, giving the TH/SS to all marines, etc. I know that in the fluff their gear would all be exactly the same. However, From a gaming perspective I want to see the Astartes chapters be totally different, not just "Blue marines and Red marines." Know what I mean?

The streamlining of most units surely marked a drop of quality in the release, but consider the current status of things, 5th ed. codices offer a plethora of variations (with some ending up being completely ignored by most "competitive" players), so they had to borrow variants here and there to keep up with the number of choices they had in mind.
That brings us to the SW codex, they packed a lot of very weird and quirky (and new) things in it to keep it different enough, of course SW were never big fans of the codex astartes to begin with.
It will be harder to pull it right in the same way for blood angels, without unique vehicle variants, with most of their unique unit choices (vanguard veterans) being avaiable to all other marines... but then again we don't want to start mourning before it's the time.

03-03-2010, 02:04 PM
So what happened to this RSS feed?

GW make u remove it?

Blood Angel Easter Egg? (Pic)
from Warhammer 40k, Fantasy, Wargames & Miniatures News: Bell of Lost Souls by [email protected] (Bigred)
So sharp eyed Rob Bear spotted this squad surrounding Dante on the back of the Battle Missions book. Its kind of blurry, but there certainly seem to be some new bits on those golden marines. They don't seem to be the old Blood Angel Honor Guard minis. ~What do you guys think?

Visit Bell of Lost Souls for the full article.

03-03-2010, 04:12 PM
Red Herring... It turned out to be some older converted models, nothing new...

03-03-2010, 05:17 PM
Red Herring could easily be a new unique IC in the codex.

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-03-2010, 08:43 PM
Thanks to THE VOICE from warseer :


As to the Sanguinary Guard, contents are as follows:

5x legs (look like Dante/Tycho)
5x torso fronts (all muscled, no belts)
5x toros backs
5x winged Jump Packs (5 parts each)
5x left arms with wrist mounted Bolters
1x left arm with wrist mounted Plasma Gun
1x left arm with wrist mounted Melta Gun
3x 2-handed swords
2x 2-handed axes (1 double headed)
15x shoulder pads
1x large standard with winged grail icon on top
Multiple heads of different types such as with haloes and laurels
Other small bits like hands for the left arms

This is The Truth.

03-04-2010, 06:58 AM
Red Herring could easily be a new unique IC in the codex.

I lol'd

03-04-2010, 01:11 PM
are the sanguinary guard replacing honour guard?

03-04-2010, 03:01 PM
I think so.

03-04-2010, 03:29 PM
Yes, it is.

03-04-2010, 11:14 PM
Hand Flamers - S3 AP6 Template according to warseer. Pretty much everything that could be found out was. The Dude did a great job summing up, the again, he usually does.

03-04-2010, 11:25 PM
what makes any of these new rumors any more prevalent than the older ones?

03-04-2010, 11:56 PM
People actually saw the new codex and got their hands on the prerelease stuff (known as black box), so it's based of fact and not word of mouth.

It's also consistent with through all the sources.

03-05-2010, 12:33 AM
Hand Flamers - S3 AP6 Template according to warseer. Pretty much everything that could be found out was. The Dude did a great job summing up, the again, he usually does.

Fine by me. Woudln't mind having that on my sister superiors. I'd put one in every squad.

03-05-2010, 01:02 AM
SoB/BA crossover-wise, Predator Baal will also have a "flamestorm cannon" option. I wonder how many more flamer variants we can withstand. :P

P.S.:whoops, it's the same thing that's on the side of a redeemer.

03-05-2010, 01:51 AM
via the Dude (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4453239&postcount=1)

This stuff is all collated from first hand reports of the physical codex from the Black boxes shipping out to GWs and retailers. We are now past the rumor/conjecture phase.

General info

Release 8 April 2010

Written by Matt Ward


Army-wide Special Rules
Combat Tactics – As per C:SM

And They Shall Know No Fear – As per C:SM

Red Thirst - Almost all BA units have it. After deployment roll D6 for each unit with the Red Thirst rule. Any unit that rolls a 1 must exchange Combat Tactics for Furious Charge and Fearless.

Descent of Angels - Anything with a Pump Pack can re-roll reserve rolls and will only Scatter 1d6 when Deep Striking.

Weapons & Wargear
GW have said there will be a range of specialist wargear for the Blood Angels

Infernus Pistols – 6” Melta pistols

Hand Flamers - S3 AP6 Template

Death Mask - Force a Ld check at -2. Fail and fight at WS1.

Over-charged Engines are gone, replaced with Fast on some vehicles.

Blood Talons - close combat weapons on the Furioso Dreadnought. A dreadnought CCW with a Stormbolter, likely upgradeable to Meltagun/Heavy Flamer.

Magna-Grapples - A R12” S8 anti-vehicle harpoon weapon for Dreadnaughts. On a successful Penetrating or Glancing hit, the target vehicle is dragged 2D6" toward the Dreadnought, facing unchanged. Will only pull a vehicle as far as the edge of Terrain or 1" away from (friendly?) models. It has been said it can cause Tank Shock.

Psychic Powers
The Sanguine Sword – Gives Librarian S10
Wings of Sanguinius – As per GW PDF
Quickening - As per C:SM
Unleash Rage - Gives unit Preferred Enemy
Blood Boil – A successful Psychic test causes a wound on an enemy unit, allocated by enemy Player. If the Psychic Test is passed with a result of 5 or less, The Blood Angels player allocates the wound.
Unnamed - Draw a line of length 4D6” from the Librarian ignoring friendly models. Enemy models take a single S8 AP1 Lance hit.
Unnamed - Units within 6” get a 5+ cover save
Unnamed – One enemy squad has to take a Ld test to Move, Run, Shoot or Assault.

Dante, Lord of the Blood Angels – He and his squad don't scatter when Deep Striking. He doesn't have Eternal Warrior.
Death Mask of Sanguinius – As per regular Death Mask, plus pick a single Independent Character at the start of the game and cause -1 to WS, A, I and Ld.
Gives his squad Hit & Run
Allows Sanguinary Guard as Troops

Gabriel Seth, Chapter Master of the Flesh Tearers – Captain stat line Armed with a very large Chainsword (S8, rending), Bolt Pistol and Iron Halo
Can forgo his normal attacks and cause one auto-hit on everything in base to base contact with him
If an enemy rolls 1 to hit him, he hits back with a basic close combat attack.
Causes all units with Red Thirst to suffer it on a 1-3.

