View Full Version : Kill team tournament (Orks)

05-05-2014, 12:03 PM
I have a kill team tournament in a few weeks and I think my best chance of winning is sheer weight of numbers so I narrowed it down to a few lists. Specialist would be selected before each mission.

Gretchin Bum Rush

Gretchin x30 - 120
Runtheard x3

Gretchin x20 - 80
Runtheard x2

With a grand total of 55 models they would need to kill 28 (27.5 but I imagine it would be rounded up) in order to get the break point. I would nominate a Gretchin as my kill team leader to make my leader that easier to hide & kill.

Green Tide

Ork boyz x30
Shoota's, Nob, Big Choppa, Eavy Armour

Bog standard affair with boyz with lots of fire power being poured down range and The Nob would be the team leader. Eavy Armour is there for extra survivability even though I suspect I'll be seeing lots of low AP weapons.

Pick N' Mix

Gretchin x28 - 104
Runtheard x2

Nobz x3 - 95
Power Klaw, Big, Choppa, Shoota/Skorcha Combi Weapon

A nice little mix list of some multi wound models and enough small arms fire to keep my opponent rolling dice. I plan on given the skorcha combi weapon soul blaze to give a higher chance of knocking out opposing multi wound models.