View Full Version : Adeptus Arbites

04-18-2014, 06:04 AM
Hi there,
random question - and Mods please delete if this isn't okay - but does anyone know of someone doing recast or custom Adeptus Arbites?
I have some old lead ones (yes - lead!) and would like to make more, but ideally ones that can be cut up and customised...

Even if you know of a company that do some that are very similar!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

04-18-2014, 08:22 AM
Warlord Games has a Judge Dredd line (which the Arbites are based). There is a variety of Judges that have heavy weapons, flamers, lots of pistol/CC combos, Judges with jet packs, and bikes.


I've also seen some cool conversions using Cadian legs, Empire heads, and SM Scout torsos and arms.

Darren Richardson
04-19-2014, 01:17 AM
a company called www.maxmini.eu do Space Police Helmets, armoured torsos, shotguns and "Anti-riot Gear" which large shields with a shock/power maul, they come in packs of 5, while the heads comes in pack of 10.

While I feel the maul might be a little thin and prone to breaking, they are otherwise nicely modeled, and the heads are most certainly worth the price, the sheer expresiveness of the faces is amazing, they even have a head smoking a cigar!

I'm intending to use these parts with GW's Cadians plastic kit to make up some Aribites myself.

Arkhan Land
04-19-2014, 01:52 AM
I used some remaining cadian officer bits to make my Intelligencer (counts as oro mall inq with psyoculum) and he fits right in with my arbite sqauds, My main thing that I think ties in non Arbite minis with Arbites is the paint scheme. If I see a Human in all black with a red shotgun or a bolter theres only one thing that springs to mind... Imperial spacecop!

Captain Bubonicus
04-19-2014, 09:55 AM
How would y'all rep 'em in a game? I was thinking of subbing 'em in as Inquisitorial Henchmen so they could get a Rhino, but there's no way to give 'em shotguns or a grenade launcher if they're Acolytes. If I use 'em as Astra Militarum Veterans, there's no way to give 'em a Rhino (or boltguns, for the ones armed with 'em.)

Grrr...give us a dataslate! I'll pay ten bucks for one!

04-19-2014, 01:35 PM
If I use 'em as Astra Militarum Veterans, there's no way to give 'em a Rhino (or boltguns, for the ones armed with 'em.)
Well, you can give the veteran sergeant a boltgun.

But I'd run them as Inquisitorial Henchmen. I don't see anything that says you can't have multiple priests in a henchman squad. Priests can take shotguns, acolytes can take boltguns and carapace armor. The whole squad can ride in a Rhino. It doesn't you grenade launchers, true, and your shotgun-wielders are stuck with flak armor, but in my opinion it's closer than veterans.