Mephiston, Lord of Death – WS7 BS5 S6 T6 W5 I7 A~5 Ld10 Sv 2+ Around the cost of a Land Raider
Armed with Psychic Hood, Plasma Pistol, Force Weapon, Frag & Krak grenades
May cast 3 psychic powers per turn,
Transfixing Gaze - Does not require a psychic test. A single Independent Character must take a Ld test with a -4 modifier. If they fail Mephiston may re-roll failed hits and wounds. The enemy may fight back is they survive.

Tycho, Captain of the 3rd Company – Hits like a Monstrous Creature (at S4) and can re-roll a single To-Wound roll. His Combi-Melta has access to Sternguard special ammo.
Apparently there are multiple versions such as Death Company in the codex.

Reclusiarch Chaplain – Death Company get to re-roll to-wound and to-hits on the charge with the Liturgies of Hate

Librarian – No news yet

Company Captain – No news yet

Honour Guard – No news yet

Astorath the Grim – Armed with Power Axe, pistol and Jump Pack
Described as an Uber Chaplain. Apparently, if he is with the Death Company, they can re-roll Hits and Wounds.

Sanguinor, Exemplar of the Host – A “mysterious avenging angel” armed with 2-handed master crafted Power Sword (possibly S6), Bolt Pistol, and Jump Pack. WS8 ST5 T4 A5 Sv2+ 3++
Forces successful invulnerable saves in close combat to be re-rolled
Can nominate an enemy HQ and get re-rolls to all To-Hit and Wound rolls on that model
All friendly units within 6” get +1 attack
Blessing of Sanguinor - One sergeant in your army has +1 to WS, S, W, I, A and Ld

Chaplain – Death Company get to re-roll to-wound and to-hits on the charge with the Liturgies of Hate

Terminator Squad – No news yet

Terminator Assault Squad – No news yet

Dreadnaught – Can upgrade to Venerable, Furioso, and Furioso Librarian
Furioso Librarian have a single Blood Talon and Force Weapon, they have to choose which to use in close combat, but they DO get the +1 attack for having multiple CCWs. They can take 2 Blood Angel psychic powers (including Wings of Sanguinius) and has a Psychic Hood.

Techmarine – No access to the Thunderfire Cannon

Vanguard Veterans – A bit cheaper than C:SM. No Relic Blades, but access to the Glaive Encarmine (master crafted Power Weapons). Able to take Hand Flamers. Can supposedly take an Exsanguinator

Sternguard Veterans – As per C:SM

Sanguinary Guard – Armed with wrist-mounted Angelus Boltguns (12" S4 AP4 Assault 2), Glaives Encarmine (master crafted Power Weapons) Jump Packs and Artificer Armour. May take Death Masks. Max squad size of 5.

Sanguinary Priests – Unit of 1-3.

Brother Corbulo – Upgrade to Sanguinary Priests. Same profile. Armed with a S5 rending Chainsword. Red grail gives Feel No Pain and Furious Charge within 6”. Supposedly only gets FNP himself on a 2+

Assault Squad – As per C:SM but have Red Thirst

Tactical Squad – As per C:SM but have Red Thirst

Death Company – Furious charge, fearless, relentless, FNP, 3-30 models, 0-1 choice. Armed with Bolter, Bolt Pistol and Close Combat Weapon. Can take Power Weapons and Power Fists. Can take Jump Packs.
Cost with Jump Packs is the same as it is in the GW PDF.
Not a Scoring Unit

Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost – Upgrade character for Death Company. Armed with Crozius, Bolt Pistol and Jump Pack. Gets stronger if he loses one of his two wounds.

Death Company Dreadnaught - May take one for every 5 Death Company in the army. Several different weapon options including Magna-Grapple, Blood Talons (some form of Melta weapon), etc.

Scout Squad – Standard Scouts. No “Mad Max” style ones

Fast Attack
Baal Predator – Pretty much the same, but is Fast, has the Scout USR, and the option for a turret-mounted Flamestorm Cannon.

Bike Squadron – No news yet

Attack Bike Squadron – No news yet

Land Speeder – No news yet

Land Speeder Storm – Likely Added

Heavy Support
Devastator Squad – No news yet

Whirlwind – As per C:SM

Predator – No news yet

Vindicator – As per C:SM but are Fast

Stormraven Gunship – Armour 12 all around, Skimmer, Fast, Assault Vehicle, Deep Strike.
Armed with twin-linked Assault Cannons, twin-linked Heavy Bolters and 4 Bloodstrike Missiles.
Ceremite Plating make is immune to Melta weapons' extra penetration due to being able to withstand atmospheric re-entry temperatures
Bloodstrike Missiles Range 72” S8 AP1 Heavy 1, One-shot
Transports up to 12 Marines (Jump Troops take up 2 slots) and up to 1 Dreadnought at the same time.
Transported Dreads take a single S4 hit on rear armour if the Stormraven explodes
Models can be deployed at any point of the move, even if it goes flat out but they must take a Dangerous Terrain test (Jump Pack Troops have a better chance of passing). Models deployed in this way cannot assault.
No fire points
4 access points (front, sides and top (?))
May replace Heavy Bolters with either twin-linked Multi-Melta or twin-linked Typhoon Launchers. May also take Hurricane Bolter sponsons.

Dedicated Transports
Rhino – 50 pts. As per C:SM but are Fast

Razorback – No news yet

Drop Pod – No news yet

Land Raider – Standard, Crusader and Redeemer. Only available as Dedicated Transports. Can supposedly Deep Strike somehow.


Releases are:

Death Company (BA upgrade kit) – Makes 5 plastic Death Company / Blood Angels.

Originally Posted by The Voice
The sprue you are referring to contains:

5x Bolt Pistols
5x Chainswords (1 two-handed)
5x Bolter arm sets
2x Hand Flamers
2x Perdition Pistols
2x Plasma Pistols
1x Power Sword
1x Thunderhammer
1x Powerfist
5x Jump Packs
5x Backpacks
5x Legs
5x Torso backs
5x Torso fronts
8x Heads
20x Shoulder pads
Other small bits
Sanguinary Guard - Makes 5 plastic Sanguinary Guard

Originally Posted by The Voice
Sanguinary Guard look very similar to Sanguinor, with muscled armour, winged Jump Packs, haloed heads, two-handed weapons (three swords, two axes) and wrist-mounted Bolters. There are additional wrist mounted weapons of the Melta and Plasma variety and a lovely battle standard.
Originally Posted by The Voice
As to the Sanguinary Guard, contents are as follows:

5x legs (look like Dante/Tycho)
5x torso fronts (all muscled, no belts)
5x toros backs
5x winged Jump Packs (5 parts each)
5x left arms with wrist mounted Bolters
1x left arm with wrist mounted Plasma Gun
1x left arm with wrist mounted Melta Gun
3x 2-handed swords
2x 2-handed axes (1 double headed)
15x shoulder pads
1x large standard with winged grail icon on top
Multiple heads of different types such as with haloes and laurels
Other small bits like hands for the left arms
Picture here:

Seems The Voice forgot to mention the Power Fist on the sprue

Baal Predator – Makes 1 Plastic Baal Predator

Comes with Assault Cannon and Flamestorm Cannon turret options as well as Heavy Flamer and Heavy Bolter sponson options.

