View Full Version : What To Do With This Awesome Bit?

04-26-2014, 10:54 PM
Check it out:


This bit came with the plastic parts that made my glaive’s “inner tank” and served as the skeleton for the resin “outer tank” which you can actually see. It’s a good idea, and it helps to mitigate some of the ease with which resin warps, since the main structure of the tank is made of the more rigid plastic.

The question is, what should I do with this bit? It’s awesome - especially the peaked shape on the right - but I didn’t need it to make the glaive. What should I do with it? Any suggestions?

04-27-2014, 12:10 AM
Check it out:


This bit came with the plastic parts that made my glaive’s “inner tank” and served as the skeleton for the resin “outer tank” which you can actually see. It’s a good idea, and it helps to mitigate some of the ease with which resin warps, since the main structure of the tank is made of the more rigid plastic.

The question is, what should I do with this bit? It’s awesome - especially the peaked shape on the right - but I didn’t need it to make the glaive. What should I do with it? Any suggestions?

Hate to tell you mate, but thats part of the basic baneblade kit, its the engine at the back. Normally the exhaust pipes hang off that blank space.

04-27-2014, 12:13 AM
I'd cut that right piece out and make a mechanicum mini shrine - as an objective marker.

04-27-2014, 12:13 AM
Hate to tell you mate, but thats part of the basic baneblade kit, its the engine at the back. Normally the exhaust pipes hang off that blank space.

I never thought it was a unique or special bit - I just think it's awesome and want to do something with it. I'm thinking of cutting off the peaked part and using it as the faceplate for a dreadnought...

04-27-2014, 12:14 AM
I use things like these for buildings.
cover it in oil, press greenstuff into it. Wait till GS is hard. Remove GS.
Now you have a mold and can replicate the mechanicum deco at will (you just need to put vaseline or oil on the grrenstuff mold as well)

04-27-2014, 12:14 AM
I'd cut that right piece out and make a mechanicum mini shrine - as an objective marker.

That's not a bad idea, either...

04-27-2014, 12:20 AM
I never thought it was a unique or special bit - I just think it's awesome and want to do something with it. I'm thinking of cutting off the peaked part and using it as the faceplate for a dreadnought...

oh ok....hmm its a little tall for a dread to be honest.

if I had a spare I think I'd make it part of a mechanicum shrine

04-27-2014, 12:56 AM
Yeah, I'd use it to make a sweet mold for buildings. AdMech stuff instantly 40ks a regular stone building. Although, I'd use silicone instead of green stuff, if you wanted the whole arch. Green stuff molds are best for 'press molds', and its kinda deep for that. Silicon will flex a bit when removing plaster/resin.

I'm going to go through my baneblade bits now and make one myself, thanks for the idea :D

04-27-2014, 01:49 AM
These little riveted vents or whatever they are could make a nice push mould to add vents to stuff.

04-27-2014, 01:50 AM
These little riveted vents or whatever they are could make a nice push mould to add vents to stuff.

I'm seriously considering not altering the bit itself at all and just making press molds of different parts of it as I need them to make various things.

Lord Tothe
04-29-2014, 10:22 PM
Step 1: Build Admech shrine
Step 2: Decide to use it as the core of a build to outdo Blackadder's titan
Step 3: ????????
Step 4: PROFIT!

04-30-2014, 12:27 AM
Step 1: Build Admech shrine
Step 2: Decide to use it as the core of a build to outdo Blackadder's titan
Step 3: ????????
Step 4: PROFIT!

Heh. Where's my "Like" button?