View Full Version : Forgeworld Question

05-04-2014, 11:52 PM
I have gone and done it. I screwed up a Forgeworld model.

It's my contemptor. I picked a dumb pose for the arms, but by the time I realized my mistake, it was too late. The glue had cured. One arm came off with little resistance, and I was able to put it back in place, but the other... it's a lost cause. And worst of all, the part that got destroyed was the shoulder - part of the body, not the arm, so I can't even replace it.

The way I see it, I have three options:

1) Try to make a cast of the surviving shoulder and build my own replacement bit.
2) Email Forgeworld and beg them to send me a new one (even though their policy is against selling parts individually).
3) Email Forgeworld and lie to them, claiming it was miscast.

What do I do? I hate the idea of lying to Forgeworld, and only partly because if I'm caught - if they demand a photo - it will be too late to try honesty; but once I try honesty, it's also too late to lie. I don't think that my greenstuff casting skills are up to the task of creating a new shoulder bit, though I suppose that's what I'd try if I had no other options left.

What do you think I should do. Help me out here!

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
05-05-2014, 12:40 AM
A fourth option? Got any pictures of the damaged shoulder? Might be some creative way to use it. Covering it in a variety of large trophies, for instance. A mixture of shields, purity seals, captured standards and skull draped on the damaged shoulder would near entirely obscure it, and give some cool character to the model to boot. Alternatively, model it as intensely battle-damaged - like it took a Vanquisher shell through the shoulder.

Darren Richardson
05-05-2014, 12:46 AM
Yeah EP I would go the battle damaged look, of course it depends on how bad the piece is damaged, do you have any photo's of the damage.

Of course you could speak to forgeworld and explain what happened, the piece didn't glue properly on the model and got damaged while trying to fix it, they may send a new peice out they may not, but it is worth a try.

05-05-2014, 02:19 AM
can you get us a photo of the damage, we may be able to offer some better advice with that

05-05-2014, 07:34 AM
Ok... I'll be able to post a photo later today. Actually, I think you're right. It's pretty bad, but it's probably not "buy a new model" bad. I don't think my sculpting skills are up to making the bit look like new, but what I am up for is recreating the bit structurally. Then, well... greenstuff covers a multitude of sins. I have a number of decorative bits in my bits box, and I think by comgining some Blood Angels-y bling with greenstuff drapery, I can make it look pretty cool. Possibly even better than new.

So I have a three step plan:

• Step One: Email Forgeworld, throw myself on their mercy, see if I can't get another bit.
• Step Two: Try to structurally recreate the bit using the two pieces of the old bit, glue, and greenstuff, and then sculpt over the inevitable join. I'm thinking a combination of decorative bling from my bits box and a greenstuff half-cloak over the damaged shoulder.
• Step Three: Worst case scenario, I buy a second contemptor, use it to cast a new shoulder (which I'll either have to learn to do or pay someone to do...) and then either sell it or be two thirds of the way to a contemptor talon for Apocalypse.

05-05-2014, 03:49 PM
Sent you an email.

05-05-2014, 06:43 PM
I have a question about which glue you used that held so well it created that much damage?

Personally I stick to just super glue, even though it doesn't hold as well as the glues that actually melt/meld the plastic/resin. That way if you want to make a change in posing or drop a model and a part breaks off it's far more likely to break at the pre-existing seam as opposed to in the middle of a difficult-to-replace part.

05-05-2014, 07:04 PM
Super glue, man… just super glue.

05-06-2014, 06:53 AM
Just as an advice for the future is to try a super glue de-bonder to remove parts. You should be able to get one online or from a good hobby stockist.

Also acetone (good old nail varnish remover) will also do the job, just put in a cotton bud / q-tip and apply to the joint.

Obviously this will damage paint but in the above example should have got the arms off no problem.

Back to your original query I would honestly just explain to the guys at Forge World what happened, and be honest. In my experience they are very understanding and offer great customer service. Obviously they are not obliged to send a replacement but they might in this case.

In the case of a Contemptor they may have to cast up a whole new kit so may be reluctant but they sell so many and often have to replace bits that may have a shoulder lying around somewhere.

Otherwise yes, just model it as battle damaged or hide it I guess. Again photos would be good as we can advise better. Hope you get it sorted. :)

05-09-2014, 09:49 AM
Hey everyone. I thought I'd let everyone know how the situation resolved itself.

Sadly (and surprisingly, from what I've heard of them...) Forgeworld declined to solve my problem for me. However, a splendid and helpful - not to mention a brilliant artist - forumite here on BoLS had a spare set of shoulders, which he mailed to me. They arrived yesterday and were successfully added to the model. I even managed to salvage the arm, so the pose was fixed without me even having to buy any additional parts. My benefactor will remain nameless unless he wishes to reveal himself, but suffice it to say that he is wonderful and amazing and I am deeply grateful.

I will definitely post WIP pics. Right now what I'm waiting for is some Blood Angels bling I ordered to arrive so I can look into generally making the model even more interesting and attractive than it already is.

I'm disappointed that Forgeworld couldn't help me out. I don't suppose I can blame them - they are just following their stated policy, and it was my own fault, after all - but I'd heard that they were more in the "we go above and beyond" camp, rather than the "we follow our policy - you're on your own" camp. Or maybe they're both, and the particular customer service guy I got was just a stickler for the rules.

Ah, well. Life goes on, and it all worked out for me, so no hard feelings anyway.

05-09-2014, 11:19 AM
I have managed to get models in good condition after they've been submerged in superglue and painted with three millimetres of Tipp-ex. This sounds like it should present no problem. (Okay, maybe hyperbole, but I'm trying this positive thinking thing at the moment, and it's working so far.)


I literally DEMAND pics so we can move forwards and fix this thing. Let's get this done! :)

05-11-2014, 12:49 PM
FW is great about fixing their mistakes but it doesn't make good business sense to fix something that a modeler did. I think they used to but people started to take advantage of it.

As for breaking glue bonds, I had the exact problem with my contemptor, I let the piece sit in the freezer to make the glue brittle and chipped away at it very carefully with a hobby knife. After two of three sessions I did manage to get it off with no damage to the model.