Metal Blisters:

Sanguinor, Exemplar of the Host

Originally Posted by The Voice
Sanguinor has muscular armour similar to the current Dante miniature. His single engine Jump Pack has large wings on the sides and a halo on top. He adopts the classic “exalted angel” pose similar to Celestine with arched back and arms flung wide. His face is passive with shoulder length, wavy hair. His left hand holds a small grail, his right holds a sword.
Originally Posted by The Voice
Sanguinor has the typical broad-bladed sword used by most Space Marines. The Blade is a hand-span wide, straight, with a diamond point and a Fuller. The Guard is a typical cross guard, slightly embellished and with no Quillions. The Grip is about a one and a half hander, and the Pommel is quite plain.
Gabriel Seth

Originally Posted by The Voice
Chapter Master Gabriel Seth is armed with an Eviscerator (or very large Chainsword) which is longer than he is, double edged, with a very long grip (about 3.5-4 hand spans). He has fairly standard Power Armour, sparsely adorned with some scrollwork etc, and his backpack sports a cloak, small wings and an Iron Halo. His right shoulder pad has trim shaped like a saw blade, and his left sports a Flesh Tearers symbol with a single wing, similar to Tycho’s heraldry. He is posed running forward, pulling back for a two-handed sideways sweep of his blade and has the standard yelling head.
Astorath the Grim

Originally Posted by The Voice
Astorath has muscular armour similar to the current Mephiston miniature. He has a shouting head with long, flowing hair and a single engine Jump Pack with small wings on the sides. He is posed to be coming down in a hard 2-handed overhead swipe with an axe that’s handle is crafted to resemble a spine.
Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost

Originally Posted by The Voice
Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost, will get a brand new and much better miniature upon release. He stands atop a small pile or rubble, feet together, with right arm pointing a Bolt Pistol and left arm at ease holding a Crozius topped with a 2-headed eagle. His armour is adorned with many rivets and purity seals. His right shoulder pad is a jawless skull, and his left sports an embossed Blood Angels icon. His torso has a harness for his Jump Pack which itself is adorned with chains and charms and has the Blood Angels icon embossed on top of both intake vents. His helmet is a haloed skull with pipes to the sides of the mouth, but this time the eyes have lenses and the halo is more subtle.
Vanguard Veteran with Hand Flamer and Power Weapon.

Originally Posted by The Voice
For example, there is a Veteran with Jump Pack, Hand Flamer and Power Weapon due for release. His armour and Pump Pack are sparsely adorned with blood droplet gems, Purity Seals and scrollwork. Standing in the typical tip-toed pose of a jump troop, his upraised left arm holds a broad

03-05-2010, 02:24 AM
30 death company and 5 death company dreadnoughts for your 6 troops slots...

You know, because holding objectives is for wimps!

03-05-2010, 02:30 AM
That is, if the enemy still has something to contest them. :P

03-05-2010, 03:19 AM
I think it'd make an awesome plantstrike list :P

03-05-2010, 04:34 AM
Boys, via Warseer, the first sprue pic!!!


03-05-2010, 04:40 AM
Ack, preceded, what is the top right stuff? They don't seem to be shoulderpads. Huge kneeguards?

03-05-2010, 04:51 AM
Seems so...

03-05-2010, 07:39 AM
I am such a happy boy about most all of this. Sanguinor sounds absolutely awesome rules and mini wise! Sounds like some fun rules in there too like the dreads that play mortal kombat as scorpion way too much. The new "Red Thirst" sounds like a lot friendlier version of the old "black rage" roll's that you had to do at the start of each turn!

Scout on the Baal? Muahahaha

I was very very excited about the rumored "Mad Max" scouts but I'll get over it.

I think my BA may get dusted off and back on the table in the near future here.;)

03-05-2010, 09:24 AM
If true, scout and fast vehicle on the baal is pretty absurd.

I was fairly convinced by the leak, so it's rough knocks on me if it's proven "the lie!"

6" aura of FNP would be game breaking, btw, presuming it would function like any other where if a single model of a squad is in range, everybodee has it ...

03-05-2010, 09:27 AM
Death Mask - Force a Ld check at -2. Fail and fight at WS1.
So, I'll be prepared to get into yet another argument about why this underlined part does not affect my Sisters in any way whatsoever.

03-05-2010, 09:39 AM
With the Look on that sprue, Blood Angels are going to be super cool looking! I can't wait to start kit bashing that thing. So stoked on their look... A little disappointed about the banner cause I freehanded that same banner, and now every noob will have one, lol

On the Rules:
- The magma arm thing is right awesome! Good by mech armies!
- Since the Storm-whatever is an assault vehicle I think I will be loading it up with regular backpack assault marines. I think I will try to run one or two of these things and see how they feel. AP1 missiles is great.
- Baal: FAst, scout and flame storm? holy crap!
- Mephiston is going to be a nasty nasty beast... S6 T6 he doesn't need Eternal Warrior cause you can't double his T, lol! not to mention he can be S 10 at initiative and give himself quickening... OUCH!
- Libby dread: Im going to say it again... I TOLD YOU I WOULD GET A FLYING DREAD! lol I can see this guy running around with the S8 AP1 lance and the wings of Sanguinius abilities, again... good by mech. armies.
- Looks like st 3 hand flamers was the way to go afterall
- Death Company reroll hits and wounds with a guy wow

ALl I can say is nice all around!


03-05-2010, 09:44 AM
HOLY MCBALLS. I am really quite impressed.

03-05-2010, 10:41 AM
great so nids released, army meh, BA relased, OP like heck, why does only the imperium get the love

03-05-2010, 11:31 AM
I don't care if imperials get all the love, just as long as my blood angels get it!

"I surived both PDF.s" t-shirts anyone?


03-05-2010, 11:35 AM
Imperials don't get all the love, else why do Marines get it? They're far less "Imperial" than the Guard or Sisters :P Yes, Guard got a good codex, but they had to wait pretty damn long with a crappy one to get it.

