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View Full Version : Infantry Screen

01-05-2010, 04:36 PM
I am really interested in making a proper Infantry Screen for my Imperial Guard Long Range Firepower (Depending on the game, it could be basilisks, it could be LRBTs, or a Deathstrike Missile). I still run a good deal of Mechanized Infantry, but I wass wondering if people though this would be a decent Infantry Screen

1xCommand Squad
(Vox Caster, Medic?, 2xMeltaguns (or plasma guns)
3xInfantry Squads
Vox Caster, Grenade Launcher
2xHeavy Weapons Squads (lascannons, autocannons)
2xCommissars (bolt Pistol and power sword)


(Theme of my army is ad-mech, the Platoon would look like Miners Hurriedly pressed into service, commissars are tech priests that look like they have cattle prods instead of axes)

01-05-2010, 09:51 PM
I'd lose the heavy weapon squads, add in two more infantry squads, and shift your heavy weapons to the infantry squads. Heavy weapon squads die very quickly and can only target a single unit. You get three heavy weapons that respond to a single order, but I don't think the trade off is worth it. Plus, if you want three heavy weapons to respond to an order you can combine three of your infantry squads, not that I suggest combining squads.

If your command squad is packing melta, you might be throwing points away on a medic. You don't get Feel No Pain when denied an armor save and you don't get it when subject to Instant Death. With an armor save of 5+ and a toughness of 3, lots of attacks fall into one of those categories. With Plasma, Feel No Pain would mostly serve to provide re-rolls on Get's Hot wounds.

If you can keep multi-charging to a minimum, more squads means more time getting to your tanks and more opportunities to pour fire into assaulting units. Commissars are useful and I love them to death, but I've found that a stubborn 10 man infantry squad tends to survive just long enough to do more harm than good. I like my infantry squads to get slaughtered on my opponent's assault phase so his unit is left open to shooting when my turn comes around.

01-05-2010, 10:22 PM
You don't get Feel No Pain when denied an armor save and you don't get it when subject to Instant Death. With an armor save of 5+ and a toughness of 3, lots of attacks fall into one of those categories.
Re-read your USR section. You don't Feel No Pain when subject to Instant Death, or subject to an attack against which no armor save could ever be taken - not your armor save specifically, but any armor save. 5+ armor still gets FNP when hit by AP5, AP4, or AP3.

01-05-2010, 11:23 PM
Don't bother with medics, FNP isn't worth it on 5 T3 dudes.

A good screen is simply infantry with 1 commissar. Add what you like and run up into something. HWS are cheap fire support, but fragile, so stick to cover and take lots. Autocannons only.

01-11-2010, 06:45 PM
Don't bother with medics, FNP isn't worth it on 5 T3 dudes.

A good screen is simply infantry with 1 commissar. Add what you like and run up into something. HWS are cheap fire support, but fragile, so stick to cover and take lots. Autocannons only.

Or put the HWS in chimera bunkers. They can still do alot of dmg and are less fragile.

01-11-2010, 10:23 PM
Eh, they have to move turn 1 to get into the Chimeras (can't deploy inside somebody else's dedicated transport). At that point, you may as well get Hydras for cheaper.

01-23-2010, 04:01 PM
why not go the whole hog and take a unit of conscripts? - 80 pts for a unit of 20 seems good to me especially if you put a lord commisar in with them