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05-09-2010, 03:14 PM
I like the sound of this landspeeder. I think a unit of jetbikes and a few landspeeders will definitely make it into my army if they are in the codex. Plus some storm ravens (I luckily have some Valkyries that I can scrap and convert using that latest Bols article tutorial, as well as plenty of plasticard skillz), and new GKs and GKTs, for the extra poses.

05-09-2010, 07:07 PM
I deeply hate the design of the landspeeders, but a closed off version that ressembles a Valkyrie/Lightning would be fantastic. I hope this unit will have a model, but I'm afraid this will be the GK version of the Tervigon/Thunderwolf Cavalry.

05-15-2010, 01:04 AM
Incidentally, Stickymonkey expanded on the Landspeeder he saw. Apparently, it had something like a Str 5, Heavy 6 Twin Linked gun.

However, he also heavily salted his own rumor in this case, stating that he wasn't certain that the vehicle had even made it past the early design stages.

05-16-2010, 08:32 PM
I just heard from a friend who heard from someone she knows in GW* that GW is going to surprise us with Codex: SoB late this year or early next. Someone on Warseer posted something similar yesterday evening. I must say I don't believe this for a moment. I only report it here just on the off chance it comes to pass, and because I've had it from two different sources.
I think this has more to do with surprise at the new Daemons wave and the assumption that we are in for more surprises than any real possibility.

*Who doesn't make things up, but has never furnished a rumour accurate or otherwise until now.

05-17-2010, 03:00 AM
I agree with you eldargal - I don't think that is true.

After an interesting talk with a fairly senior GW manager at the weekend, I am almost certain that Grey Knights alone will be in the codex, and that the release is around August. He could not say anything either way, but only hinted, so it's still not definite, but I am 90% sure.

05-17-2010, 12:29 PM
Not believable one bit, yeah. If SoB were this close we'd be hearing about it; instead it's full-on GK and DE with Necrons somewhat trailing behind.

05-17-2010, 07:01 PM
Not believable one bit, yeah. If SoB were this close we'd be hearing about it; instead it's full-on GK and DE with Necrons somewhat trailing behind.
But remember, Daemons kind of came out and blind sided some people... At least it did so me, and I thought I was paying enough attention to catch those rumours a bit earlier...

All it means is that GW is capable of tossing a curve ball, or throwing up a smoke screen from time to time...

05-17-2010, 07:18 PM
But remember, Daemons kind of came out and blind sided some people... At least it did so me, and I thought I was paying enough attention to catch those rumours a bit earlier...

All it means is that GW is capable of tossing a curve ball, or throwing up a smoke screen from time to time...

All it is, is some minis, nothing big. I wouldn't worry about the curve ball GW is throwing. It's just a waste of thier energy to keep us internet people out of the loop. It's like they get some kicks or something.

If they are trying to throw us a curve ball or whatever, it dosn't make any difference to us. What did it accomplish that they are releasing Deamon modles instead of a GK or DE? Maybe Deamons was planned all this time and were able to keep it very quiet. No biggie. I am loosing interest in GW so what ever little bit they let out, I can't get hyped for, like I did for Tyranids. I think it stopped at tyranids, because when BA was announced, I went Meh, oh well. So I guess when GK or DE does finally get announced, it most likely will be meh now. My enthuesasim is not there as it once was. GW accomplished their goal, by not letting us have rumours, nothing to get excited for anymore.

05-18-2010, 08:37 AM
Kiss GK-in-2010 goodbye it seems.

Well I can add my voice to the chorus if it helps.
I have been sure DE are coming in the autumn for a while BUT I was not sure what was next because I didn't know if GW were going to sneak in a cheeky Grey Knight codex in the summer. That appears increasingly less likely.

05-18-2010, 08:43 AM
Actually it says in the summer, not in 2010.

05-18-2010, 10:12 AM
Kiss GK-in-2010 goodbye it seems.

Goodnight Sweet Prince

05-18-2010, 10:34 AM
Kiss GK-in-2010 goodbye it seems.

In all probability, it seems August is the next 40k month, with Daemons. After that, there will be GKs and DE, but we don't know which, in what order. Note that Harry is pretty sure DE will be end of the year, but doesn't seem to know anything about when the GKs will be released. We have some other souces, like DPA, who think that GKs will come before DE.

So really, we don't know what's going to happen, until it does.