03-05-2010, 11:44 AM
Further confirmation we are finally dealing with real info from the black boxes...

03-05-2010, 12:08 PM
Thanks Bigred!!

03-05-2010, 12:09 PM
GW has been a lot more open about Blood Angels than some of the other factions recently... or maybe they're just THAT close to release..

03-05-2010, 12:31 PM
- Mephiston is going to be a nasty nasty beast... S6 T6 he doesn't need Eternal Warrior cause you can't double his T, lol! not to mention he can be S 10 at initiative and give himself quickening... OUCH!

Until he runs into a bug with dual boneswords, or even worse runs into a Tyrant and Lash Whip equipped Guards.

03-05-2010, 12:51 PM
My brothers, look!!!



The Black Box!! And the AWFUL new codex pic, of course...

03-05-2010, 02:18 PM
Ack, preceded, what is the top right stuff? They don't seem to be shoulderpads. Huge kneeguards?

To me, those look like the wing face helmets from the Ultramarines honor guard in the C:SM codex.

03-05-2010, 02:58 PM

03-05-2010, 03:14 PM
Too much info at one time... head... about... to .... explode....

Gonna have to start working on converting all my old models up to snuff....

John M>

03-05-2010, 04:10 PM
Meph sounds like he is going to be cheaper than the swarmlord but far nastier.

03-05-2010, 05:01 PM
Meph sounds like he is going to be cheaper than the swarmlord but far nastier.

I think for every power Mephiston's got on the swarmlord, the swarmlord has something on Mephiston. I think both will/are appropriately costed.

03-05-2010, 05:11 PM
meph is T6 and not immune to instant death, swarmlord will munch when he gets in

03-05-2010, 05:17 PM
The Black Box!! And the AWFUL new codex pic, of course...

With the full codex trim it actually doesn't look that bad.

meph is T4 and not immune to instant death


03-05-2010, 05:26 PM
I saw the codex in my local GW today here is what's inside:

Cover (okay this is on the outside, but whatev...): Same as the one posted here on BoLS as the WD cover :(

Baals: Fast, Scout, replace twin AC for Flamestorm FOR FREE has access to heavy flamer/bolter sponsors. First turn barbeques will now be a common occurrence, so bring chips.

Pretty much every vehicle is Fast with the exception of LR (which CAN deep strike BTW)

Death Company: same as Bigred posted. For every 5, you can take a DC dread as troops.

DC dread: can fleet. 'nuff said.

Mephiston: PWNage covered in win sauce. Use up to 3 powers a turn, same cost as a regular LR. Tranfixing Gaze (if successful) allows re-roll to hit AND to wounds against an enemy IC.

Stormraven Gunship (aka Tantalus): quite literally a small thunderhawk. Option to swap twin linked Assault Cannon for a twin linked Plasma cannon (among other options). Twin Hvy Bolters are swappable for a Multi Melta and other weapons. Is a Heavy Support choice. Transport capacity is 12 (JP count as two) AND a Dreadnought. Assault vehicle (cannot assault on the turn it deep strikes).

Furiso Dreadnoughts: Elites choice, upgradable to Libby dread (so you can have 3... OMG). Regular FD can take a Frag Cannon (S6 Ap- Assault 2 Rending Template). I've nicknamed this gun the clusterf*ck cannon for obvious reasons. Libby dread can fly if you choose the flying power as one of your two powers. Tests on Ld 10 and Perils hits count as glancing hits.

Dreadnoughts: Heavy Support choices, standard gear iirc.

Assault Squads: Troops choices. Access to hand flamers, etc.

Dante: Bigred covered it.

Terminators: I didn't see any split fire rules here, but then again, I wasn't really looking. Same cost as codex SM. Yes they get the 3++ storm shields. Go clean up now.

Tactical Squads: seem the same as regular marines (i.e. bolter, BP, Frag & krak grenades, etc).

Sternguard make an appearance seem to be the same as SM ones.

Veteran squads are basically the same as Vanguards (they have heroic intervention & descent of angels- ouch!).

Sanguinary Guard (I think that's their name... anyway, the super vets): wrist mounted AP 4 bolters, access (if it's not standard) to two handed master-crafted power weapons. Very very pretty models. I'm surprised they don't sparkle. ;)

Seth: has a two-handed mega chainsword that makes him S8 rending in assault. Every enemy roll of 1 for a to hit results in a S4 hit back. Did I mention he fights with his chainsword at initiative?

Tycho: Has two profiles: regular and DC statlines. They cost the same and the player chooses which one to use when they select him.

That's all I can remember, sorry.

My overall impression of the BA is this: They will be the Alpha Strike kings. They will bend you over and have their way with you on the first turn if you're not careful. The Codex seems amazingly easy to break (flying dreadnoughts with force weapons, Baals to the wall Flame spam, etc.). Hordes will hate it when they get charged by Seth as he'll single-handedly eviscerate of big group of boys or guants. The Stormraven will be quite a pain, but there's not model for it, there's not even a picture of it (maybe this is the "thunderhawk kit" we've been hearing so much about? Just some speculation on my part). There are also a lot of free swaps when it comes to the vehicles (at least to me). A heavy DS army is quite possible and actually a bit more reliable with only 1D6" scatter rolls.

Overall, I think BA players will be happy and that Goatboy will have his army of Blood Goats completed within the next couple of months. This codex will be the new bad boy on the block when it comes down to the power balance. Prepare the Whine! The Cheese is coming!

All I can think of now is what the Legions 'dexes are going to look like.
E.g.: Ahriman - 400 points. Special Rules: IMMA FIRIN' MA LAYZA! BLAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!: Place a hellstrom template from Apocalypse with the narrow end touching Ahriman and the wide end facing away from where Ahriman's mouth would be. All models under the template take a S10 AP1 Lance hit. That's what I'm hoping for anyways :D

03-05-2010, 05:29 PM
Again it sounds like Meph is an MC with none of the drawbacks unless he can't ride in a transport. If he does not have an invul save or eternal warrior then the swarmlord would be nastier because of MC ignoring armor saves the instant death from the boneswords.

03-05-2010, 06:43 PM
Excellent work entendre,

Your sighting is confirmation of blackboxes shipping in North America, so the partner level FLGSs should be getting theirs this weekend with any luck. Expect sprue and codex video reviews shortly...

03-05-2010, 06:48 PM
Can't help to see the fluff behind the new vehicle and HOW they managed to get LR to infiltrate.
Personal best guess: Landraiderpult.

Not to mention the 'Eavy Metal bit.

