View Full Version : Chimera Lasgun Arrays

04-20-2014, 08:38 PM
I was painting a chimera for my company command squad this week end and was also reading up on the rules for them. Now in the rules it say that two models may fire from the fire point on top. Looking at the rules for fire points in the main rule book it says the these shots may be made at a different target than the vehicles weapons. What confused me though was the lasgun arrays. It says "A chimera has two separate arrays of three lasguns - one array located above each side of its hull. Up to six models in the embarked unit (a maximum of three per array) may fire one lasgun each from these lasgun arrays, provided those models are not using chimeras fire points this turn. To represent the unusual nature of these weapons, use the chimeras ballistic skill regardless of how far the chimera has moved. If the chimera suffered a crew shaken or crew stunned result, the lasgun arrays can only make snap shots. Lastly, each array may shoot at a different target to the chimera's other weaponry, though all lasguns in the same array must shoot at the same target."

Now reading this brings a few questions to mind. First being if you have a squad of say ten veterans in a chimera, would six fire from the lasgun arrays while two more vets can shoot special weapons from the fire point? The second question is that if they can shoot separate targets would you be able to have the chimera shoot at one target, veterans from the roof shoot at another target and still have the remaining guys inside shoot at two more targets? Now maybe I am just reading more into this than what is actually there, but if a chimera could shoot at four separate targets it seems like it would be on track to be the best transport in the game.

04-20-2014, 08:54 PM
You've got it right on all counts.

04-20-2014, 10:26 PM
Though the Chimera is still vulnerable to Penetrating shots, limited to how many attacks it can make at BS 3 moving faster than combat speeds and most those afore mentioned weapons are limited to shorter ranges than other transport options.

Wave Serpents still have the hands down advantage on all counts in that regard. Would have to say Night Scythes are a close second behind that for category of best transports.

04-20-2014, 11:42 PM
As I read the rule, the lasgun arrays can fire at BS3, without making Snap Shots, without regard to the normal restrictions on how many weapons a vehicle can fire at full BS based on how fast it has moved, and without regard to the normal restrictions on passengers shooting. So for instance, a Chimera could move at combat speed and fire both lasgun arrays at full BS, its turret weapon at full BS, its hull weapon as a Snap Shot, and two passengers firing from the top hatch could fire, counting as having moved. Alternatively, a Chimera could move at cruising speed and fire both lasgun arrays at full BS, its turret weapon as a Snap Shot, its hull weapon as a Snap Shot, and two passengers firing from the top hatch could fire, restricted to Snap Shots.

04-21-2014, 04:17 AM
that's how I'd read it as well Nab, though I wouldn't get all too excited - Arrays of Imperial Flashlights are still Imperial Flashlights, so the firepower you get from them is... limited shall we say?