View Full Version : The (small) start of a Necron army

05-04-2014, 08:30 PM
So not really asking advice on the army (I tend to prefer figuring that stuff out on my own) however, I got some Necrons, and started painting them. The one I'm showing is the most finished (Though still planning on tweaking some details in the future), and I was wondering what folks thought about the scheme.


Simple, I know, but I'm hoping not too generic haha

05-05-2014, 02:01 AM
Black armor could look pretty cool for necrons. I'd consider adding another theme color, so when you have elites or vehicles, you have more options for different surfaces and insignia, while still tying back to your basic units. A metallic green, or maybe a light greenish gold would look good with black.


a link to some colors.

05-05-2014, 10:56 AM
Hm maybe. I had considered adding bronze to help distinguish the more elite units, but a metallic green would be pretty sweet too. Also apologies for the crappy picture quality, only had my phone's camera to work with.

05-09-2014, 02:02 PM
A necron overlord approaches!


I haven't decided whether that should be a hyperphase sword or voidblade. But after reading the codex (and various internet opinions) I'm edging towards the HPS.

I'll keep posting pics of the necrons as I make/paint them.