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01-09-2010, 11:31 AM
I haven't played fantasy since 5th edition and im trying to get back in. Whats a death star list? It doesn't sound pleasant.

01-09-2010, 11:52 AM
Well it's no moon that's for sure...

Basically a big unit that does all the smashing, or if you want the long version:

Deathstar - A near invincible unit that is supported by multiple characters giving it bonuses such as ward saves, useful psychology rules, regeneration, etc. The Deathstar unit is often a very large points investment, often more than 50% of the army total cost. The aim of the army is a mixture of Victory Points denial and a steamroller approach with the Deathstar supported by a few other small units.

So basically once the unit is fully armed and operational the opponent can't repel attacks of such magnitude.

01-09-2010, 10:49 PM
Well it's no moon that's for sure...

Basically a big unit that does all the smashing, or if you want the long version:

Deathstar - A near invincible unit that is supported by multiple characters giving it bonuses such as ward saves, useful psychology rules, regeneration, etc. The Deathstar unit is often a very large points investment, often more than 50% of the army total cost. The aim of the army is a mixture of Victory Points denial and a steamroller approach with the Deathstar supported by a few other small units.

So basically once the unit is fully armed and operational the opponent can't repel attacks of such magnitude.

Yes, examples of this are the "Slann-star", a lizardmen deathstar consisting of a slann mage priest, a ton of temple guard, and usually a few melee/melee support characters.... I've also seen cold one "deathstars". Others like the "doggy death star" are about making a unit so big that it essentially becomes indestructable, these usually are just a delivery mechanism for very powerful characters though.

01-09-2010, 11:00 PM
one of the most common lists is the Dark Elf Shade Deathstar, goes something like this:

1 Dreadlors with 3 null talismans and guiding eye, GW
1 BSB with ASF banner, GW
1 Master with Ring of Hotek, GW
1 Master with ItP talisman, GW

3 to 4 5 man Dark Rider units, RXBows
2-3 Harpy units

35 to 45 Shades with GW and Light Armor
Assasin with manbane and rending stars
1-2 Hydras

Pretty much a one trick pony tho, you do get a hell of a lot of shots....

check out this link from druchii.net:

01-10-2010, 03:58 AM

01-11-2010, 03:09 PM
Is there a Dwarf version of this?

I've seen a few; but they're not as good at it as other armies.
Most armies can choose a unit with pretty good speed, and/or good saves, and/or a great number of attacks with good strength (elves can get it all, plus ASF or hatred).

Dwarves only have good defense, they lack a lot of output and the enemy can avoid them.
Still; take either a unit of hammerers or ironbreakers (if you want better defense or offence) with a bunch of characters (killy lord on shield with the re-roll saves rune; killy thane with oathstone; BSB with the best standard you can afford; runesmith for extra magic defense [and spelleater rune]).

Once planted it'll be nearly impossible to move; it will have no flanks or rear with the oathstone planted, starts with at least +5 combat res (from ranks and standards), and the characters can put out a lot of damage. Hammerers will get their special rule with the lord in the unit.

01-11-2010, 03:50 PM

Lord Azaghul
01-11-2010, 04:06 PM
Actually there is:

Dwarf Lord: Master Rune of Kingship, Ro Stone Ro Iron, GW, Shieldbearers 296
BSB: Banner of Determination, Mro Grungni, Banner of Battle 185
RS: Scrollx2 sh gw 126
Thane: sh gw Ro Challenge Ro Stone Ro wardingx3 146

Longbeards (71) Sh FC Ro Battle/Stocism 927
10 Quarrellers sh
10 Thunderers sh

2 Bolt Throwers 1 w/immolcaton, 1 with burning and pen 180
1 Organ Gun.

The uber unit is immune to fear, terror, panic. Stubborn on a 10 (rerollable), Automaticily passes the first break test it takes. Has a 5+ ward vs shooting and Magic missle, and a magic resistance of (3)
The starting Unit Strength is about 150. A static combat rez of 8 (banner(1), battlex2(2), ranks(3), bsb(1), out number (1). Ro Challenge allows you to draw something in to it can't be avoided all day.

Weakness: Roll 11+ twice on a breaktest and your done. If the characters are killed in challenges your loss the benifits pretty quickly.

Unfortunately dwarves just can't get the CC attacks, and you could take a smaller unit, but that increases the odds of it being ignored.

Lord Azaghul
01-11-2010, 04:08 PM
I've seen a few; but they're not as good at it as other armies.
Most armies can choose a unit with pretty good speed, and/or good saves, and/or a great number of attacks with good strength (elves can get it all, plus ASF or hatred).

Dwarves only have good defense, they lack a lot of output and the enemy can avoid them.
Still; take either a unit of hammerers or ironbreakers (if you want better defense or offence) with a bunch of characters (killy lord on shield with the re-roll saves rune; killy thane with oathstone; BSB with the best standard you can afford; runesmith for extra magic defense [and spelleater rune]).

Once planted it'll be nearly impossible to move; it will have no flanks or rear with the oathstone planted, starts with at least +5 combat res (from ranks and standards), and the characters can put out a lot of damage. Hammerers will get their special rule with the lord in the unit.

Quick edit to you lad, you can't have more then one character in a unit with an oathstone. The oathstone rules forbid any other character other then the stonebearer to join the unit.

01-13-2010, 07:08 AM
Quick edit to you lad, you can't have more then one character in a unit with an oathstone. The oathstone rules forbid any other character other then the stonebearer to join the unit.

Just another reason that the dwarf deathstar suck.

01-13-2010, 01:40 PM
Most Death stars suck, big points investment and hard to get those points back. Doggy Death Star works best because it is fast and has movement spells.

01-14-2010, 08:27 AM
Most Death stars suck, big points investment and hard to get those points back. Doggy Death Star works best because it is fast and has movement spells.

And because it utilizes the Frostblade.

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