05-18-2010, 10:41 AM
I'm calling Harry out on this one. I think he is wrong in this case. He doesn't seem that confident in himself, almost as if he doesn't know whats really going on. There are also other reasosn to doubt him (certain price increases, disappearing codex's, Daemon wave...etc). So for once I don't believe him.

05-18-2010, 10:53 AM
Well I can add my voice to the chorus if it helps.
I have been sure DE are coming in the autumn for a while BUT I was not sure what was next because I didn't know if GW were going to sneak in a cheeky Grey Knight codex in the summer. That appears increasingly less likely.

sounds pretty sure of himself to me.

05-18-2010, 11:00 AM
Yes he seems confident at the start but as you keep reading he gets less and less confident. I'm still calling him out on this. GW is trying to control there rumors now. I'm betting that Harry is wrong.

05-18-2010, 11:25 AM
I'll take that bet, if Harry is wrong I will let Necrosis pick my avatar

05-18-2010, 11:33 AM
I'll take that bet, if Harry is wrong I will let Necrosis pick my avatar

Naa, I just want to slay the giant.

If Harry is wrong then he will no longer be a reliable source for rumors.

05-18-2010, 11:51 AM
Fail once and hes no longer reliable? I would say he has been pretty close to 100%. If he fails once or twice, I would still believe him over so many other rumor sources.

05-18-2010, 12:32 PM
I'm calling Harry out on this one. I think he is wrong in this case. He doesn't seem that confident in himself, almost as if he doesn't know whats really going on. There are also other reasosn to doubt him (certain price increases, disappearing codex's, Daemon wave...etc). So for once I don't believe him.

Remember, Harry doesn't see the whole picture. But he sees a whole lot more than just about anyone else, excluding a few other sources.

He sounds certain that DE are near the end of the year, but doesn't seem to know exactly when, nor where GKs fit in. It's not likely that GKs will be before August, now, so now it's a matter of whether or not GKs slip in before DE or not.

05-18-2010, 09:43 PM
On Dakka, even Reds8n said:

AFAIK, Dark Eldar are still the next codex to roll out, tail end of this year, October or November time. Why so many people got into a flap over Grey Knights, who we won't see until next year IMO, I have no idea.
Red has also been an extraordinarily reliable member of the community... And he sounds pretty confident imo.

05-18-2010, 09:48 PM
On Dakka, even Reds8n said:

Red has also been an extraordinarily reliable member of the community... And he sounds pretty confident imo.

Note here that both of them aren't saying GK cannot be the next codex, only that there's seemingly no room before a point in the fall (I'm betting the GDUK) for a GK release.

05-18-2010, 11:00 PM
I'm not so sure about that:

AFAIK, Dark Eldar are still the next codex to roll out, tail end of this year, October or November time. Why so many people got into a flap over Grey Knights, who we won't see until next year IMO, I have no idea. - reds8n
This doesn't mean he is right, of course. But he seems fairly certain DE are the next codex.

Note here that both of them aren't saying GK cannot be the next codex, only that there's seemingly no room before a point in the fall (I'm betting the GDUK) for a GK release.

05-19-2010, 08:11 AM
Well Harry did say that BA are only half the story in 2010. He is very reliable, I guess that is why lots of people are in a "flap" over GK for this year. They are the strongest other half of the story so far.

05-19-2010, 08:42 AM
Well Harry did say that BA are only half the story in 2010. He is very reliable, I guess that is why lots of people are in a "flap" over GK for this year. They are the strongest other half of the story so far.

But that gives us no indication of when GKs will come out. And the more I see, the more I think that no one really knows quite what GWs planning.

Oh, and we're in a "flap" over GK due to far, far more recent and explicit rumors than this "half the story" one.

05-19-2010, 08:55 AM
Also, we're in a "flap" over GKs because we like GKs.

05-19-2010, 10:12 AM
Why are people still talking about the other half of the story? Do you guys know what the other half is? It's chapter master seth and his chapter.

05-19-2010, 10:38 AM
Which is boring.

05-19-2010, 10:40 AM
I never said it wasn't boring, just that it was the other half of the story.

05-19-2010, 11:06 AM
I got this info during a three way discussion with a buddy of mine and a friend of his...who's involved in game design. People will refute these "rumours" and thats cool, take this with a grain of salt if you wish. You Grey Knight fans though, I know you want news and I'm here to tell you that there's hope.

