View Full Version : On Genestealer Cults...

05-05-2014, 12:03 PM
On the front page today, there is this article: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2014/05/how-to-bring-sexy-back-banning-battle.html

Where these comments were made:

"Anyone and Tyranids makes no real sense, you can 'try' to negotiate all you like, but have you ever tried negotiating with locusts? you can't, they have but one drive... Feed. Nids are the same."

"I really wish GW never made Genestealer Cults. I'm so tired of people trying to find ways for Tyranids to have allies. STOP... JUST STOP IT! The day Tyranids can ally with ANY other army other than themselves is the day GW utterly ruins Tyranids. NO GENESTEALER CULTS!"

And while I responded there, I kind of wanted to go into a little more detail.

This is the first time I have heard anyone say this about Genestealer Cults, and I've got to be honest, as a player who ran a 'Stealer cult back in 1st edition (and loved it), I found it hugely disappointing to read. They are a piece of fluff which remains absolutely awesome, though little known about apparently, and it seems that those who want them banned don't really understand what they are, hence the need for this little piece. I don't know anything about the people who posted this, but I feel that it is to their detriment that they have missed this wonderful slice of Tyranid fluff, as yet unretconned and still brilliant, and I don't like the idea of a generation of 40K players growing up without the full story on Genestealer Cultists.


Historically speaking, Genestealer Cults appeared with the release of the 'Deathwing' and 'Genestealer' expansions for 1st edition 'Space hulk. The first introduced the idea of Genestealer Patriarchs - what have been refined into the modern idea Broodlords. The second supplement introduced the idea of Genestealer Hybrids.

Put simply, when a Genestealer gets you, it does one of two things, depending upon how many Tyranids are in the system. The first is kill you - as we all know, Tyranids love biomass.

Now, it is true that on the surface, Tyranids don't have allies. Allies implies negotiation, treaties, compromise and so on - things that Tyranids literally have no conception of. The thing is, the problem here isn't the idea of 'non-Tyranid armies working with Tyranids', but the idea that they are allies who are doing so willingly.

Tyranids don't have allies. They do have ways to make you work for them, though. It is simple enough for anything organic to be compromised by a microscopic Tyranid organism. Tyranids, more than any other species, are the masters of genetic warfare. So perhaps if you think of Genestealer Cults less as 'Allies' and more as 'Humans violated at a genetic level by incurable, almost-sentient Tyranid retroviruses which compromise their minds, bodies and souls to the point that they are nothing beyond simple reproductive spores for future generations of Genestealers' you'll better understand why Genestealer Cults actually make perfect sense as 'allies' for Tyranids.

You see, it really begins to make sense when you factor in that this secondary mode of Genestealer behaviour only occurs if there are no other Tyranid organisms nearby. This because Genestealers are a vanguard - they lead the attack. And this secondary behaviour is actually the reason for which the species is named - it 'steals' your genes. In what is effectively an act of rape, the Genestealer attacks you with its tongue - every iteration of 'Stealer has been modelled with a long tongue for this reason (well, and because in their original iteration, 'Stealers were a 40K-fied Giger 'Alien', but that's by the by).

Once a Genestealer has plunged its tongue into you, that's it for you. You're not dead, but you're not you any more. Your 'stolen' genes have been replaced with Tyranid ones; you're not human any more - you're a Tyranid procreation organism walking around in a human-shaped skin suit. The idea was that the act 'infected' the victim with Genestealer genetic codes - think a very aggressive retrovirus - that rewrote your genetic codes from the inside out. You kept the appearace of your outside species, so an infected Tau would look like a Tau, an infected Ork would look like an Ork. But you were no longer technically one of the same species. Now you are nothing more than a Tyranid broodmare.


This is because this is the only way Genestealers reproduce. They don't have sex themselves; they use others. A Broodlord is simply what naturally happens to any Genestealer given enough time, rather than any indicator of a number of 'children'.

The fact is, as a victim of a Genestealer's 'kiss', your children are no longer your own, and are now destined to be born with three arms, chitinous armour and a permanent, unbreakable link to the gestalt Genestealer brood mind. These 'infected' children are Genestealer Hybrids; half-genestealer, half-host species. Needless to say, this gave modellers a host of opportunities for exciting models. Yes, there were the plastic genestealer hybrids that came with 'Genestealer' and the awesome 'Terminators and Tyranids' boxed set, but they were pretty bad figures (although the guns they got were good). There were also some lovely metal models by Bob Olley and others, but basically you were encouraged to go mad - splice your host kits with Genestealer kits and see what you could come up with.


