View Full Version : How best to represent Pre-heresy Thousand Sons army using the Space Marine codex?

05-02-2014, 08:36 AM
A few years ago I finished reading the Horus Heresy novel A Thousand Sons and quickly started looking for a way to create my favourite pre-heresy legion to play in 40k. In the end I went with the newly released Grey Knights for 3 main reasons...
1) It was an army of Psychic Marines
2) After building a large guard army I wanted something small and elite.
3) Cortaz and Henchmen Squads allowed me to field The Prospero Spire Guard and since allies weren't available back then this was a huge benefit.


But things have a changed; The Forgeworld Horus Heresy range has expanded greatly and their vehicles are available for use in standard 40k marine armies (except Grey Knights) and I have the option to use my Prospero Spire Guard as an actual allied Imperial guard attachment.
So with that in mind I thought it might be worth considering switching to the marine codex instead of the Grey Knights. There is the option of allying the two forces especially with the one of the forgeworld chapter tactics allowing Grey Knights with an Inquistor to become Battle Brothers allies. But until the new rules edition come out in the next few months I want to hold back on the idea of using allies.

So for the moment I'm just looking to brainstorm a few ideas on how to build a marine force to suit the Thousand Sons, such as what units and chapter tactics to use, so I'm looking for suggestions?

So far I've have suggestions to use the Legion Of The Damned digital codex, or a more interesting option is a Stern guard heavy army with the specialist bolts representing small psychic buffs. Another person suggested having a small allied guard attachment and add a primaris psyker to each of the squads.

I'd be grateful for any feedback and suggestions?

05-02-2014, 11:21 AM
Use the psychic powers to represent special/heavy weapons, pyrae fire beam = melta gun; raptora kinetic powers = graviton guns etc. Then to keep the WYSIWYG principle magnetize the real guns to the base, legs, backpack etc. so they're visible even though the model is using their powers in preference

Put plenty of librarians and allied psykers in and you're good to go.

05-02-2014, 11:39 AM
So this may seem like trolling....Space Wolves with marine allies.

You can have up to four rune priests that roll div, biomancy, and telek ( I think).

Add in a Tigarius for a pre heresy Ahriman with ultramarine allies and there you go.

The add on wolves could also be the cherub/deamon things they always had with them.

I promise I'm not trolling, it just allows the most psykers....

05-02-2014, 11:51 AM
To be honest I did consider Space Wolves as an option due to the rune priests but it just felt... so wrong lol.

05-02-2014, 09:27 PM
With Forgeworld releasing the 30k codex (basic Legion rules) I'd advise on that, however it lacks Psykers, The Centurion (an HQ choice that is equal to a Captain) can upgrade to a Psyker, but it makes him a bit expensive. It basically doubles his point cost just for Psyker levels, and that's before wargear or other shiny stuff you want to give him. : /

Thousand Sons should be getting some sort of Psyker sargents or unit of psykers, seeing Ahriman in 30k would be awesome, same with Bjorn the Fell-Handed for Space Wolves.

05-03-2014, 02:14 AM
Are those rules usable in 40k and at Throne Of Skull events?

05-03-2014, 07:16 AM
I do not know if Throne of Skulls allows HH lists, but the rules work fine with regular 40k armies/BRB/FAQ. The composition will be weird when compared to a Regular Codex: Space Marines list, (IE, 20-man Tactical Squads) but the options and special rules fit nicely within 40k rules (I don't know about the supposedly new rulebook coming though)
I do apologize that I couldn't be more helpful. :(

05-03-2014, 08:14 AM
My suggestion: wait and see what the stream-lined 30K book will look like. Also, perhaps send an email to Forgeworld asking if they have any supplements or books planned for a Thousand Sons 30K army list. Never hurts to ask.

05-04-2014, 08:50 AM
There are threads here that discus the future HH books. If you ask nicely, someone might link them. I believe that 1k Sons are planned for a book with the Space Puppies and Sisters of Silence, the Sisters being the reason the book was delayed. If you believe internet scuttlebut. But by all accounts they are coming. I believe every one of the 18 legions will have an army list at some point.