03-05-2010, 07:41 PM
LoL, "Land Raider-pult" Sounds Orky!

Seriously this codex is shaping up in an interesting manner... Mephiston, Lander, etc.

What I don't understand is GW and thier odd thoughts process.

GW guy 1:"Hey lets release a really cool rules for a lander model that would generate tons of sales and make sure this codex hits like a ton of bricks for sales."

GW guy 2: Yea that would be great, we could make people buy tons of them before they find out that it isn't as competitive as they had hoped!

GW guy 3: Hey here is the list of the models were releasing with the new codex...

GW guy 1 and 2: Ummmm.... Ahhh... WTF!?

GW g 3: what?

1 and 2: where is the lander? You know the thing that is going to make tons of money

3: Oh, right! Yea, we aren't going to release it until after people find out it isn't as good as they had thought.

1 and 2: WTF?!

3: Dont agree that this is an awesome strategy? Here, have some koolaid!

03-05-2010, 08:41 PM
Can't help to see the fluff behind the new vehicle and HOW they managed to get LR to infiltrate.
Personal best guess: Landraiderpult.

Not to mention the 'Eavy Metal bit.

The Machine Spirit in Blood Angels Land Raiders have the USR Obfuscate. (for those who are rumor mongers...that's a vampire joke, not an actual rule...)

John >M

03-05-2010, 08:47 PM
Could be worse, it could have Dementation, or Temporis. Brr.

03-06-2010, 12:14 AM
Enjoy everybody,

Duke, you can pick up your jaw from the floor now...

03-06-2010, 12:20 AM
I'm very tempted to use my Grey Knights with these rules, once it comes out. I can use my Valkyrie as a lander...

03-06-2010, 12:45 AM
I TRIED to resist the idea of reshaping the jump packs with wings, sadly, they made them awesome, which prevents me to.

03-06-2010, 01:55 AM
This whole game has gone to the twilight zone. Why does every unit need to have a USR...or 5? Why do normal space marines get T6? I know Cassius has it also, and I think it's just as ridiculous. I don't care if Mephestion is a psychic vampire/space marine, there's just no excuse for those stats, how do you even try to justify that? He's so tiny!

03-06-2010, 02:01 AM

03-06-2010, 02:14 AM
What has happened to our game :[

I remember a while back some people left and they took on some new staff...could explain the amazing lack of grimdark and the huge, bounding, codex creep. Though that's really a thread to itself..

03-06-2010, 02:25 AM
Excellent work entendre,

Your sighting is confirmation of blackboxes shipping in North America, so the partner level FLGSs should be getting theirs this weekend with any luck. Expect sprue and codex video reviews shortly...

I do say it feels odd to be the one in the know right now, as I'm usually the last person to know anything lol.

Apparently, LR deep strike because they push them out of the back of a plane. I guess they hope they land right side up. I think the appropriate response is: OMGWTFBBQ!?!?11!?!?!1!!!eleven!!

How would that even work? A fully laden Predator is ~45 tons (according to my poster) meaning a land raider is 75+ tons? How would you put three of them in a plane? I could see Orks doing that with Trukks as they seem fairly light, but Blood angels? At least you can't assault out of them. Count your blessings before the BA smash them next turn.

I think the only thing to say here is: "Screw the Laws of Physics I have Rules!" ... wait, that's not right...

03-06-2010, 02:28 AM
Mephiston isn't exactly a "normal marine" as someone said, he's the closest thing to a Primarch we have in the game. Cassius has T6 since he's basically a Marine version of a Cybork, or if you prefer, a toned down version of a Wraithguard.

03-06-2010, 02:36 AM
Closest thing to a Primarch? Wouldn't that be Abaddon? I mean literally, 1st gen, possible clone-son, etc...

You don't see abaddon running around with (natural) str+tough 6

03-06-2010, 02:51 AM
I know nothing about Abaddon, but inside-fluff people is known to have speculated about Mephiston being the reincarnation of Sanguinius, so there's that.

03-06-2010, 04:06 AM
Enjoy everybody,

Duke, you can pick up your jaw from the floor now...


Thanx Bigred!!

03-06-2010, 04:13 AM
mephiston was the only blood angel to evercome the red thrist.

I think abaddon is the closest thing to a primarch. At least more powerfull than mephiston

03-06-2010, 04:31 AM
Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Abaddon 4 8 7 5 6 3 7 4 10

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Mephiston 6 8 6 7 6 4 9 4 10

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Hive Tyrant 6 9 7 6 6 5 8 5 10

This is from 2nd ed. Mephiston always was a beast, closer to a Hive Tyrant than to a human, or even, a Marine. I'm not saying that the current 5th ed. statline is perfect, but it's not unprecedented.

03-06-2010, 04:42 AM
I've furiously spent the last couple of months painting my existing BA models so that I'd have a fully painted BA army to use when the new codex drops. So far I've been painting the models up as the 4th Company, after seeing the awesomeness of the new models I think that they may have to be relegated to the reserve companies (6-9). I thought I'd be more disappointed but frankly I can't wait. Glad I've finally started working again and will be able to afford all this Blood Angel goodness.... hmmm however as I'm working again I won't have much free time to build and paint any more.

03-06-2010, 06:01 AM

03-06-2010, 08:48 AM
Enjoy everybody,

Duke, you can pick up your jaw from the floor now...

My jaw hit the floor so hard that I think I lost a few teeth... I really can't wait to bring those beauties down to BoLScon! So freaking beautiful!

Oh and About Mephi... I really think the character of choice will be seth. On a 1-3 I get FC and Fearless, yes please! Mephiston is really buff, but he doesn't have the army buffing abilities like Seth. Also a little bird told me that Sanguinary High Priests can be taken 3 per Elites slot? If that is so then the whole army is going to be a Venn Diagram of death, forget Mehpiston. Then you have Lemartes making Death Company (Now with power weapons!) reroll to-hit AND to wound rolls, nasty stuff.

All in all I just can't wait to get my hands on those beautiful models.

There is one thing im mad about though... That Banner that has the relief of the BLood Angels Chapter Banner image... I painted mine by hand and now Im not special any more because any painting noob can colour by number and look better than mine... Skulk :( lol


03-06-2010, 10:34 AM
Abbaddon is the chosen of the gods of chaos, thats the only edge he has against Meph.

Fluff-wise Meph is the one of the very few marines that can stand up against Abby and still survive, if not the only one.