And this is where I feel a lot of today's gamers have kind of missed the point. To think of a Genestealer 'Cult' as a cult is to misunderstand it. It's not like a chaos cult, made up of the weak, the dispossessed, those who have turned to dark powers willingly. It's entirely made up of victims. Every 'brood brother' was a normal person once. Now they're a slave to the Hive Mind, infected by a Tyrannic version of AIDS that means their children will be born as monsters. They're not allies. They're a zombie horde... only retaining their creativity, capacity to think, to destabilise, to employ guerrilla tactics and engage in asymmetric warfare. Unlike a Chaos cult, a Genestealer cult has no choice about who and what it serves, and can never change its mind. Every once-human member's soul has been hollowed out and filled in with the Genestealer Brood's telepathic web.

And this, of course, is where the Patriarch comes in. To all intents and purposes, every member of the cult would be one of his literal children. The were grossly fat, and because of their prolonged exposure to humanity, could almost talk - albeit through the medium of their 4th generation children. Yes, they seem to go against current Tyranid fluff, but that's only when you consider that the fluff as-is doesn't represent Genestealers who have spent centuries or even millenia embedded amongst a different species, growing in the dark. The goal of a Patriarch is to prepare a planet for the coming Tyranid fleets, and so stealth and misdirection are the number one tools, not murder. There's this idea that Tyranids just want to eat everything, and that's a simplification. The species as a whole does, but the higher Tyrannic organisms can think - they embody the Hive Mind itself, which is an intelligence. Not a human intelligence, to be sure, but capable of thinking, reasoning, and tactics. So, while a Patriarch may not use technology because he doesn't understand the concept of what on of these human 'guns' is, he has minions who do.


The 'army' isn't an army either. It's a guerilla terrorism unit, and if fielded on the battlefield, that's how it should be played. Functionally, the old army broke down into the following general 'sections':

The Patriarch: the lone, original Genestealer who 'founded' the cult.

Genestealers: actually very limited in number, because of course - there are no other Tyranids nearby. If there were, the humans would simply have been eaten. Genestealers were the assault elites (obviously).

1st to 3rd generation Hybrids: in terms of equipment/ability, these were basically chaos cultists. They were never game breaking, although they had a slight edge in combat due to their Genestealer heritage.

4th generation Hybrids: in terms of appearance, these villains looked, to all intents and purposes, human. In fact, they were closer to something like a Genestealer version of a Zoanthrope. Not because they could kill tanks (they couldn't. In game terms they were just psykers) but because they were secondary synaptic lynchpins, enforcing the Patriarch's telepathic rule.

The army was a bit of a hodge-podge, and never really had a full set of models. Nonetheless, it was flavourful, and until the release of Advanced Space Crusade and the first Tyranid plastics, to all intents and purposes, it WAS the Tyranid army. Nowadays, it's little more than a characterful addition to Tyranid army, albeit one which is presently unplayable outside of Apocalypse.

So, can it make a comeback?

Is this even a question? In an era where no-name jabronis like The Crimson Slaughter get a codex, why the hell not?

Of course, Tyranids don't have allies. Of course they don't. But this wouldn't be an allied codex. It would be a codex which represented a very specific kind of Tyranid army, one which occurs throughout the Imperium, and exists for centuries or even millenia without any kind of back-up, waiting and hiding. It isn't stupid. It isn't atavistic. It isn't an animal. To think like that is to be a little like Hudson in 'Aliens' when he asks how they could cut the power.

They can cut the power because they're not animals. They're aliens. At the end of the day, there are only two things we know about them:

They are not like us.
We will never truly understand them.

Genestealer Cults are great, and should absolutely make a comeback in a new codex. Anyone who argues 'Tyranids can't have allies' hasn't understood the nature of the Tyranids.

And seriously, check out how brilliant their vehicles are:


They are literally the only army in 40K to show up for battle in stretch limos.

Pure. Awesome.

05-05-2014, 12:40 PM
I approve of this thread. See also the Ciaphas Cain books for examples of the genestealer cults popping up in the ongoing fiction quite regularly (books 1, 7 and 9).

Of course a genestealer cult can be represented solely by the new Astra Militarum.

