View Full Version : Zero Gravity Combat

01-07-2010, 05:55 AM

01-07-2010, 08:13 AM
There have been a few GW scenarios in WD and elsewhere that covered combat in low or zero-gravity conditions and I'm fairly sure if I check my copy of the RT rulebook that will have some suggestions in it too.

The one I remember (this was was for zero- or low-gravity and an airless atmosphere) gave everyone an increased move of +D6" (to reflect infantry being able to move in leaping bounds and reduced all armour saves by one to reflect the increased chance of models dying if their armour was punctured. Regarding the latter, I think the thinking was that even though certain types of armour include life support for vacuum conditions, the wearer is still very vulnerable to that protection failing.

I don't think that the low gravity had any effect on shooting, there weren't any rules for increased ranges or penalties for greater recoil or anything like that.

Then again, you could equally argue that unless they were specially trained, certain models would move more slowly in zero gravity rather than faster, so you could simply make everyone move as if they were in difficult terrain all the time.

You could argue that certain armies wouldn't be vulnerable to exposure to space (maybe daemons, tyranids, necrons) or that certain units wouldn't be that bothered by zero-gravity (perhaps jump and jet infantry).

What type of games are you thinking of? Something set on/in a spaceship, on a low-gravity world or with jump and jet pack troops zooming around in deep space?

01-07-2010, 08:30 AM
This is a good idea. I'd probably add +6" range to weapons, +d6" to Assaults (like the d6" to movement), and Ordnance Weapons, when fired, push the firing model backwards d6". Might be fun, and keep things fluid.

01-07-2010, 09:11 AM
i'll see if i can dig up my old Battletech stuff and see what modifications they had. I know back then i definitely played low or no gravity games. It affected all kinds of movement.

01-07-2010, 10:48 AM
ONe thing you can do too is this:

Since most zero gravity situations are also in the vaccum I would upgrade all weapons to AP1. This represents the added probability that when a tank is glanced it vents atmosphere and can be rendered wrecked that much easier.


01-07-2010, 11:22 AM
ONe thing you can do too is this:

Since most zero gravity situations are also in the vaccum I would upgrade all weapons to AP1. This represents the added probability that when a tank is glanced it vents atmosphere and can be rendered wrecked that much easier.


While that sounds super neat i'm pretty sure that would speed the games up about 2X. And do you really want Fire warriors / chimeras full of ap1 weapons...

01-07-2010, 11:52 AM
well -1 ap

movement +d6-D6
or +d6 with difficult terrain

tanks -D6 move
skimmer +D6 move
walker -D3 move

01-07-2010, 01:12 PM

01-07-2010, 01:14 PM
If it's in space, then wouldn't doing extra movement or firing and moving risk launching you into the blackness of space and the inevitable death that would bring?

In zero gravity, firing a bolter-- or any weapon with recoil-- without steadying your feet with mag-boots would be... stupid.

01-07-2010, 01:18 PM

01-07-2010, 01:21 PM
They do, as do Sisters and most others with power armor. The thing is, if you're jumping and attempting to use extra movement like that, you'd really be risking it. Same with firing heavy weapons like an autocannon. And using mag-boots wouldn't allow for extra movement as you'd want to carefully place each step to ensure that you get a good grip.

01-07-2010, 01:25 PM

01-07-2010, 01:27 PM
Or perhaps danger when attempting to run would be better. Say, if you run, roll 2d6 and on a 12, you roll d6 to determine the number of models lost to the void. If you roll anything other than a 12, that's your extra movement. Jump Troops are immune to this rule.

01-07-2010, 01:29 PM
I could see using modified rules like the ones above for low gravity (even very low gravity) vacuum scenarios, but ZERO gravity is a whole other ballgame. Frictionless environments with no up or down requires a very different set of rules, especially is you are talking about using ballistic weapons.

Space Hulk with no gravity would be fascinating, though.

01-07-2010, 02:49 PM
Space Hulk with no gravity would be fascinating, though.

Your right, it could open up some interesting things... But one of the beauties of Space Hulk is the simplicity.


01-07-2010, 03:03 PM
How about a choice of movement? Slow and purposeful OR +d6, but you have to take a dangerous terrain test to see if you lost your footing and float off the ship?

And with shooting, if you move slow and purposeful you don't suffer any negatives, but if you move the extra +d6, you move back d3 inches, or you're at -1 Initiative, or another dangerous terrain test.

01-07-2010, 03:49 PM
Personally I'd keep it simple, no effects on ranged attacks and damage.