I wasnt really paying attention to the "Inquisition" part. Instead I mainly payed attention to the Grey Knight info. Just a couple of little tidbits though...

-Allies rules are indeed gone. No more mystics for you guard players. In fact...none for anybody.

-Inquisitorial stormtroopers brought in-line with Guard ST's.

-Somehow, assassins cannot be used in Grey Knight armies.

-Inquisitor's psychic powers have been boosted significantly, they're really powerful characters now able to wreak havoc BUT they're pretty easy to kill still...still human w/T3. They're really extreme with the ability to rival some of the Special Characters out there in power but with the survivability of Guardsmen with 4+ invuln's. You can still get terminator armour for them but you TRADE your 4+ invuln for Terminator armour for 2+/5++. Basically, you cannot make a tank out of them. Mystics are GONE BTW. I was surprised at this. Daemonhunter's cannont shoot down any old deepstriking thing anymore.

Now, where I was REALLY interested, and kept the guy talking for a while was with the Grey Knights. I hope I got most of this right, I never wrote any down but the jist of the conversation is here...

-"Shrouding" is now as-per night fighting rules. Infantry only gain effect.

-I wasnt able to get any info on the bonuses against daemons, but the "without number" rules are still there for core units and changed just a little bit. The rule isnt the same but it still represents how Grey Knight daemon/chaos drop sites (yes chaos lesser daemons are included) are normally highly infested and there is indeed a problem that warrents them being there.

-No Changes to Grey Knight Weaponry other than stated below. Incinerators are the same, Psycannons are same except for now they're simply Assault Weapons.

-ALL Grey Knights are able to use their SB's in CC now. They also get their charge bonus.

-Nemesis Weapons on power armoured knights are str 6 still, but now RENDING. Justicar loses his power weapon status and is now just Rending with an add'l attack for his SGT status

-The Generic big commander, Grand Master (but with name change), his Nemesis is not simply a Force Weapon, BUT "Demonic Nemesis" rules state that it can Kill Daemons like a Force Weapon can kill non-EW multi-wound Models.

-Terminator Nemesis weapons are still power weapons, but keep in mind...they can use their stormbolters now in CC.

-Storm Sheilds brought in line with SM codex. Terminators can trade SB's for Sheilds for +5pts. Nemesis' can be traded for T-Hamm for free....wierd.

-Storm Ravens are a Heavy support Choice. StormRavens are able to get Scout somehow, but not in their selection. Maybe another Special Character or some Grand Master skill or peice of Wargear or something allows it. No other Scouting or Infiltration availiable in the army. Deepstriking only.

-Dreadnoughts now an Elite Choice, ONLY elites though. Psychic Upgrade availiable but at two levels, think Epistolary/Codicier. (of course, since every Grey Knight is supposed to be a Psycher)

-LR's, now out of the HS slot, Dedicated only now A-la, blood angels. No rhino's, chimera's or razorbacks for Grey Knights still.

-Terminators are Elite OR HQ Retinue still...same as before. Of course this all enables 3xstormraven/Dreadnought and 2xTermi squads at the same time, but you're paying some steep cost in points.

-In a strange twist, PA Grey Knights in the FA selection slot can now have jump packs. Divine Intervention as well. They can still deepstrike via teleportation instead however. Dunno (forgot to ask) if Divine Intervention will apply to this deepstriking or not. It would make sense I suppose...possibly giving you a reason to have a choice between JP's(advantage in Stormraven) or deep strike (advantage to deepstriking below)

-Brother Captain Stern is MUCH like Mephiston. Powerful Psyker, more than normal wounds for a character(either 4or5), Non-IC, T5, 2+/4++, His "RR power" is now a psychic ability turning into a sort of "Warptime" allowing him to RR his hits/wounds/saves/Ld/Ect but with no bonus for the enemy like last time. I suppose thats because it can be nullified now. His price is right around Mephiston level. His "Demonic Nemesis" rules also extend to ANY IC. Basically, his Nemesis can still Slay Eternal Warriors of any type. They're really plugging this Character...he's the "big daddy" in the codex. Sort of a prodigy of Grey Knighthood that even surpasses the Grand Masters in skill.

-"Holocaust". No more "unit" casting for the terminators...only skillful characters can use this one. Can be cast during shooting AND CC if the character is able to throw two powers a turn. Essentially, its an incinerator blast with a 3"+d3 that hits FRIEND AND FOE. AP4, no Cover, No Invuln.

