View Full Version : Iyanden for Escalation League - Help?

04-19-2014, 03:33 AM
Hello BoLS. My FLGS is going to be running an Escalation League of sorts next month, going from 500 to 1000 to 1500, then back down to 1000 and down to 500. I've already figured out that my main army (Chaos Space Marines) won't work with what I have available, so my next option is my small Iyanden Eldar force.

Here's the problem. I am not in a position to buy more models. Just can't do it right now, and so I have to cobble something together with what I have, which is:

3 Spiritseers
15 Wraithguard (can't remember the split, but some have Wraithcannons and some have D-scythes)
5 Wraithblades
2 Wraithlords
1 Wraithknight
1 Crimson Hunter.

We're supposed to carry units over into the next list, and I don't know if wargear is going to carry over or if we can change it. For 500 points, I have a couple of ideas, but each one has problems.

2 Spiritseers
2 units x5 Wraithguard, Wraithcannons.
460 points

40 points shy. If I have to, I can put the Wraithforge stone in there for the later games, but I'd still be under 500. Biggest flaw I see here is I'd have trouble bringing down large squads of infantry (Nids, Orks).

1 Spiritseer
1 unit x5 Wraithguard, D-scythes
1 unit x5 Wraithguard, D-scythes
490 points

10 points under, and my concern is the Spiritseers. I'd have to either pick and choose which unit to Voice of Twilight, or keep the whole group bunches together within its range. Also, the D-scythes would mean a shorter range overall. Rolling 6's for autopens on vehicles means I don't have to concern myself too much with any type of unit in particular, but it means whatever's left after the scything could possibly charge the squads and tear them apart.

So, I put the question to you: are either of these lists worth trying? If they are, which one would you use? Or should I just step back before I embarrass myself on the tabletop again?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the wall o' text.

Dave Mcturk
04-19-2014, 04:21 AM
i see your problem. but at the 500 pt level surely only one hq is needed ?, possibly even at the 1000pt level?

i might be tempted to put your wraith blades in to 'hold' objectives - i run axes for the same reason [higher ST and IV save]

cant you squeeze the wraith knight into 500pts ? get 3 jet bikes to free up some points? [i mean 3 jetbikes isnt going to break the bank] [borrow some ?]

i really like scytheguard - the keep lots of things 'honest' with their 14" circle of death!

good luck!

04-21-2014, 04:19 AM
i see your problem. but at the 500 pt level surely only one hq is needed ?, possibly even at the 1000pt level?

i might be tempted to put your wraith blades in to 'hold' objectives - i run axes for the same reason [higher ST and IV save]

cant you squeeze the wraith knight into 500pts ? get 3 jet bikes to free up some points? [i mean 3 jetbikes isnt going to break the bank] [borrow some ?]

i really like scytheguard - the keep lots of things 'honest' with their 14" circle of death!

good luck!

I tried hard to squeeze the Wraithknight in, but there's just no way. A minimum force org for what I have works out to 390, bare bones, 1 HQ and two troop with no extra wargear or upgrades. No room for a Wraithlord, let alone a Wraithknight.

There's one reason I'm not buying more units, and it's only partially financial. I'm not winning enough games to justify spending more money on units that I'm just going to lose with. In fact, if things don't go well here this may be my last foray into 40K for a long time. Possibly for good.

And to make matters worse I now know for a fact that our Tyranid player will be fielding a Flying Hive Tyrant in a 500 point game. Joy. With 2 D-scythe squads I'll have no way to ground it. Still have no idea what to do.

Thanks for your thoughts.

(I did think about jetbikes, though. But if I were gonna go down that road, I'd just load up on them and go Saim-Hann. Was considering it a while ago, actually.)

04-21-2014, 06:09 AM
You must be playing against some WAAC guys and are very inexperienced to be losing so much with what is possibly one of the strongest armies in the current meta...Eldar alone are strong, but Iyanden supplement took that and ran with it.

As for facing a flying hive tyrant, you're just going to have to spend the time on grounding it. Or get an Aegis Defense Line (or borrow it from a friend) and use that to bring it down. Fortifications might be a good addition to some of your lists.

04-21-2014, 11:20 PM
You must be playing against some WAAC guys and are very inexperienced to be losing so much with what is possibly one of the strongest armies in the current meta...Eldar alone are strong, but Iyanden supplement took that and ran with it.

As for facing a flying hive tyrant, you're just going to have to spend the time on grounding it. Or get an Aegis Defense Line (or borrow it from a friend) and use that to bring it down. Fortifications might be a good addition to some of your lists.

It's a little bit of both, honestly. Our Tyranid player, much as he'll deny it, is a WAAC/Efficiency At All Costs player (I doubt anyone else at this thing is gonna try to cram a flyer into a 500 point list). And I am inexperienced, but this is pretty much my first time fielding Eldar of any sort. I'm usually a CSM player, but I don't have anything in 500 points that works as well as this. Which is kinda sad, when I think about it, but I digress.

With what I have above, I have enough for an Aegis with a quad-gun, but I'd have to stick a squad on the line to crew it. Which means I've either got a full squad of Wraithguard not doing anything, and one roaming the field, or two squads roaming the field and a Spiritseer on the line, and he'll be easy pickings.

Is either one of those a good option? The one game I've played with this list so far wasn't a very good barometer (Six man game, two teams of three, 500 points per player) and everything was dying before I could reach it. I do have an Aegis line of my own, btw, didn't occur to me to list it in my first post.

