View Full Version : Paypal [Paypal] Converted Osprey Vendetta, Ork Wagons/Guard Armoured Car and Ork Turrets (UK

04-28-2014, 09:13 AM
Having a bit of a clean out of my old and unwanted converted guard vehicles from my grot rebel guard army, both can be easily tweaked into actual guard vehicles by simply replacing the vendetta crew's heads and changing the wheels on the chimera conversions and then repainting to match your own army colours. I've included some links to more detailed pictures of the conversions just remember it's the tanks shown in the photos on this thread you are buying so they may differ from the log images.

Chimeras = Ork Wagons/Guard Armoured Cars
The converted chimeras can be fielded as either Ork Wagons/tanks or by replacing the monster truck wheels can be turned into armoured cars (& repaint) for imperial guard and played as either Chimeras or Tauroxes.
Also if you want I'll throw in a wreckage template for the vehicle as well? See more detailed pictures of the chimera conversion HERE (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/198/8/d/Da_Grot_Doom_Vee_No_4_by_Proiteus.jpg).


I've also got a 3rd chimera that has been undercoated and has had the wheels removed.


Grot Manned Turrets (Defence line quad gun for orks)
Created for my hydra and griffon mortar tanks, I'm hoping they can find a home in an ork army?


Osprey Vendetta Conversion
This is one of my favourite conversions but now I find myself only needing 1, so would anyone be interested in an osprey conversion for either a vendetta or valkyrie. The lascannons on the wings, engines and propellers are magnetized for easy transport and posing, it should be easy to snap off the cockpit cover and replace the heads. You can see more detailed pictures of the vendetta converison HERE (http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/052/1/d/da_thunda_squig_gunship_by_proiteus-d37svit.jpg).
Quick notes, the single lascannon on the right of the cockpit has broken off and been lost but if you plan to use it as a valkyrie this shouldn't be a problem, also the lascannon do not have the cable linking them to the main hull as seen in the linked detailed images.


So if you are interested in buying one of my old conversions or have a question drop us a PM or leave a comment below and will make a deal?