View Full Version : Unresolved quandry involving SM Assault Centurions

04-29-2014, 09:32 PM
so heres the skinny, and i just want your opinion, guys
Assault Centurions come with TL flamers. however in an Overwatch situation, would the TL allow a re-roll for the d3 Wall of Death to be re-rolled?

ive looked but found nothing to concretely allow or disallow, and thought id spark discussion.

Personally id say 'Either/Or': Either rerolling the d3 Or rerolling wounds.

04-29-2014, 09:45 PM
Twin-Linked flamers re-roll to wound. Seems pretty straight forward to me.

04-30-2014, 12:10 AM
Considering you may apply Twin-Linked to Overwatch, there is no reason why it would be limited.

Just remember, you have to be happy with your second result.

04-30-2014, 01:37 AM
When i read the title i assumed it was a thread stating how they never make it to assault.

04-30-2014, 03:22 AM
so heres the skinny, and i just want your opinion, guys
Assault Centurions come with TL flamers. however in an Overwatch situation, would the TL allow a re-roll for the d3 Wall of Death to be re-rolled?

ive looked but found nothing to concretely allow or disallow, and thought id spark discussion.

Personally id say 'Either/Or': Either rerolling the d3 Or rerolling wounds.

Assault Centurions are slow and purposeful, therefore they can't fire on overwatch while being charged.
ATM it's a bad bad unit.

Dave Mcturk
04-30-2014, 06:01 AM
Assault Centurions are slow and purposeful, therefore they can't fire on overwatch while being charged.
ATM it's a bad bad unit.

another missing FAQ - meganobz suffer from the same problem: with 'overwatch' being so effective on so many '6pts' a head troops slow and purposeful is a real extra nerf to what are essentially close combat units; i think -2" to run [which they cant do either] and the ability to overwatch if they didnt fire in the previous shooting round would be an effective mod.

04-30-2014, 09:40 AM
As others have pointed out Centurions are Slow and Purposeful, so do not receive Overwatch attacks.

Any other unit with a twin linked flamer would not re-roll the number of hits inflicted by the Wall of Death from a template weapon firing overwatch, but rerolls to Wound