Psyker = Magus
Taurox = Limo
Rough riders = Purestrain stealers
Everyone else = Hybrids of some kind

It would however be nice to have actual genestealers in the mix rather than counts as with rough riders or Slaanesh daemon allies. A simple dataslate would be enough.

05-05-2014, 01:08 PM
Pretty sure I still have the rules for the Genestealer Cults floating around here somewhere.... They were pretty colorful

Captain Bubonicus
05-05-2014, 01:56 PM
Yeah, the old rules were in WD#116 - along with this zany Khorne-worshiping Genestealer cult!


They were also included in the "get you by" list that came out with...Third Edition, I think?

05-05-2014, 02:01 PM
GW should really do a supplement for the genestealer cult. It's the perfect time since both tyranids and guard have brand new books.

Lord Asterion
05-05-2014, 02:10 PM
I do love the way the Limo became the standard transport people associate with Genestealer Cults based on that one guys army

05-05-2014, 02:17 PM
Genestealer cults have long been a favorite faction of mine. I think they have and always will fit within the 40k fluff, and I await the day that GW gives them official rules, either through a supplement or a full codex.

05-05-2014, 02:23 PM
I do love the way the Limo became the standard transport people associate with Genestealer Cults based on that one guys army


The Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader Compilation disagrees with you. Image 1 is fluff from page 104. Image 2 is rules from page 107. Coven limos were not unique to that famous army photo; that guy just had the only two 'official' models in existence.

Lord Asterion
05-05-2014, 02:25 PM

The Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader Compilation disagrees with you. Image 1 is fluff from page 104. Image 2 is rules from page 107. Coven limos were not unique to that famous army photo; that guy just had the only two 'official' models in existence.

Pretty sure those rules were made because of his army though!

05-05-2014, 03:16 PM
Personally, I always thought that the Limos were a Lovecraft rip-off too far.

I think that you should make mention of the Citadel Journal Genestealer Cult List, which was their last official outing.

05-05-2014, 03:21 PM
Awesome thread Sir...

Darren Richardson
05-05-2014, 04:03 PM
yeah but the limo's appeared in the short story "The Alien Beast Within" by Ian Watson which is reprinted in The Inquistion War if you can find a copy, the story was written in 1990.

I know it's not as early as the Rogue Trader list, but it's close.

- - - Updated - - -

huh, just looked at my copy of the Compilation which the rules were reprinted in, and noticed it was copyright 1991, so the short story might predate the original list, and thus Ian Watson was responsible for Genestealer Cults having limos :O

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and didn't the Caine books make the point for genestealer cults in 40K, the more infected humans/aliens on the planet, the more powerful the phsyic signal sent out to the tyranid fleets....

In short Genestealer Cults are homing signals for civialised worlds ripe for devouring.....

05-06-2014, 03:36 AM
Genestealer cults are very cool and I don't think/hope they'll ever completely vanish. As a Tyranid fan though, people need to stop trying to use them as justification for Tyranid allies. Genestealer cults do not fight alongside the actual Tyranid swarm. They never have and they never will. They are simply a way of undermining the prey planet in advance and throwing it into disarray so it's easier for the swarm to attack and overwhelm the defenders quickly. When the fleet does arrive, the purestrain genestealers are overridden by the synaptic web as normal, and the cultists are consumed along with everything else. No doubt in blind devotion they continue to attack the world's defenders while the swarm consumes everything, but the Tyranids will make no distinction, they will kill everything on sight.

05-06-2014, 03:39 AM
Genestealer cults are very cool and I don't think/hope they'll ever completely vanish. As a Tyranid fan though, people need to stop trying to use them as justification for Tyranid allies. Genestealer cults do not fight alongside the actual Tyranid swarm. They never have and they never will.\

Aside from the hacks recent work they actually have. I'll go find the quotes from the 4th ed codex is you want. In particular the ones that reference the uprisings and the populace walking into the digestion pools

Mr Mystery
05-06-2014, 05:49 AM
I'm with Anggul on this one.

I've been Culting it along since Space Hulk, and it was always said that once the Tyranid fleet arrived, the entire cult just went and got digested in an orderly fashion.

Well, except the Purestrains one assumes.

05-06-2014, 06:10 AM
This is a great thread, I fondly remember playing my 'stealer cult!