Dave Mcturk
04-22-2014, 04:00 AM
what about : two wraithlords 2x BL 2x flamer / spiritseer HQ / 2 x minimum 'windrider' / 1 x warlock - thats about it.

spirit seer and lock buff the wraithlords from a discreet position. gjb hide and steal objectives. wraithlord hope for healing powers on psychers and can re-roll all '1's that miss so in effect twin linked against everything and 'second chance '6's' v flyers.

against armies that can shoot WL to bits ; just HIDE.

04-22-2014, 04:58 PM

Spiritseer: Spear of Teuthlas

Wraithguard (5)

Wraithguard (5): D-scythes


That way you have both. Keep the D-scythes in the way of enemy assault units. They can't assault you on pain of (wall of) death.

04-23-2014, 04:26 AM

Spiritseer: Spear of Teuthlas

Wraithguard (5)

Wraithguard (5): D-scythes


That way you have both. Keep the D-scythes in the way of enemy assault units. They can't assault you on pain of (wall of) death.

I like the look of this, but I think your math is wrong. I'm calculating those units at a total of 455.

I have a selection of lists in mind now, going from 500 to 1000 to 1500. Warning: Wall o Text Incoming.

Spiritseer w/Spear of Teuthlas
Wraithguard x6 w/Wraithcannons
Wraithguard x5 w/D-Scythes
TOTAL: 487

(between lists, add x4 Wraithguard w/ Wraithcannons, split to two squads of five. Our TO confirmed we can do this in this particular tournament.)

Spiritseer w/Spear of Teuthlas
Spiritseer w/Wraithforge Stone
Wraithguard x5 w/Wraithcannons
Wraithguard x5 w/Wraithcannons
Wraithguard x5 w/D-Scythes
Wraithlord w/ x2 Flamer, Bright Lance
Wraithlord w/ x2 Flamer, Bright Lance
TOTAL: 995

-1 Wraithlord
-1 Wraithlord Bright Lance
+1 Crimson Hunter w/ x2 Bright Lance, Pulse Laser
TOTAL: still 995

Spiritseer w/ Spear of Teuthlas
Spiritseer w/ Wraithforge Stone, Soulshrive, Guardian Helm
Wraithguard x5 w/Wraithcannons
Wraithguard x5 w/Wraithcannons
Wraithguard x5 w/D-Scythes
Wraithlord w/ x2 Flamer, Bright Lance
Wraithlord w/ x2 Flamer, Bright Lance
Wraithknight w/ Suncannon+Scattershield, Scatter Laser
Crimson Hunter w/ x2 Bright Lance, Pulse Laser
TOTAL: 1500 on the nose.

Again, sorry for the wall of text. Our TO says that between lists models may take additional wargear, but we can't take wargear away from a unit between lists. That makes me wonder how I should arrange the gear on the two Spiritseers. Any thoughts on the lists and that particular conundrum?

Thanks again for the help everyone. I really appreciate the feedback.

Dave Mcturk
04-25-2014, 06:27 AM
i know ppl rave about the hunter but it is a real glass cannon: i would be tempted to run DE allies just to get a void bomber !

04-28-2014, 11:03 PM
Have now played two games with this army, one at 500 and one at 1000. Lost both, 500 to Tyranids and 1000 to blob IG. Lists have problems with horde armies, apparently. *sigh*

04-29-2014, 12:25 AM
I'd have to see one of your games in person (or on video) to be able to give you better advice. It just sounds like you're being out maneuvered and very unlucky.

04-29-2014, 12:32 PM
Have now played two games with this army, one at 500 and one at 1000. Lost both, 500 to Tyranids and 1000 to blob IG. Lists have problems with horde armies, apparently. *sigh*

To be fair you did tie with my Guard blob. would have won if Yarrick did not roll like a champ that game. He had line breaker to my first blood at the end no one held the Relic.

04-30-2014, 02:46 AM
Have now played two games with this army, one at 500 and one at 1000. Lost both, 500 to Tyranids and 1000 to blob IG. Lists have problems with horde armies, apparently. *sigh*

It might help to give the Wraithlords scatter lasers. You already have such powerful anti-armour, the high rate of fire of the lasers would help.

Dave Mcturk
04-30-2014, 06:11 AM
the interestingly perplexing thing about wraithlords is their lack of 'battle focus' - war walkers have it!

however moaning aside if you put 2 x starcannon on them they can be very effective - still ap2 v vehicles [scatlaz are ap gash] but four shots with the potential for re-rolls on '1s' from seers? - after all they have two flamers for use against weaker infantry targets!

04-30-2014, 09:53 AM
the interestingly perplexing thing about wraithlords is their lack of 'battle focus' - war walkers have it!

however moaning aside if you put 2 x starcannon on them they can be very effective - still ap2 v vehicles [scatlaz are ap gash] but four shots with the potential for re-rolls on '1s' from seers? - after all they have two flamers for use against weaker infantry targets!

It's because there is a living, breathing Eldar inside piloting a war walker -- but only a dead Eldar spirit animating the Wraithlord.

Dave Mcturk
05-01-2014, 04:02 AM
It's because there is a living, breathing Eldar inside piloting a war walker -- but only a dead Eldar spirit animating the Wraithlord.

and that makes sense because ? i mean why dont they just put a 'live' pilot in the wraith shell ? millions of years of technology and they fail a green wombles rules glitch?

- - - Updated - - -

to be fair getting rid of the 'confused wraith syndrome' made them substantially better !

07-03-2014, 02:30 PM
Read up on the fluff and it makes sense. The biggest problem I see with your army is positioning the Wraithguard. If you had just one Wave Serpent I think a lot of your problems would be solved.