I will be honest, when that effin pdf came out, i couldn't be any more exited, i really liked those rules but they didn't feel that much BA. This version really feels a lot like BA, and i like it even more (forget how much OP some stuff look like), im liking the rules, the models are an ****** to any BA fan (no, i did not have an ****** when i was looking at the minis, its just a metaphore) and the stats on Meph, (my all time favourite character) are absolutley awesome and i like he is gettin some love.

The only flaw i find on this codex (so far) is Dante not having Eternal Warrior. 1100 years running the chapter, slaughtering the enemies of the imperum and fighting the red thirst should have gave him that rule. At least he has 4 wounds and I 6.

03-06-2010, 11:21 AM
I always find it funny how people are claiming ZZtop Cheese before the codex has even been played. Come on people.


03-06-2010, 11:54 AM
Exactly, until we have a frim grasp on the finer details of the unit options and the point costs, we wont really understand the army's power level.

In any case, regardless of poiint costs, I'm glad they they made the overall concept behind the Blood Angels, the fast marine army. Win or Lose, this army is frontloaded and I can see most gemes being decided one way or the other by the end of turn two (making them perfect for speedy tourney play).

Also, deepstriking Land Raiders is just hilarious. I never thought we'd reach a point of seeing something that outlandish in an honest official codex. Just think of the howling if someone tried that in a fan-dex...

03-06-2010, 12:22 PM
I'm glad they they made the overall concept behind the Blood Angels the fast marine army.

That's what I'm most looking forward to myself. I've always played masses of Tacs in Rhinos or Land Raiders since Rogue Trader and welcome any focus on that playstyle.

Also, deepstriking Land Raiders is just hilarious. I never thought we'd reach a point of seeing something that outlandish in an honest official codex. Just think of the howling if someone tried that in a fan-dex...

Seems to be a trend of late in the marines, along with the Thunderwolves - and something else I'm pleased to see making a comeback.

Master Darksol summed it up best though. (http://masterdarksol.blogspot.com/2010/02/omg-blood-angels.html)

03-06-2010, 12:23 PM
Just think of the howling if someone tried that in a fan-dex...
Word man, word.

Another lesson in the value of being bold while designing, and to dare, if a fluffy enough reason is given and inner coherence.

03-06-2010, 01:24 PM
Not to sound like a bandwagon jumper, but I am totally going on board with the Blood Angels when they hit the stores now that they're a combination of my favorite armies - blending Eldar speed with Space Marine flexibility.

Those pics that Bigred posted a few pages back definitely makes me a bit giddy...

03-06-2010, 03:50 PM
meh im just gonna steal the rules for a Black Templar succesor, BT are the best, so why not use the best rules :p

03-06-2010, 05:18 PM
Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Abaddon 4 8 7 5 6 3 7 4 10

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Mephiston 6 8 6 7 6 4 9 4 10

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Hive Tyrant 6 9 7 6 6 5 8 5 10

This is from 2nd ed. Mephiston always was a beast, closer to a Hive Tyrant than to a human, or even, a Marine. I'm not saying that the current 5th ed. statline is perfect, but it's not unprecedented.

Thanks for the comparison!!

I´m expecting to see more pics in the next weeks

03-06-2010, 05:55 PM
We wlcome you to the baNd wagon... And remember our bandwagon deepstrikes!

03-06-2010, 07:10 PM
Abaddon isn't even powerful enough to become a Daemon Prince, so I doubt he's nearly as powerful as a Primarch.

03-06-2010, 07:16 PM
Does anyone have the stats for Angaron... I stopped buying WD ages ago. Then we could compare directly to a "primarch,"


03-06-2010, 07:39 PM
does anyone have the stats for angaron... I stopped buying wd ages ago. Then we could compare directly to a "primarch,"


ws bs s t w i a ld sv
10 6 7 6 5 6 6 10 4+

03-06-2010, 10:24 PM
We wlcome you to the baNd wagon... And remember our bandwagon deepstrikes!

That's probably the funniest post in 455 posts in this thread.

Duke, from the sounds of it, along with myself are probably two of the longest standing BA players here (I've been running them since 1999.). We're probably the ones driving and riding shot gun in the band wagon, so I also say welcome. If it wasn't for new player interest in 40K and BA, we might never have seen a new codex.

John M>

03-06-2010, 10:58 PM
Quick question for someone that's seen the codex.

Do the Death Company and the DC Furioso take up actual FOC Slots since they are non-scoring?

Also, then, if you are in an objective based mission, and you have your 1 DC and 5 Furiosos, and you cannot hold objectives, can you still win the game by eliminating the opposition completely since their total number of Objectives would be zero, and you would technically be contesting any that you were near?

(what I'm asking is "Is a DC army tournament competative, theoretically speaking, provided we don't that much about points and such yet.)

John M>

03-07-2010, 12:20 AM
I haven't seen the dex, but I think it makes sense that thy would be at least somewhat viable I a tournie list... Then again this is gw and who knows what they could do...


03-07-2010, 12:48 AM
Abaddon isn't even powerful enough to become a Daemon Prince, so I doubt he's nearly as powerful as a Primarch.

not entirely true he has merely declined the offer to be made a deamon prince.

03-07-2010, 01:00 AM
not entirely true he has merely declined the offer to be made a deamon prince.

he's waiting until he can be an option on the plastic daemon prince kit, but that has to be released first, then he might take GW up on the promotion...

03-07-2010, 12:02 PM
I was just thinking to myself about the new models release... Here is what I thought .

1. I found it interesting that models that need an desperate update do not get one, especially Mephiston who is the lead role for the dex. But instead we get a Vanguard metal model?

2. The Lander has no new model, which was going to attract lots of new players to the army. But instead we are getting a New Baal? I thought the current Baal worked just fine. (we are getting a new Baal Right?)

3. I love the sprues we got, but I am surprised we didn't get ones that are needed like the lander. I would sacrifice the Death Company sprue for the lander easily... Death Company sprues would have been a great second release.

Here is what I would have released, were it my choice.
1. Mephiston
2. Astorath
3. Sanguinor
4. Sanguinary guard
5. Upgrade/ Daeth Company sprues
6. Storm Harbringer.

I could even have dealt with no upgrade/ death company sprue and simply used the sanginary guard bitz to kitbash the sanguinary guard into my tac/assault squads.



03-07-2010, 01:15 PM

03-07-2010, 01:21 PM
Yea, but I hope that the prebious "Work in progress," we saw a long long while ago is not the Lander... That thing wasn't pretty at all.


03-07-2010, 01:57 PM
So I had a question for anyone who has seen the codex...

Sanguniary priests: Do they really give BOTH Furious Charge and Feel no pain to all squad in 6"? Also there can be 3 of them per elite slot? Can they then be broken off to join other squads like wolf guard?

