View Full Version : Need help deciding on an army...in the short term...

Crydon Games
04-17-2014, 08:31 PM
Ok, I own about 2k worth of Dark Angels, 1500 worth of eldar (no tanks), 2 knights, a baneblade (nib), some tyranids and a small Khorne army but not excited about anything but the knights. I'm exited about a full knight army, but I am looking for a fun army in the meantime. Cannot be the most expensive thing GW sells, but needs to be fun. Any thoughts...

If you were starting fresh right now, what would you do?

04-17-2014, 09:03 PM
Dark Angels have always looked like fun to me, and as an Imperial army, they mix well with the knights. Sell off the baneblade to an actual IG player and use the money to buy more Dark Angels. Or, I dunno, a fellblade or another Knight. I like Eldar ok, but they don't mesh as well with Knights fluff-wise. And Eldar tanks are kind of the thing these days, so your collection won't take you quite as far.

White Tiger88
04-17-2014, 11:17 PM
Ok, I own about 2k worth of Dark Angels, 1500 worth of eldar (no tanks), 2 knights, a baneblade (nib), some tyranids and a small Khorne army but not excited about anything but the knights. I'm exited about a full knight army, but I am looking for a fun army in the meantime. Cannot be the most expensive thing GW sells, but needs to be fun. Any thoughts...

If you were starting fresh right now, what would you do?

Chaos Daemons.....and i happen to be able to help you get a deal on 8000pts worth ;)

04-18-2014, 06:13 AM
Grey Knights. Fewest models required to field an army.

Dave Mcturk
04-20-2014, 11:56 AM
eldar. superior race. no brainer. [wraithnight!]

04-20-2014, 12:13 PM
Quick to build (ie smaller army size and less models to paint), not too expensive.

I'd agree Grey Knights would be the way to go, you could also ally them with your knights or Dark Angels later and pick up a couple inquisitors to model at the same time.

Orks are also an inexpensive option especially with Vehicles, but I would probably wait for their new codex before investing too heavily in them.

05-05-2014, 08:45 AM
AM has been the most fun army ive ever played. So many different varations, and there are a ton of fluff models if youre playing for fun, like ogryns bullgryns, ratlings, and you can do some much with platoons.