View Full Version : Gaming Group Communication?

05-06-2014, 02:57 PM
I've read in a lot of posts lately (mainly rumor discussions about new rules and rulesets) how people don't want to show up to their local store (regardless of what kind of store it is) and not know:

What they are playing against?
Who they are playing against?
How many points to bring?
What type of army to bring

I know that my old gaming store, before it closed, used a Google group to manage weekly events, matches, etc.... It seems in today's "Age of Technology" (hehe, I kill me) that it really should be easy to coordinate games and information to try to ensure no time is wasted.

I was wondering what folks and their groups might use...

Mr Mystery
05-06-2014, 03:00 PM
I'm lucky enough to be around 5 minutes down the road from my local GW, so on occasion I'll get a text from the manager asking if I can pop down to give someone a game. He'll let me know approximate skill set, game system and desired points. Within half an hour I can rock up, army selected and ready to go.

Other than that, it's just picking a fight when I'm out and about and drop into the store. Rarely on the same day though, as I'm a busy working adult :)

05-06-2014, 03:22 PM
Locally Facebook is where it's at for organising games, showing off painted minis, slating GW and converting to Warmahordes. Twice now dedicated forums have been built and twice they have started off well but fizzled out within weeks with everyone just going back to using FB.

05-06-2014, 03:55 PM
Both my FLGSs have forums and Facebook pages for each popular game. I also arrange games via email, text, and occasionally even phone calls.

05-07-2014, 02:12 AM
Hanging out in the pub we arrange things, you know face to face behind a pint of best.

05-07-2014, 07:09 AM
Facebook has been brilliant for us and we end up talking about gaming so much more than before.
It has really helped boost the interest in our club and we have managed to get more members.