If you can do those things then Sanguinary priests are going to be the best thing ever... Forget Mephiston


03-07-2010, 02:17 PM
There is someone from the UK in the frontpage Blood Angels minis thread who is strongly hinting that the kit for the Stormraven wasn't ready in time, so the decision was made to go instead of holding back the entire BA release to wait for it.


03-07-2010, 02:27 PM
If so that would explain a lot. I completely agree with your thoughts on not releasing it with the codex is a bad idea (Had the same discussion with Lux a couple days ago). Hopefully it isn't 6 months out, but maybe only a month or two so they can strike while the iron is hot.


03-07-2010, 02:30 PM
There is someone from the UK in the frontpage Blood Angels minis thread who is strongly hinting that the kit for the Stormraven wasn't ready in time, so the decision was made to go instead of holding back the entire BA release to wait for it.

Interesting...Considering how early the 'new' Trygon existed prior to actually being released in plastic, it wouldn't be too surprising to see resin versions of the Stormraven in the Codex.

03-07-2010, 02:35 PM
Can I ask some dumb questions about how my usual BA Opponent "claims" his army works?

Death Company-"free" figures or do you have to pay for them? It's been rammed down my throat that since they're "free" they don't give up KP (BS, I know. I just want it spelled out somewhere)

"Honor Guards"-do they act as a retinue or more like a marine command squad? i.e. can act without need of a character around. ("I target Dante in HtH" "You can't! It's a retinue and you have to target the unit!")

Which units get LR as dedicated transports? Weird to hear that they can't be bought as heavy support.

When are the White Scars going to be the "fast marine army" the fluff says? (more of a complaint really)

03-07-2010, 02:50 PM
From a Bolter and Chainsword Conversation I was having:

Just had a question (or two)..

Me: "On Warseer it says that SHP give all units within 6" FC and FNP. And that they can be taken in units of 1-3. Are both of these true? And if so can the unit of 3 be broken up to join other squads, ala wolf guard?

If all those turn out to be true then look out for SHP making the list nasty."

Arkio: "yes to everything you have just said. i cannot comment on if they are or are not able to take termi armour tho. i do know they can take jump packs, "

Holy smokes this is disgustingly good news!.... If it is in fact true


03-07-2010, 03:13 PM
White scars are the rider chapter, not the fast chapter, of course bikes are fast, but I doubt that a white scars marine on foot is any faster than an ultramarine.

03-07-2010, 03:25 PM
I'd expect the STORMRAVEN to be along with another release fairly soon :rolleyes: *whistles*


03-07-2010, 03:28 PM
With multiple options no doubt ;-)

03-07-2010, 03:31 PM
Agh! Stop torturing us, what do you know that we don't? And why? And ... aagh!

03-07-2010, 03:36 PM
LOL, a few things are starting to come to light for the next codex after BA, one that strongly suggests the STORMRAVEN would be included. Read the fluff on it in the BA codex and it'll give some hints.

Not 100% confirmed this 'race' will be released but there's lots of talk from a lot of people who are 'in the know' and have rarely proven wrong in the past.

The STORMRAVEN is also mentioned in the FFG DEATHWATCH book also.

With multiple options no doubt ;-)

IIRC it comes with TL bolters and Assault Cannons you can then replace the bolters with multi melta and as missile pods as well as the Bloodstrike missiles.


03-07-2010, 03:42 PM
%#@&, they are expanding Grey Knights. :/

I hope they will NOT publish a standalone codex, we have enough watered down GK units already, no need for a full codex of pad.

03-07-2010, 03:50 PM
LOL, a few things are starting to come to light for the next codex after BA, one that strongly suggests the STORMRAVEN would be included. Read the fluff on it in the BA codex and it'll give some hints.

Not 100% confirmed this 'race' will be released but there's lots of talk from a lot of people who are 'in the know' and have rarely proven wrong in the past.

%#@&, they are expanding Grey Knights. :/

I just so happened to notice that in one of the leaked photos of the Storm Raven entry, it specifically states "there are records that the Storm Raven may have been used by the Grey Knights even earlier", or something to that effect. :D

03-07-2010, 03:58 PM
So, looking over this list a bit more closely...

The Blood Angels are stealing the power glaives and assault bolter setup from the Grey Knights.
The Blood Angels are stealing a renamed version of the Exorcist Missiles from the Sisters.
The Blood Angels basically now have an uber-hellhound from the Imperial Guard.

I love new codices and how GW decides "screw originality, what can we rip off from other armies"... the Death Company looks interesting, though...

Akkon Sek
03-07-2010, 04:28 PM
The Blood Angels are stealing the power glaives and assault bolter setup from the Grey Knights.
The Blood Angels are stealing a renamed version of the Exorcist Missiles from the Sisters.
The Blood Angels basically now have an uber-hellhound from the Imperial Guard.

Perhaps intentionally to maintain your own sanity, you omitted hand flamers and melta pistols.

I feel certain you would have mentioned it previously though.

BA Codex? It'll be a good read. Much like the Anarchist's Cookbook: crazy stuff I would never even consider using, but an interesting re-compilation of previously-published dangerous things in one handy package nonetheless.

03-07-2010, 04:44 PM
From a Bolter and Chainsword Conversation I was having:

Just had a question (or two)..

Me: "On Warseer it says that SHP give all units within 6" FC and FNP. And that they can be taken in units of 1-3. Are both of these true? And if so can the unit of 3 be broken up to join other squads, ala wolf guard?

If all those turn out to be true then look out for SHP making the list nasty."

Arkio: "yes to everything you have just said. i cannot comment on if they are or are not able to take termi armour tho. i do know they can take jump packs, "

Holy smokes this is disgustingly good news!.... If it is in fact true


That will make SHP probably one of the best choices in the list.

I wonder if it is possible to field corbulo with a jump pack?

03-07-2010, 06:24 PM
Can I ask some dumb questions about how my usual BA Opponent "claims" his army works?
I don't know about the rest of your questions, but if this is how your opponent claims KP work, he needs to re-read the rulebook. Kill Points are awarded for every unit completely destroyed, so the only question that needs to be answered is, "Is a death company squad a unit?"

KP very well may be a replacement for the old Victory Point system, but that doesn't mean that KP are awarded for every unit completely destroyed that the owning player paid points for, or that take up an FoC slot, or anything like that.

03-07-2010, 06:43 PM
Not sure if Corbulo can take a pack or not... But your right, I think that my first lists will include 3 Priests to split off into my assault elements... Possibly give him a Power weapon as well.