05-06-2014, 06:57 AM
The parts of the invasion that are usually played on the tabletop is when the fleet has just arrived though, so there ARE no digestion pools around yet. If they're still on the subjugation stage the hive mind isn't going to be focused on feeding as much as on preparations for feeding, meaning any lifeform on that planet that could fall under its sway is going to be used to fight.

Sure, once the fighting calms down and the digestion pools swing into action the cultists will walk in, but until that point they'll be allies doing whatever they can to help.

05-06-2014, 09:07 AM
Love it. I would be very happy to see Genestealer cults make a come back somehow.

Personally, I always thought that the Limos were a Lovecraft rip-off too far.

How so?

Chris Norvall
05-06-2014, 09:14 AM
I have to say that last picture with the vehicles is a bit misleading, as the vehicle on the left has a Khorne logo sitting blatantly on the front of it.

05-06-2014, 09:16 AM
Hear! Hear! Nice GS Cult summary! :D

05-06-2014, 09:16 AM
I have to say that last picture with the vehicles is a bit misleading, as the vehicle on the left has a Khorne logo sitting blatantly on the front of it.

Chaos worship was a little different in those days. It wasn't as black and white "These people are Chaos, these are Tyranids, they are different" as it is now.

05-06-2014, 09:24 AM
If my memory serves me, Genestealer Cults were the original Tyranids spawning (pun intended) directly from their premier in Space Hulk.

Julián Lara Vega
05-06-2014, 09:25 AM
Double post

05-06-2014, 09:27 AM
Chaos worship was a little different in those days. It wasn't as black and white "These people are Chaos, these are Tyranids, they are different" as it is now.

Exactly, anyone could be chaos worshipper, you even had chaos orks...

05-06-2014, 09:30 AM
If memory serves they even had a Khorne army list in Ere We Go.

05-06-2014, 09:59 AM
Here you have some rules. It doesn't include points costs, but you can figure it out. In my club, we made it into two dataslates (non-compulsory troops for IG-AM and Nids). Enjoy. https://vk.com/doc4562721_190608219

Norman Brown
05-06-2014, 10:09 AM
If memory serves they even had a Khorne army list in Ere We Go.

There is even a recent Ciphas Cain novel where Orcs form the basis of a Genestealer Cult.


Norman Brown
05-06-2014, 10:18 AM
If memory serves they even had a Khorne army list in Ere We Go.

In a Ciphas Cain novel, there were orc behaving oddly and were functionally a genestealer cult.

In 942.M41 Cain and the Valhallan 597th were tasked with suppressing an Ork outbreak on Nusquam Fundumentibus, a remote Ice World outside of major Warp routes, where Cain had been on a mission two standard decades earlier. While pursuing the action against the Orks, Cain discovered the presence of a Tyranid swarm that had been hibernating for millennia (likely since pre-Imperial times) in the planet's permafrost, carried over by a crashed Hive Ship. The swarm was partially awakened by the action on the planet, but the Hive Mind was destroyed before it could become fully operational, largely due to Cain's efforts

His first taste of battle was on the world of Desolatia, where the regiment had been defending against Orks, but soon they were faced with a Tyranid splinter Hive Fleet, which they held out against until an Imperial fleet arrived to pick up the Imperial forces on the planet.


05-06-2014, 12:54 PM
My first Army was Genestealer cult, so I'm kind of fond of them, although oddly I've no interest in Nids as a whole.

Here you have some rules. It doesn't include points costs, but you can figure it out. In my club, we made it into two dataslates (non-compulsory troops for IG-AM and Nids). Enjoy. https://vk.com/doc4562721_190608219

Personally I thingk An Inquisition/Tempestus/LotD styme mini Dex that can Ally with IG and Nids would the answer here.

Captain Bubonicus
05-07-2014, 12:28 PM
I have to say that last picture with the vehicles is a bit misleading, as the vehicle on the left has a Khorne logo sitting blatantly on the front of it.

In the old White Dwarf lists, Genestealer "Clans" were straight up Genestealer/hybrid/brood brother armies, while Genestealer "Cults" were Clans that worshipped Chaos.

Arkhan Land
05-07-2014, 12:47 PM
Gut post! and also dont know if I saw it mentioned here yet but wasnt there some sort of optional cult unit for one of the more recent events? I cant remember where I saw it if it was here DD or WS but maybe within the last two years

did I dream it all?

ah found the pdf , Vidars Fate, june 2013 Nottingham.