View Full Version : Daemons of chaos nurgle up the hole codex

05-09-2014, 09:34 AM
Ok I am thinking of doing this challenge Taking every unit in the daemons of chaos and making nurgle forms with loads of custom stuff like names design but still following the same rules with some renames in the rules for example

Daemon rules names they still follow the rules of the codex all that is changed is the name.

(Daemon of Khorne) Brute of Nurgle
(Daemon of Tzeentch) Mind of Nurgle
(Daemon of Nurgle) Heart of Nurgle
(Daemon of Slaanesh) Pestilance of Nurgle

I will use Khorne daemons as a Example here because I don't want to turn this into more of a wall of text as it already is.

Brutes of Nurgle

(Bloodthirster) Bile Brute using green stuff and a Bloodthirster
(Herald Of Khorne) Brute Champion Using a herald of khorne but with greenstuff and a plaguebearer head
(Bloodletters) Blightchargers Bloodletter kit with plaguebearer kit
(Blood Throne of Khorne) Plague Throne Of Nurgle using a Corpse Cart with a Herald of Nurgle
(Bloodcrushers of Khorne) Gutripper Of Nurgle using Plaguedrone model turned upside with Scorpian legs with a Plaguebearer riding it
(Flesh Hounds of Khorne) Plague Hounds just use Flesh hounds and paint them nurgle colour
(Skull Cannon of Khorne) Blightspreader using Plague Furnace with nurgle models on it such as nurglings and plaguebearers

So is this legal to use in a game of 40K?

Mr Mystery
05-09-2014, 09:48 AM

Just let your opponent know what's what.

05-09-2014, 10:07 AM
awesome :)

05-09-2014, 10:27 AM
It is neither legal nor illegal. There is nothing to stop you doing this - if an opponent will fight it. However this would not pass muster for many tournaments who play no proxy/counts-as/strict wysiwyg.

05-09-2014, 01:24 PM
(Flesh Hounds of Khorne) Plague Hounds just use Flesh hounds and paint them nurgle colour

If I may make a suggestion; Dire wolves from the Fantasy Vampire counts range would probably fit the Nurgle theme pretty well as well. And they're about half the price.

Mr Mystery
05-09-2014, 01:30 PM
And they're plenty big enough.

Simple rule? As long as each unit is recognisably different, you should be OK. Keep to the general dimensions and that. The rest is arguably just paint job anyways!