-Sgt Types can be upgraded for psychic abilities too (apparently, they "focus" the squad's psychic abilities like a lens), if they die, no more Phychics for the squad. RR's to hit for unit. This to hit can be for CC OR for shooting. I found out about it when I asked if Purgation squads were still availiable and if they did anything to make them better. He responded with this, five possible weapon upgrades, and the fact that cost went down for the upgrades just a bit to make them more useful. Speaking of that, upgrading incinerators and psycannons sounds like GW realises that you GIVE UP Nemesis weapons for these options...the cost for the weapon trade isnt nearly as much.

-Also, there was something about "Decent of Angels" for deepstriking units. He didnt mention the exact name of the ability, but apparently, Grey Knights are as adept at teleporting as BA's are with Deepstriking JP's.

He talked a little more about how the BA codex was a sort of "test bed" for some abilities that this codex was going to have. They look alot alike but the basic troops here are better...and the point costs reflect it. This army will STILL be very elite and small. But Psychics, characters, and speed with stormravens is "off the chain".

Found this on Dakka Dakka. Posted today. Very excited:D. Can't find words to express said excitement over the toneless medium of the interwebz.

05-19-2010, 11:11 AM
I would underline the important changes I saw in the thing above, but then the whole thing would be pretty much underlined.

There might be a few things I don't care for (Justicars losing Power Weapons, Stern losing IC status), but that is one mass of things that make me giddy.

And I can't wait to get Storm Ravens, lots of Dreads, and teleport-assault (counts as Jump Pack) Grey Knights:D.

05-19-2010, 12:48 PM
Indeed. I'm probably gonna start up a 500-750 point grey knight strike force for low points games when they're released...

So, I guess GKs are gonna rely on storm ravens, land raiders, and dreads for anti-tank?

And with Land Raiders removed, what exactly will their heavy support look like? Basically just storm ravens?

05-19-2010, 01:01 PM
So, I guess GKs are gonna rely on storm ravens, land raiders, and dreads for anti-tank?

And some psychic powers as well, I imagine.

It does, however, sound like ISTs will still be in, meaning we can get some (comparatively) cheap melta units.

Additionally, it sounds like we're getting some more special weapons for Purgation squads. Some may be anti-tank.

And with Land Raiders removed, what exactly will their heavy support look like? Basically just storm ravens?

And purgation squads. We'll see what else, if anything, gets added. I'd imagine they'll think up another unit or two to stick in there.

05-19-2010, 01:11 PM
I hope so. Would be cool to see a Predator that's like the baal pred, only with psycannons.

05-19-2010, 03:54 PM
That is some sexy rumour. I like the shout out to Inq.'s in that, as well, especially if they become more of a force on the table. I may have to make a full fledged GK army now...

05-19-2010, 04:29 PM
YAY Captain Stern gets the insane bad@ssness he deserves!

& Rending = awesomeness.

05-19-2010, 06:35 PM
I have to admit, I dislike the strategy of balancing characters by removing the IC rule. It just doesn't make sense why some of these characters suddenly can't stand next to their lesser brothers in arms. I can't help but think that there must be better ways of making crazy characters, well, less crazy.

05-19-2010, 08:51 PM
I wasn't a fan at first, but I'm starting to be okay with it. Really the tradeoff is increased shooting vulnerability (because of no ablative wounds) in exchange for greater durability in general (because of crazy stats like T6). In general I think I'm okay with that, because an IC with old stats was too easily eliminated in assault, where they ought to have shined.

I certainly like this solution to the sergeant powerfist problem more than the old method of giving them retinues. I don't want my legendary badass to beat your powerfist sergeant or ten Chaos space marines by hiding behind a wall of cronies. I want him to be able to go toe to toe with them and win through sheer dint of legendary badassness.

05-19-2010, 09:58 PM
I love how there's almost no mention of what the non-GK units are going to be there. Besides Inquisitor, ST and Assassins there probably will be a lot of other stuff in all the slots. Like Deathwatch.

05-19-2010, 10:27 PM
Frankly I don't care about any of those to begin with anyway :)

05-19-2010, 10:42 PM
Which is weird considering the rest of the guys are probably that bunch of imperium that seldom gets any spotlight.