10 Assault marines
-Feel no pain
-Furious Charge
- Power fist on sgt. and Hand flamer
- Power weapon on Sanguniary Priest.
- Melta gun (Can we get 2 with 10 man squads now?)

That is one nasty unit! 3+/ FNP s5 i5... Scoring!

Not to mention how hard a tactical squad is going to be when parked in a Rhino on an objective with one of these guys near.... I would assume that since they are elites they cannot 'squad hop,' and have to remain attatched to the original squad.

The only down side?
They compete with all the other great Elite slot choices

03-07-2010, 07:15 PM
Y'know, now that I think about it, it's almost a good thing there's no Storm Raven model. That way I can scratchbuild a few out of $10 worth of cardboard and glue bits on, rather than not buying any because I'd have to spend $150 to get a few...

03-07-2010, 07:24 PM
I have already been looking at some kids toys (GI Joe and such) to convert into storm ravens.


03-07-2010, 07:57 PM
Ok so is it just me or does that unnamed psychic lance line of death remind anyone of the movie marines lascannon??

03-07-2010, 08:11 PM
LOL... yea, it does! how funny. Too bad we can't make it twin linked.


03-07-2010, 09:08 PM
I have already been looking at some kids toys (GI Joe and such) to convert into storm ravens.


I have this weird feeling that Duke and I are kin... or just some how telepathically linked. I'm doing the same thing currently as well. I was trying to figure a way to strip a Conquest and build it into a valk kit.

John M.

03-07-2010, 11:23 PM
I have this weird feeling that Duke and I are kin... or just some how telepathically linked. I'm doing the same thing currently as well. I was trying to figure a way to strip a Conquest and build it into a valk kit.

John M.

does that make me the gene-father of the blod angels (thread)? Lol

seriously though... I was talking with lux and it seems that the gi Joe cobra gunship would be a good basic conversion. I have also thought about downloading some thunderhawk templates and scaling them down.


03-07-2010, 11:27 PM
I totally forgot I have one of those new gunships from an auction lot I won about 3 months ago. Just pulled it out, and it does look about right for the job.

You can only be called gene-father if you run around the day they ship going "Who's your daddy now!" to all the other players in the store where you pick up your BA kits...

03-07-2010, 11:41 PM
The Blood Angels are stealing the power glaives and assault bolter setup from the Grey Knights.
The Blood Angels are stealing a renamed version of the Exorcist Missiles from the Sisters.
The Blood Angels basically now have an uber-hellhound from the Imperial Guard.

I love new codices and how GW decides "screw originality, what can we rip off from other armies"... the Death Company looks interesting, though...
1. It was inevitable, you make an army mobile, you give them stormbolters to be decent at firing even while moving (btw, hate the fact they called them angelus bolter), and the only difference Grey Knights had in the storm bolter+power weapon dept. was that their power weapon wasn't a fist and that troop units could use it, which is still unique to them. You can't really take an Elite choice as indicator for how an army behaves.
2. I'm 90% sure they are already working at a new angle for Sisters and that the Exorcist Missiles will have a more "own" and fluffier feel.
3. It's a downsized Redeemer, they just gave it the option of going all-bullets or all-flame, they are adding options all around with 5th ed. codices.

Perhaps intentionally to maintain your own sanity, you omitted hand flamers and melta pistols.Dante had the first Inferno Pistol, ever. In fact there wasn't a second one until late 3rd edition... Hand flamers were actually all around the place before 3rd ed. came around.

03-08-2010, 12:01 AM
3. It's a downsized Redeemer, they just gave it the option of going all-bullets or all-flame, they are adding options all around with 5th ed. codices.

The Baal has been around for a long time, and has always had the option of Heavy Flamers. The only problem was that the Assault cannon + Heavy Flamers did not mix very well. It is much safer to hang the tank back than to rush it into the enemy- you don't know if it will actually prevent your enemy from destroying it.

By giving the Flamestorm Cannon to the Baal, there is a reason to be 'Baalsy' (oh zinger, I usually never pronounce the word that way...) and rush your tank into the enemy lines- you will kill something with the flamestorm + Hv Flamers!

Akkon Sek
03-08-2010, 12:36 AM
Dante had the first Inferno Pistol, ever. In fact there wasn't a second one until late 3rd edition... Hand flamers were actually all around the place before 3rd ed. came around.

Thanks for clearing that up.

03-08-2010, 02:12 AM
2. I'm 90% sure they are already working at a new angle for Sisters and that the Exorcist Missiles will have a more "own" and fluffier feel.

I just hope it isn't stupid and that it retains the crusader feel that I like...

03-08-2010, 09:17 AM
I totally forgot I have one of those new gunships from an auction lot I won about 3 months ago. Just pulled it out, and it does look about right for the job.

You can only be called gene-father if you run around the day they ship going "Who's your daddy now!" to all the other players in the store where you pick up your BA kits...

I already have been doing that for about 6 months mow.

Oddly enough when we first heard that BA were getting a new codex I joked around that we would be getting Deepstriking Land Raiders (based off the Apoc Formation) AND flying Dreads (Just cause it sounded cool). All the players at my FLGS called me crazy, but look at me now! WHO'S YOUR DADDY?!


03-08-2010, 10:06 AM
By giving the Flamestorm Cannon to the Baal, there is a reason to be 'Baalsy' (oh zinger, I usually never pronounce the word that way...) and rush your tank into the enemy lines- you will kill something with the flamestorm + Hv Flamers!

I always rush them in. I run a unit of three in Apoc. Now with a fourth, I'll do one FS + HV and then AC + HBs to hold back if need be.

John M>

03-08-2010, 12:09 PM
I'm still unsure how I want to use the flamestorm variant... Possibly just the cannon and no sponsons.


03-08-2010, 12:48 PM
I'm still unsure how I want to use the flamestorm variant... Possibly just the cannon and no sponsons.


well the sponsons are nice if you can get in there and hit with all 3 but if you have to move 12 to use it the sponsons do u no good...

03-08-2010, 01:25 PM
Advanced orders be up:


03-08-2010, 01:27 PM
Pre orders are up :)

We have new Death Company, Sanguinary Guard, Baal Predator, the Codex, Astorath the Grim, Lemartes, Gabriel Seth, the Sanguinor and Flesh Tearer Pads

P.S. D'oh just spotted the entire thread to this topic. (Face palm moment lol)

03-08-2010, 02:07 PM
Lol... Great stuff pga.

Does anyone have any ideas for mephiston conversions? I'm goin to try some soon