View Full Version : Treekin armies, Viable?

White Tiger88
04-28-2014, 07:12 PM
Well I wait for forge world to release my alpha legion models I am debating going back to fantasy however I don't like trolls and I want a small model count army. So I was thinking with how cool the new tree models are and thought that might be a fun little list. What do you guys think? Will tree kin be fun for someone so rusty at the game its almost silly.

04-28-2014, 08:08 PM
Unlikely. Treekin are still slated as Special troops. You'd have to have dryads in there. Now, the big question is, "how viable are dryads?" If they get rid of skirmish for them and have them rank up... they'd be pretty fantastic and you could do a minimum core army of dryads with plenty of treekin and treemen. For characters I'd guess you'd do Treeman Ancient and Branchwraiths assuming the BW still exist.

White Tiger88
04-28-2014, 08:49 PM
Unlikely. Treekin are still slated as Special troops. You'd have to have dryads in there. Now, the big question is, "how viable are dryads?" If they get rid of skirmish for them and have them rank up... they'd be pretty fantastic and you could do a minimum core army of dryads with plenty of treekin and treemen. For characters I'd guess you'd do Treeman Ancient and Branchwraiths assuming the BW still exist.

Hmmm what about that special character tree guy?

04-29-2014, 12:43 AM
Under the current rules, forest spirit armies are the best wood elf armies you can field. Without the new book. It's impossible to tell how viable they will be.

04-29-2014, 02:49 AM
Too early to say without the new book. I believe the Treekin rules are leaked in a preview, but we don't know about Dryads. Also, you mention the nice new models but I've not heard any suggestion of new models for Treekin - or are you looking to convert something?

White Tiger88
04-29-2014, 04:33 PM
Too early to say without the new book. I believe the Treekin rules are leaked in a preview, but we don't know about Dryads. Also, you mention the nice new models but I've not heard any suggestion of new models for Treekin - or are you looking to convert something?

Converting is what i do ;) (for everything...)

05-01-2014, 11:18 AM
Good for you, there are some cool Treekin (and Treeman) conversions out there. I'd wait to see the rules before converting something though, unless you're keen enough to do the conversion whatever the rules.