05-19-2010, 10:43 PM
It sounds like there will be enough to do a pure inquisition army, as the most recent wave stated "no Assassins in GK armies", but it still sounded like Assassins were in the codex. It does seem, though, that GKs really are the big focus of the codex, and as of yet there really hasn't been any talk of anything else, except the aforementioned Assassins, Inquisitors with psychic powers, and that Stormtroopers will fall in line with the IG ones.

05-19-2010, 10:57 PM
*wipes tears from eyes* Storm Ravens with Scout. Melta in your face on first turn as well as a dread and GK payload.

I can't wait.

05-20-2010, 05:10 AM
Well if Inquisitors and assasains and IG are still going to be into to codex, why would it be called GK and not DH anymore then?

I thought most people have said that the ]I[ and stuff would be out. Or the roles have been switched around and now, the emphisis is on the GK and not the ]I[ then?

05-20-2010, 05:24 AM
Well if Inquisitors and assasains and IG are still going to be into to codex, why would it be called GK and not DH anymore then?

They said that Inquisitors are in, but assassins are out. IG we don't know about (talking about inducted IG, not the storm trooper troop choices). Also, it's unclear if they'll be called Daemon Hunters or Grey Knights.

05-20-2010, 05:32 AM
Well by going by this quote it confused me. At first I thought Assasians were gone, then reading this sentence, it means that Assassins are in with Inquisitors, and Stormtroopers.

Would this mean if one GK was taken, no Assassin can be taken then? I am missreading something.

It does seem, though, that GKs really are the big focus of the codex, and as of yet there really hasn't been any talk of anything else, except the aforementioned Assassins, Inquisitors with psychic powers, and that Stormtroopers will fall in line with the IG ones.

05-20-2010, 06:38 AM
Well by going by this quote it confused me. At first I thought Assasians were gone, then reading this sentence, it means that Assassins are in with Inquisitors, and Stormtroopers.

Would this mean if one GK was taken, no Assassin can be taken then? I am missreading something.

To quote the source;
-Somehow, assassins cannot be used in Grey Knight armies.

To me, that kinda sounds like assassins are still in (though they may not be), but can't be taken if any GKs are taken.

05-20-2010, 06:43 AM
My money is on the codex still being released as either Malleus or (much less probable) generic Inquisition.

If it ends up being Malleus, get ready for a Hereticus with Ecclesiarchy attached.

05-20-2010, 06:46 AM
Yes he seems confident at the start but as you keep reading he gets less and less confident. I'm still calling him out on this. GW is trying to control there rumors now. I'm betting that Harry is wrong.

On Warseer, DPA said he agrees with Harry. GodlessM and Avian also think Dark Eldar are in October/November.

Then on Dakka, Gonads thinks Dark Eldar are next (although he thought they were the August release), Yakface bet $1 they'd be out by early October, and reds8n thinks they are next also.

So do you think they are all wrong? Those are all pretty big names with good track records.

05-20-2010, 07:26 AM
Yeah, it's looking more like GKs are pushed back a bit.

However, someone did point out that the Blood Angels were released at the same time as some IG models, so it is conceivable that they would release GKs at the same time as Daemons in August. I don't find it too likely, though, since they didn't announce anything in the Incoming email.

05-20-2010, 09:08 AM
However, someone did point out that the Blood Angels were released at the same time as some IG models, so it is conceivable that they would release GKs at the same time as Daemons in August. I don't find it too likely, though, since they didn't announce anything in the Incoming email.

Yeah I don't think so either, unless GW is really trying to surprise us with the GK launch. For the GK fans, I hope you do come out in August still, but I don't think it's very likely at all. :(

05-20-2010, 12:18 PM
On Warseer, DPA said he agrees with Harry. GodlessM and Avian also think Dark Eldar are in October/November.

Then on Dakka, Gonads thinks Dark Eldar are next (although he thought they were the August release), Yakface bet $1 they'd be out by early October, and reds8n thinks they are next also.

So do you think they are all wrong? Those are all pretty big names with good track records.

I've already made my arguments and I will stand by them. Now let us wait and see what happens.

05-20-2010, 05:13 PM
Yeah I don't think so either, unless GW is really trying to surprise us with the GK launch. For the GK fans, I hope you do come out in August still, but I don't think it's very likely at all. :(

I did see a quote from Jervis the other day where he said "we love surprises" in response to a question about when GKs would come out.

I don't recall the exact context, though, and its not like he actually gave up any real info anyways.

