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View Full Version : [Kickstarter] Alternative Civil War 1861 on Saturday 26th April

Ghost Train Games
04-24-2014, 09:19 AM
Hello all,

We’re happy to announce our Kickstarter campaign will be running in a couple days, starting 26th April 19:00 GMT+1 (10:00 AM PDT).
Hope you like it!


04-24-2014, 03:48 PM
Looks good, I really like the artwork/concepts for the Native faction. Very cool ideas.

Ghost Train Games
04-25-2014, 12:22 PM
Looks good, I really like the artwork/concepts for the Native faction. Very cool ideas.

Thank you! Let's see if we can unlock some Native (and all factions) goodies...

Ghost Train Games
04-26-2014, 11:23 AM
Here's the link!: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/644661994/alternative-civil-war-1861-a-different-american-ci/

04-26-2014, 04:32 PM
OK have backed for the Natives.... how come only 2 trooper models when all the other factions get 3?

Ghost Train Games
04-27-2014, 12:22 AM
OK have backed for the Natives.... how come only 2 trooper models when all the other factions get 3?

Thank you.
Because of Living Totem of Nature being a large model (50mm base) and Bear-Brother model. This represents Natives are not quite numerous but can call forward powerfull allied spirits.

Ghost Train Games
04-28-2014, 09:16 AM


A brief glimpe of the kickstarter campaign:

Alternative Civil War is a 28mm scale premium metal miniature wargame set in an alternate background where impossible science collides with ancient magicks and weird beings clash with courageous soldiers on the American Civil War battlegrounds (and beyond!)

You might check out more about us and our game, including background, art and miniatures at http://www.ghosttraingames.com, where you can also find out the lastest version of our rules http://ghosttraingames.com/the-game/the-rules/ , and model profiles at http://ghosttraingames.com/the-factions/. Those are fully free to download.

We're really happy to hear any of your feedback. The opinions and comments of the community are really important to us.

Models and Greens Ready

United States models

https://scontent-b-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/l/t1.0-9/10150623_10203585095489282_2443573001721248894_n.j pg
Franklin Experimental Brigade regular armed with Coil Projector

Brig. Gen. William T. Sherman

Freemason Alchemist-Rifleman

Confederates States of America models

https://scontent-a-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/10153743_10203585095449281_6056871827174273274_n.j pg
Improved Mechanical Locomotive Steampack M1861 (IMLS) "Hopper"

Major General Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson

The Black Halls, cursed rifle

Concepts, images, and things to come:

Natives Cover Art:

Natives WIP - Living Totem of Nature
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/10150771_10203585095809290_3135125166317077762_n.j pg

Spain Cover Art

Becerrillo, Ponce de Leon's companion
https://scontent-b-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/10268486_10202257943107030_7257895075886959048_n.j pg

Ghost Train Games
05-05-2014, 06:33 AM

Hello all backers and friends.

We want our ACW campaign to reach as many players as possible to build a great game with a great community. We have heard the feedback received about how to improve the campaign, and this is the result:


North & South Starter Sets are now comprised of 9 models, while Spain and Natives of 7 (large models have a significantly higher production cost). Here is the break-down:

North: Brig. Gen. William Sherman + Lieut. Ambrose Bierce + 2x FEB Coil Projector + 5x Infantry Regulars = 9 miniatures!

South: Major Stonewall Jackson + Old Veteran + 2x IMLS m1861 + 5x Infantry Regulars = 9 miniatures!

Spain: Marquis-General Ponce de León + Becerrillo + Inquisition Prosecutor + 4 Infantry Regulars = 6 Infantry + 1 Large miniatures!

Natives: Great Chief Tecumseh + Living Totem + Brother-Bear + 4x Bravos = 6 Infantry + 1 Large Miniatures!

Remember – this applies to all Pledges Levels without increasing your pledge amount.

Furthermore, we have created two new pledges – Two-Players and Four-Players Starter box. These boxes will contain the Backers' choice of, correspondingly, 2 or 4 Faction Bundles, plus Token & Dice Sets (48 or 96 tokens, 4 or 8 dice), a printed version of the rulebook and the usual digital goodies. Shipping worldwide included, as usual. Faction Bundles consist of:

North Faction: Brig. Gen. William Sherman + Lieut. Ambrose Bierce + 2x FEB Coil projector + Freemason Alchemist-Rifleman + FEB Barrager + 7x Infantry Regulars = 12 Infantry + 1 Large miniatures!

South Faction: Major Stonewall Jackson + The Black Halls + Old Veteran + 2x IMLS m1861 + MASS m1861 + 7x Infantry Regulars = 12 Infantry + 1 Large miniatures!

Spain Faction: Marquis-General Ponce de León + Becerrillo + Inquisition Prosecutor + Guardia Eterna de la Fuente + Grand Duke Abigor + 6x Infantry Regulars = 9 Infantry + 2 Large miniatures!

Natives Faction: Great Chief Tecumseh + Living Totem + Brother-Bear + Ancestor Bravo + Sasquatch + 6x Bravos = 9 Infantry + 2 Large miniatures!

All this for merely 89 (2-players) or 169 (4 players) GBP. These Faction Bundles will also be available as Add-ons for 49 GBP each.

We will be also creating non-miniatures Add-on Bundles so you can customize your scenery and gaming accessories.

Some of these models added to the factions have been taken from the stretches, so we added more models there too! Remember the 30k and 35k Stretch goal grants even more free miniatures!

All these changes have been made at a great personal sacrifice, giving up the pre-campaign investment that came out of our pockets, and reducing margins but we believe it is in good order to reach a larger player community that will enjoy our awesome background, unique ruleset and excellent miniatures.

This is a huge effort, and we kindly ask you to spread our campaign with everybody through your usual forums, blogs, social profiles (facebook, twitter, youtube, etc) and sharing our news, so we all can achieve a campaign as great as possible.

Be part of the history!

Thank you all kindly,
the GTG Team.

KS Link: http://kck.st/1feMIKY