View Full Version : GnomesRUs Projectcts

Thed Nome
05-01-2014, 09:25 PM
Ok... I am new here... so be brutally nice LOL... My latest project... a Slaneesh Lord...8569

Darren Richardson
05-02-2014, 12:49 AM
not bad but I some areas which could do with a nice dose of washes on them to shade their recesses, in perticular the flamer, the main body of it looks bland, and to make it pop, look up some details on weathering, the muzzle of the flamer will look better weathered with scorch markings

A quick search using the board's search tool should throw up the required info.

Hope this helps you, it's a promising start....


Thed Nome
05-02-2014, 07:56 AM
Thanx... yeah the flamer is unfinished (as well as the orb... and Front,Rear tabard)... the Flamer is supposed to be Burning Brand of Skalthrax (siq) but still trying to figure out best way to convert it... will post final later...

Thed Nome
05-02-2014, 09:53 AM
Ok... Flamer conversion compleat ... Tabards added (to make it look less like Raptor) and Orb finished...Now project compleat... (thanx for comment on flamer was on the f8585 8586