Black Wolf
05-21-2010, 11:20 AM
One can not help but wonder if they are setting up a double release..... There is enough market share for both Dark Eldar and Grey knights.... If one really examines the marketing of GW over the past 2 years they have been doing some unusual things when it come to releases

05-29-2010, 09:32 AM
Someone on warseer says someone in a GW store tols his girlfriend that DH and WH would be in a combined codex released in October.

05-29-2010, 12:49 PM
Which is about as believable as me saying my left asscheek said to my right one that Orks will be combined with Tyranids and the Tyranork army will be out alongside Dark Eldar come this October.

05-29-2010, 01:03 PM
Which is about as believable as me saying my left asscheek said to my right one that Orks will be combined with Tyranids and the Tyranork army will be out alongside Dark Eldar come this October.

with new special rules for "gene boyz"? This is Big!!!

"Hey everyone!! i was in the GW store and heard the redshirt say that there was a new tyranork codex..."

Oh... its that easy to make up a good sounding GW rumor...

Wouldn't it make more sense for them to do Sisters of battle/GK, When they release the new demon models.

I think the whole point of removing the codex and stuff without saying anything, is so all the people come out of the wood work, and scream "Inqusition S.O.B" Free advertising before they release stuff.

Finding posts about SOB/GK before they took down the codex, was near impossible. and the forums that did have inqusition sub forms, rarely moved.

05-29-2010, 02:05 PM
Which is about as believable as me saying my left asscheek said to my right one that Orks will be combined with Tyranids and the Tyranork army will be out alongside Dark Eldar come this October.

But the Tyranids just got released in January. Why would the be released so soon again? All the SM players will be complaining they never got their codex updated that fast. :D

05-29-2010, 08:07 PM
Wouldn't it make more sense for them to do Sisters of battle/GK, When they release the new demon models.No, it would not. Because releasing models for TWO separate unreleased codices (and yes, they are going to be released separately-- Jervis Johnson went as far as to say the combined codex was, and I quote, "fanwank") isn't exactly going to make them sell.

Finding posts about SOB/GK before they took down the codex, was near impossible. and the forums that did have inqusition sub forms, rarely moved.Not really. Anywhere I was, the Sisters were being talked about.

Just ask anyone on any 40k forum I've been on...

05-29-2010, 09:05 PM
No, it would not.

Yeah, Sisters and Daemons don't have a whole lot in common.

05-30-2010, 11:41 AM
Yeah, Sisters and Daemons don't have a whole lot in common.

I beg to differ, I have 3 younger sisters.

05-30-2010, 11:57 AM
I beg to differ, I have 3 younger sisters.

Cute, but not helpful :P Besides, nephews are far more daemonic.

05-30-2010, 12:23 PM
Let's not get to off topic.

05-30-2010, 05:47 PM
Let's not get to off topic.

This is page 82 of the thread. I'm shocked it isn't totally derailed!

(Also, little girls waaaay more evil. She wants my Orks and I swear she yelled WAAAAGH! the other day)

Fine-back on topic it is. When are kill teams coming back! I just want to model one and not just have to say "counts as Sternguard".

05-30-2010, 07:57 PM
This is page 82 of the thread. I'm shocked it isn't totally derailed!

On warseer, it would have already been locked, then re-opened a dozen times by now:rolleyes:.

Fine-back on topic it is. When are kill teams coming back! I just want to model one and not just have to say "counts as Sternguard".

Unknown, but not too soon. It's unlikely they will be included in either the GK or Sisters codex. There are hints of some form of Inquisition expansion, which would be likely to include them as an Ordos Xenos unit, however.

05-31-2010, 09:53 AM
Two things....

Number one: http://www.modelling-mayhem.co.uk/ourshop/cat_276080-Daemonhunters.html

Number two: http://www.modelling-mayhem.co.uk/ourshop/cat_276090-Witch-Hunters.html


05-31-2010, 10:15 AM
Two things....

Number one: http://www.modelling-mayhem.co.uk/ourshop/cat_276080-Daemonhunters.html

Number two: http://www.modelling-mayhem.co.uk/ourshop/cat_276090-Witch-Hunters.html


(looking for my gain of salt to take)

05-31-2010, 10:16 AM
Grain? Try having enough salt that you melta ll the frenchies off the planet.

05-31-2010, 10:23 AM
Grain? Try having enough salt that you melta ll the frenchies off the planet.