0-g/Vacuum environments classify as difficult terrain (we assume that the models have some way of protecting themselves from the direct adverse effects of the environment - like the lack of breathable air). When rolling for movement, add an additional die to what the model would normally roll (ie 3d6 for a normal infantry model, 4d6 for MCs/models with move through cover). If the die roll results in triples, the unit immediately suffers a wound as per the dangerous terrain rules (to represent misjudging a leap and hitting an obstacle or worse, being flung uncontrollably into the void). Jump pack, Jetpack, and Jetbikes may move their normal movement but if any model ends or begins their movement inside the area, they test for dangerous terrain just like normal. The same holds true for Skimmers.

Regular bikes, non-skimmer vehicles, cavalry, and beasts cannot voluntarily enter a 0-g/vacuum environment. If they are forced into one by any means, they are removed from play with no saves or special rules that would prevent this allowed.

01-07-2010, 09:52 PM
I would think that extra movement would definately be wrong for a low-gravity/no-gravity environment. Look at the moon landings. You are lighter, but you need extra equipment to compensate for the lack of breathable air, and also, Being able to jump really high doesn't necessarily make you faster. The astronauts on the moon landing were pretty slow. I would say it would be like always moving through Difficult terrain.

Also in an environment like the side of a space hulk, jump troops are going to be VERY dangerous. Jet packs, Jump Packs, etc are built to push away from gravity, and work on the pretence that you will always be falling back down. In space, the Jump Packs will just push you out into space, thus probably kill you.

Also in a Zero Gravity environ ANY weapons will push you back if you fire (Every action will have an equal and opposite reaction). I would propose that anytime a unit shoots a assualt/rapid fire(1 shot) weapons it gets pushed back 1D3 inches. If they rapid fire thier weapons or use heavy weapons they get pushed back 1D6 inches.

Since there would be less friction, guns could technically fire farther, perhaps +6".

Increased risk from added space equiptment could be shown as giving worse saves, or better AP.

The only problem I can see with alot of these rules is that they make range much much more effective than in a normal game. So you should probably take that into consideration

01-07-2010, 10:36 PM
but you need extra equipment to compensate for the lack of breathable airAstartes and Sororitas power armor both have this quality.

01-08-2010, 04:06 AM
there's an easier way to do it... choice to move slow and purposeful with no adverse effects(representing the time to align mag boots on each step), or move and assault an extra d6" plus normal movement but be counted as dangerous terrain, representing the risk of moving too fast and drifting into space.

01-08-2010, 01:12 PM
there's an easier way to do it... choice to move slow and purposeful with no adverse effects(representing the time to align mag boots on each step), or move and assault an extra d6" plus normal movement but be counted as dangerous terrain, representing the risk of moving too fast and drifting into space.

I like this. It keeps it simple, yet there is a reason to try both options.


01-08-2010, 01:27 PM
Probably the easiest to implement at any rate.

What about vehicles?

01-08-2010, 02:09 PM

01-08-2010, 02:18 PM
I imagine they could be specially equipped actually. It'd be strange, but no moreso than seeing soldiers fighting on the outside of a ship.

Little Brother
01-08-2010, 02:42 PM
If I remeber correctly the scenario in the 5ed rulebook has suggestions for low/zero g combat in a vacuum. All movement is done in difficult terrain. All attacks and shooting are rending to represent pressure suits and armour being ruptured.l

01-12-2010, 02:03 PM
Infantry units have mag-boots and move as though in difficult terrain. However, they may choose to move as jump infantry (turning off their boots) in the movement phase, but must take dangerous terrain tests.

Jump infantry may move an extra d6 inches but must move the full distance rolled. If this would cause them to land on enemy or friendly units, or in impassible terrain, they instead stop 1 inch away and must take a dangerous terrain test.

Bikes always count as moving through dangerous terrain. Jet Bikes move as normal.

Alll non-pistol weapons are Heavy, as you must plant your self in order to fire them.

In close combat, unless the unit takes Zero-G Combat Training at +3 pts per model they get -1 attack to a minimum of 1.

Skimmers move as normal, but drift 2d6 inches in the direction of the scatter die if stunned or immobilized.

Tanks move as normal, but cannot shoot any weapons if they move (as the gunners are not used to the irregular movement) unless you purchase Zero-G Gunnery Training at +30pts.
[This might be better worded as they count as moving all-out.]

Any multi-wound models that fail an armor save must make a toughness test or lose another wound, due to the potential of a life-support component getting damaged.

Monstrous Creatures move as normal.

01-13-2010, 02:00 AM