Ah! You must be hording it all. No wonder I can't find any.
And no Melta-ing France right now. I have friends over there visiting it now. They'd like to know how you say "geek" in French. (I told them "Ou est la TARDIS?")

05-31-2010, 11:00 AM
Grain? Try having enough salt that you melta ll the frenchies off the planet.

You do realize the sisters of battle are base on Joan of Arc who is French.

05-31-2010, 11:14 AM
Yes, but she was French back when the French didn't suck, IE, the medieval period when French armies were feared for more than the smell of their armpits :D

05-31-2010, 03:07 PM
Just gonna copy paste todays harvest. I know some of you are sceptical (I know I am) but still Id like to hear what you think.

Just a small tidbit. When talking about all this over at warseer I was pointed to this post (http://www.heresy-online.net/forums/showthread.php?t=55212&page=38)
This was posted on the 20th of May, could it be that there is some truth to all of this? Only time will tell, if the codicies are 3ed all of this probably means nothing,
if they on the other hand are 5ed it would most likely mean a release is imminent.

Not sure if anyone is interested or if its been mentioned before, but as an indie trader i can no longer purchase any WH of GK sets, not even the immolater, i think september is the most likely based on my conversation with trade sales today

I called them and got to talk to a very friendly guy. I asked him about the below statements and where he got them from. Basically he told me that he had a tradings account with GW (which all independent stockists have) and that he got the information from there.
When I asked about if he had seen anything about a combined codex he stated that from what he read there would be 2 codicies and that they are the next ones to be released.
Im going to be calling other webshops and different GW stores today to try and milk them for some infp :D This could prove to be a very interesting day.
Then again, maybe he misunderstood what he read, maybe what he saw was simply the PDF release of the old DH and WH codicies.
Im sceptical but maybe I will find something else out from my calls today.

I called Games Workshop and asked them about this.
The person I spoke to did not know where they might have heard these rumours but to his knowledge DH and WH are not get a new release anytime soon.
I asked him about the PDFs and he told me that they are scheduled to be released in the first week of June. I asked if they are updated for 5ed or not and he told me they should be.
He claimed that this was the first time GW has ever released codicies on the website (I reminding him of the old Blood Angel but he said that was not a true codex but the DH/WH will be) and that not much is being changed for them.
To be honest it sounds to me like he doesnt really know much about the release. I still think it will be 3ed but if they have updated rules for 5ed I will be really happy.

Called a GW store in Finland and asked them about the PDF.
I asked if it will be 5ed rules or 3ed rules, he said ofc it will be 5ed. I asked him from where he heard this and he told me "why would they release 3ed rules?"
I told him that people are speculating that it will simply be a copy of the 3ed codicies since you can no longer buy them, this made him change his mind.
He became unsure but was certain the rules would be up on the website soon.

Called a GW store in Sweden and asked about it. It seemed like the guy had never even heard about the PDF release so got nothing from him.
He did say he would expect the rules to be for 5ed but had no idea.

New Webstore (http://www.modelling-mayhem.co.uk/)
There is a new miniature webshop that has just opened business. This is their announcement thread over at DakkaDakka (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/295807.page)
The reason Im mentioning this new webstore is that they have some interesting things to say about Daemonhunters (http://www.modelling-mayhem.co.uk/ourshop/cat_276080-Daemonhunters.html) and Witchhunters (http://www.modelling-mayhem.co.uk/ourshop/cat_276090-Witch-Hunters.html), click to check it out.

Games Workshop has released information stating that the next new army and codex is for Witch Hunters. So Modelling-Mayhem will list these items when the new stock is released. Keep checking back for updates!

Games Workshop has released information stating that the next new army and codex is for Daemonhunters. So Modelling-Mayhem will list these items when the new stock is released. Keep checking back for updates!
If this is true or not who knows, but there is nothing like this mentioned for DE. They even have Dark Eldar FOR SALE, I have never seen a webshop offer this before. I thought it was direct only? Going to contact the shop and hear what they have to say, this could be interesting :D

05-31-2010, 05:19 PM
Please stop the nation sized discrimination you american ignorants. (see what I did there?)

06-01-2010, 11:19 AM
Yes, madness... You are truely a ninja-word-smith-warlord-jedi. But then again, so am I and my schwartz is bigger than yours.

06-01-2010, 12:54 PM
Well I just looked, and the rules aren't up yet. Seeing as we are just starting the first week of June, I can't really say I am all that surprised... Guess we'll just have to wait somemore.